Hot Blooded

“Humans are weak.” Naomi shrugged, a glint of sliver piercing deeply inside her irises, flashing outward in the dark like a spark. “I made sure he was aware of what was happening, and then for good measure, I dropped him.” When I appeared startled, she smiled. “But only for the briefest of moments. In human time it was only a few seconds at most. When I caught him, he had already fainted.” She glanced down at Ray’s lifeless body impassively. “I have no idea why you would go to great lengths for a human such as this. But this one stayed awake longer than most.” There was a hint of grudging respect in her soft, French lilt.


“Ray is a guinea pig of sorts.” I moved closer to them. “Vamps might have a greater disregard for human life, but my ultimate plan is to try and preserve it when and if I can.” I had to be honest with myself and admit that wanting Ray to live was something I felt deep down, almost like an urge that was out of my control. The Prophecy pinged in my mind for a quick second, but I didn’t have time to analyze my feelings on the matter.


“Humans are of small consequence to us.” She shrugged her petite shoulders, her long chestnut hair swaying in the night air. The gesture and the breeze made her appear a teensy bit more normal and less supernatural horror. “We have little need to kill them. If we don’t wish it, they would never know we were there. But if an occasional human life gets lost, so be it.”


Under different circumstances, I might have been tempted to remind Naomi that she’d been human once. But now wasn’t the time, and I knew too many years had passed since she’d been one for it to register with any kind of meaning. Add in the fact I had no idea how I would feel about humans when I was that old and it was almost a moot point. Maybe I’d forget what being human was like so much, they’d barely be a blip on my radar too.


Ray moaned.


“Well,” I finally replied. “This one’s life is not up for grabs yet.” I pushed a toe into his thigh. “Hey, Ray, it’s time to wake up.” I wiggled my foot back and forth, shaking him. “Come on. We need to get a move on.”


His eyes blinked open with a start, his body and fists instantly tensing for a fight.


I crouched down beside him. “Are you ready to come quietly now? Or do the vamps need to take you on another ride?”


“Hannon.” His voice came out creaky and raspy, like his throat had been damaged from screaming. “I have no idea how they achieved that, but that was some of the craziest shit I’ve ever seen.”


“You didn’t answer my question, Ray. Does that mean you’re ready to come without a fuss?” I peered at him closely. I could almost see the cogs rotating in his brain, his logical detective side warring with his whimsical side, likely a side of his brain he hadn’t utilized since he was a child, if that. Children were much more inclined to believe in the unreal, their brains tailored to accept all things. I knew Ray desperately didn’t want to believe in the unexplained, but we were beyond that now. “Your time is up. We can’t keep going like this and you know it. Make up your mind.” I stood. “Are you ready to accept or not?”


He sat up slowly, glancing around, his gaze landing on Naomi and then back to me. “Fine. I’m coming,” he said, rubbing the road out of his hair. “It feels like my brain is skewered open, but a human being able to fly is no magic trick I’ve ever seen.” He looked at me for a quick second and then dropped his eyes. “But if anyone comes after me, I will not hesitate to fight. Just because you crazies exist, doesn’t mean I’m signing on the dotted line.”


“Ray,” I hissed on the end of a frustrated breath. “You exhaust me. You can fight all you want, but you’re not going to win. That’s been your biggest obstacle all along—thinking you actually have a chance against us.” I motioned for him to stand. “Once you get that through your impenetrable skull, your brain will thank you for it. And you will indeed sign on the dotted line, either that or you’ll be dead.”


“A well-fought battle isn’t a loss, Hannon. Only a loser doesn’t try.”


“Ray, my name is Jessica. No need to refer to me as Hannon anymore.” It seemed another lifetime ago that I’d gone by that name.


He stood, but Eamon swooshed down in front of the group before he could answer. It was kind of incredible to see him land from full speed. It should have been a train wreck, but instead he looked like an Olympic gymnast sticking a perfect landing. The pavement didn’t even wiggle. It seemed as if the velocity stopped right as his feet came in contact with the ground.


It was pretty cool. I could grudge him that much.


“The Goddess is close,” Eamon proclaimed with stuffy arrogance. “I can feel her strength. When she detects us, as she will, she will not stand idly by and let us attack. We must move now.”