Hot Blooded

“Non.” Naomi shook her head. “Not to my knowledge.”



“Great,” I said. “Problem solved. Once you’re found, people will wonder, but it won’t matter if it’s never happened before. Your Queen will have no reason to believe my blood was the true culprit of the severed bond, and not death.”


Eamon sputtered. “It is not as easy as that!”


Naomi waved her hand, effectively cutting him off. “Enough of this. We waste time. Eamon, it is of little consequence now. We do not even know if I will emerge alive from our battle with Selene. Once we have an outcome, we will forge something reasonable.”


“That’s one way to look at it,” I mused. “But I’m actually hoping we all make it out alive.”


Tyler strode up beside me. “We need to move now. We’re wasting time.”


I nodded. “Let’s go.”




“I feel something strange,” I told Danny, who stood next to me. “The game with Selene has shifted. She wants me and I’m taking too long.” Shivers ran up my spine as the energy in the air seemed to move on its own. We stood on the shallow ledge outside the cave we’d just emerged from, waiting for Naomi to come back. I’d sent her to check on Ray and drop off all but one of the packs with him, since we wouldn’t need them until we were done anyway. Tyler had gone with Eamon to scout the climb.


Danny shook his head. “I don’t feel anything, except for the new massive strength running through my veins thanks to you. I feel like I could take on a goddess and win.” He flexed his muscles and grinned. “It’s a rather nice feeling.”


I smiled. “That’s a good thing, I hope.” I kicked some rocks out of my way and glanced around for any ugly bugs that might be wandering around. No Scorpers in sight. Danny had kept a good vigil while I was out. Some had come out of the cracks below us, but it looked like we were up too high for them. “The vamps say it’s a short, steep climb up and to the right,” I said. “Once we get there, we stick to the plan.”


Naomi had agreed to come in after us carrying the spell darts, but Eamon refused to commit to helping us in any way. Tyler and Danny were going to shift outside and follow me in. It was the best plan we had.


My mind raced to Rourke. His blond stubble, his ridiculously clear green eyes, him laughing, fighting, his arms on my waist. My wolf sat up and whined. We will get him out alive. She barked and flashed me a scene of her own, him in the creek, shirtless, the sun glinting off his body, dark tattoos snaking up his forearms, beautiful and bold. Then she did something she hadn’t done in a long time. She echoed his voice in my ears. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. It’s all going to be okay.”


I stumbled forward, my breath catching in my throat, producing a strangled mew before I could stop myself.


Danny whipped his hand out and yanked me back from the edge. “I don’t think now would be a good time to head down the hill,” Danny chastised. “Plus, that would be quite a setback having to dig your broken body out of the rocks below. We are up quite high, you know.”


“I can see that. I’m sorry,” I stammered. “I just… something caught me off guard. Thank you for catching me. Where’s Naomi?” I scanned the sky. “She should’ve been back by now. It should’ve taken her five minutes. There must’ve been a problem with Ray.”


That was unfair, I scolded my wolf. Hearing Rourke’s voice had overwhelmed me and triggered a new flood of emotion I hadn’t realized had been lingering right under the surface, waiting for just the right moment to erupt and swallow me whole. My wolf lifted her muzzle, curling her lips, showing me her teeth—almost a snarl, but more like a warning. I get it. I might be actively suppressing my emotions, but it’s only to protect myself so I don’t go insane. It’s a human coping mechanism, and I happen to need it. You can’t expect me to think like you do this quickly. She chomped her muzzle down twice, her eyes flecked with violet. Okay, but ask yourself this—what if we’re too late? The thought of losing Rourke forever sent emotional needles prickling through me, causing me actual, physical pain.


I rubbed my arms.


My wolf turned her back on me, her fur bristling. Fine. You don’t want to talk about it. But maybe my not dwelling on it has some merit. It will be devastating enough to see him hurt. Selene will not go easy on him. My wolf slowly turned to look at me and a scene shot into my mind, clear and bright like a movie playing out in front of me. Two children. A boy and a girl. One blond, like her father, one dark like his mother.


A child ran toward me, his arms open.