Hot Blooded

My breath hitched inside my diaphragm, threatening to never leave my body again. No, no, no, no, no, I cried. My wolf echoed her painful howl right along with mine.


Selene’s glamour slowly evaporated, like a fog lifting from a mire, exposing Rourke for the first time. He hung from the ceiling upside down thirty feet in the air. From what I could see, his chest was eviscerated by a long, jagged incision. All his organs had tumbled out, masking this torso completely. My gods. His beautifully tattooed arms were bound with silver chains. They swung listlessly below his head, as thick, coagulated blood covered them. Most of it had congealed, but a few slow, fat drops hit the ground as I stared in horror.


Selene had done this unspeakable thing recently. She had cut him open and bled him dry, wanting me to witness his agonizing death personally. If she’d done it before, there would be no fresh blood.


An agonized sound came out of my mouth as I willed his skin to knit back together with my mind. Please, baby, please start healing! Is his chest pinned back with something to keep it from mending? I asked my wolf. She couldn’t answer me, because her muzzle was foaming with rabid anger. I crawled from under the table, mesmerized by his pain, my heart shattering. Candlelight flickered and something glinted off his side. It’s silver. She’s secured his skin back with silver. He can’t heal! My wolf stood motionless, her ears pinned back, a feral sound issuing from her throat. We have to get to him quickly. I started to run. She hasn’t severed his spine. We can save—


“Do you like what you see?” Selene cackled. I didn’t stop running. “He’s a little busy dying right now, but do you see how wonderfully he glistens? Ahhh, and that smell! Death radiates a special kind of scent. Don’t you agree?” I was almost to him. “Stop!” she screamed. “Or he dies now.” An explosion hit the wall closest to me.


My head snapped to her voice and I slid to a stop.


She must have dropped her glamour at the same time she dropped her hold on Rourke, but I hadn’t even noticed. There was a small alcove running along the cavern directly across from where Rourke hung. She was just outside it, swinging on something. Is that some kind of trapeze? My wolf didn’t answer. She refused to tear her mind away from Rourke.


The thing Selene sat on was attached to the rocky cavern ceiling by thick chains and she swung idly, like she was bored, dressed in her ridiculous biker-chick outfit: all black leather, corsets, and spikes. Her long, red tresses flowed out behind her, her porcelain skin glowing in the candlelight. I focused my eyes harder. What she was on was too bulky and too thick to be a regular swing.


My stomach gave a wild lurch.


The only distinguishing human feature of the thing wrapped up in dark netting was the chestnut hair flowing through the holes. The body was drenched in blood and unrecognizable. But I knew who it was. I’m coming for you, Naomi. We will avenge her together.


Selene caught my eye, making sure I took in every ounce of her dramatic unveiling, and then tossed her head back. “Do you know how long I’ve waited to have my revenge on this hateful traitor? More than three hundred years. I gave this bitch everything and she threw it all in my face the first chance she got.” She smiled, her pouty lips straightening in to a grim line. “It was so deliciously wonderful that you led her right to my doorstep. You did something her brother failed to do for three centuries! I should reward you, but honestly it will be more fun to kill you. But, because of your generous gift, I’ll save you for last.”


Eamon had failed to bring her here? That means he’s been working as Selene’s spy the entire time. He never left her service. Things fell into place quickly. My wolf was still inconsolable, pushing me toward Rourke with all her might. Before I could get her full attention, there was a small noise behind me.


“Seize her!” Selene yelled, laughing. She was enjoying this way too much.


It was time to change things up.


I spun without looking. With incredible speed I collided with Eamon, shoving my foot into his rib cage, smashing him back into the nearest rock wall. The side of the cavern blew apart on impact. Eamon sprang out of the broken pieces immediately, seemingly unharmed, except for a line of blood lingering at the left corner of his mouth. His lips curled at the sides as his chin started to slid down, his cheekbones twisting ghoulishly.