Hot Blooded

“I don’t give two shites about the bloody cat!” Danny shouted in frustration. His voice echoed, bouncing back to my ears. We must be in a cave, I told my wolf. No response. “What happens in that scenario is we go in there and die. Selene lives and Jessica rots here because she can’t wake up.”



Tyler jumped to his feet. His anger pressed down on me. His emotions swirled through my blood, pummeling me with intensity. Pain, sorrow, and rage. “The cat is my sister’s mate. Whether she lives or dies doesn’t change that. We kill the Goddess and he lives. We are strong enough to do this ourselves.”


“You have a bloody thick skull, you know that? If we go in there, we all perish—including the cat.” Danny’s footfalls faded as he left the cave.


Why couldn’t I wake up?


I reached out to my wolf again, probing my mind for any clues. She was still lying on her side. Wake up! I shouted. Can you hear me? Her front paw twitched, but nothing more.


I gave a mental push outward.


My power flowed out, but then flexed back at me when it hit something. I think we’re trapped in some kind of power bubble. If that was the case, I just had to figure out how to break it open. That sounds easy enough, right? Nothing from my wolf. It seemed that for some reason my human side had woken up, but my wolf side was still asleep. I wasn’t going to argue; I was happy to be awake, but now I had to fix it.


Come on, Jess, Tyler pleaded. Just wake up. His hand hit my fur at the same time he pushed into my mind.


A crackle of power ran between us at the contact, like a jolt from a car battery.


He gasped and I knew he felt it too.


He knelt down immediately, both his hands plunging deeply into my fur. The weight of him calmed me. What’s going on? Tell me what to do. Are you trapped?


I pushed out to him with my mind, but I had to force it with all my strength. I’m here. Can you hear me?


He stilled. Yes. His voice was excited. But you sound far away. If I couldn’t feel you in my blood right now, I almost wouldn’t believe it was you talking.


My wolf is unconscious and I’m in some kind of suspended state.


Your heart isn’t beating, Jess, Tyler said quietly. And you’re not breathing. You should be dead.


Clearly I’m not dead, but honestly, I’m not sure I would’ve woken up had you not been here. Did you touch me before?


Yes, just a few minutes ago.


I think our blood connection is what woke me up. It feels amplified now with your hands on me. You’re bleeding some of your energy into me.


That’s the best fucking news I’ve ever heard. But why aren’t you shaking this off?


I don’t know. I think I have to pop the cocoon somehow, but my wolf is still out cold.


I can push more energy toward you, like a direct hit. Do you think that will help?


Give it a try. I must be in a state of limbo of some kind. I wasn’t breathing and my heart wasn’t beating. I tried to gather some of my own power to me, but when I opened myself up, it felt completely empty. I couldn’t find anything to draw from. I pulled anyway, and as I did the bubble bowed, sucking back at me.


The totality of my power was being used to protect me. It had all shifted outward.


Tyler, all my power is on the outside. It’s keeping me safe in this enclosure.


I’m going to give you some of mine. A current of raw power hit my senses immediately, igniting me. My wolf stirred for a second, shaking her legs and growling. It wasn’t enough to wake her, but we’d both felt it. Supernaturals, especially the older ones, could focus their power like Tyler was doing now. Witches were especially gifted at doing this with their familiars, who stored the extra power until the witch needed a boost. Tyler wasn’t that old, but the new connection between us made it seem like a natural thing to do.


I absorbed it greedily. It’s working. It’s easier to communicate with you now. Once I accumulate enough, I’m going to aim it outward. If I can break whatever’s holding me in with enough energy, I think I’ll be free.


Be careful, Jess. I’ve never seen a wolf in this state. Are you sure if you pop it you won’t die? What if the cocoon is the only thing keeping you alive?


I paused. I had no idea. I have to go with my gut on this one. It feels right to burst it open. Honestly, what other option do I have?


Fine, Tyler grumbled. But if you die, I’m going to kill you. He continued siphoning power toward me, taking me at my word.


How long have I been out?


A couple hours.


I was relieved we hadn’t lost another day. By the way, you’re my hero. I heard what you said to Danny about saving Rourke. It would’ve been the stupidest, most foolhardy thing to do, but noble and awesome at the same time.


Saving the cat would’ve been a byproduct of killing Selene, Tyler groused. Don’t get too excited.


Keep telling yourself that, little brother, and maybe you’ll start to believe it. I’d been born seven minutes before him, but it was the gift that kept on giving.




His energy filled me quickly. Am I taking too much? I asked. I hadn’t thought of what it could do to my brother.