Hot Blooded

I had a gagged Ray, still tied with a dish towel, by the scruff of the neck. We stood just outside the Humvee. Even though the high beams were illuminating the darkness, I swear the yellow paint on the car doors would’ve sufficed as a lantern. I shook my head sadly.


Danny and Tyler had taken up behind us, looking as tough and bold in their jeans as the vamps did. They were at least a foot taller than the twins, with more muscle and fiercer snarls. “That’s what I just said.” My patience with Eamon waned with every single word out of his mouth. “What I want to know is if you can fly him over the border without snacking on him or dropping him for sport?” Ray tensed at my words, but stayed silent. Ray’s utter shock made me certain that vamps could glamour themselves when they felt like it; otherwise they could never leave the confines of their home and go out in public, and I knew they had to go out. There was no way all those vampires stayed inside all night. But it was obvious they weren’t cloaking themselves now because Ray was just short of babbling like a baby. In this state the vamps screamed otherworldly. “He’s traveling with us and he goes unmolested unless I say so.”


Eamon curled his top lip, like munching on humans wasn’t what he did for a living. “We have already sipped tonight. We have no need of more.”


Sipped? From what I gathered of the Queen’s decorative chamber ceiling and walls during my last visit, when vamps ate, they ripped, tore, feasted, gulped, and sucked. I saw no evidence of sipping depicted anywhere.


“Great.” I yanked Ray around to face me, hillbilly style. “Listen, Ray. This is your last chance to get this right. You absolutely lucked out tonight. Do you hear me? These nice vampires are going to fly you over the border. We’ll meet you on the other side. Seeing that my original plan when I veered off the road involved a shovel and some digging, consider yourself spared. Vamp transportation is a much better alternative than a shallow grave.” He stared at me unblinking like I was speaking in gibberish. “And when we pick you up on the other side, you will come with us willingly.” That was the key word. “If you don’t get yourself figured out by then and finally buy into what we’re selling you, they get to eat you, or sip you to death, or whatever it is they do. Understand? This is it, Ray. End of the road. I’ve had enough.”


Honestly, if flying through the air with vamps wasn’t enough to convince Ray everything we’d said so far was true, nothing was going to do the trick and he was a lost cause. Introducing him to demons was not an option and anything else would take too long.


I hoped a little shock therapy would go a long way.


I ripped Ray’s gag off and tossed it to the ground. Then I spun him around to undo his ties, which turned out to be an artfully tied three-foot extension cord. Jesus. “Hannon, this won’t work,” Ray sputtered as soon as he could find the words. “I know what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to scare me, but it won’t—”


Naomi shot toward us in a blur, stopping a few feet in front of Ray, effectively cutting his tirade short. Her striking visage was even more startling this close. I could smell the fear instantly pool along Ray’s skin.


“Of course it will work,” I replied, acting like nothing unusual had just happened and a spooky vampire wasn’t invading his personal space. “After you’ve flown with vamps, there won’t be anything left to explain. You’ll come to your senses, believe what we’re telling you to be the truth, agree to our demands, and save your own damn life. We all win. I’m going to look forward to the pats on the back in Pack for being such a trailblazer when it comes to preserving human life. Who knew all it was going to take was a little solo flying with vampires?”


“I don’t care wh-what you say,” Ray stammered. “Vampires and werewolves can’t possibly exist. It’s not natural. I want no part of this fuc—”


Naomi leaned in quickly, her ivory fangs snapping down in an instant. She bared her incisors as her face began to do that slide-downward thing I’d seen Valdov and the Queen do when they were angry. Her skin appeared to melt off her face like hot wax. How in the hell did they do that? I wasn’t about to ask and ruin the show. “We exist, human,” she hissed. “You would do well to fear us.”


Ray stumbled backward so quickly he fell. I let him go and he landed flat on his back.


I left him there as I peered at Naomi, watching as her face glided back to normal. She glanced over at me once everything was back in its rightful place, seeming proud of herself for providing the trick to terrify the human.


“I think I’m beginning to like you,” I told her honestly. Nothing like a supe with a plucky attitude. She’d caught on to the situation fast, no tutorials needed. Unlike her brother, who stood off to the side brooding, with his arms crossed like a petulant child. “He’s all yours.” I nodded to Naomi. “We’ll cross the border up the main highway and pick him up five miles on the other side. I’ll look for an outlet.”


Eamon paced forward like he’d sipped a lemon.