Heart Song


By nightfall, crews of dwarves, centaurs, and other therianthropes had arrived and made camp inside and around the small cluster of trees. Raden had Danst with him, and Enid trained with the other werewolves. Tobias worked with the others as I sat bored, wishing I was sparring too. With as helpless as I felt, it was good to learn Jiren would find out the races of this world weren’t going to give up without a fight. Ildir went to the elves to speak with Joe’n and Blyl, who remained reluctant to allow those who followed him, the serpentines and drakes, to enter the fight. He seemed rather neutral to the whole idea. It bothered me.


My weakened state passed with the hours. I found a werewolf who wouldn’t disobey me for anything and requested a sword of which he was more than happy to give. Jiren isn’t the only one with persuasion. I also managed to talk him into sparring with me. The exercise renewed me. The more I fought, the better I felt. Like fighting fed my soul.


I disarmed my opponent and glanced up in time to find Tobias had observed my skills in action. Whether he was shocked, amazed, or neutral? I had no idea. He kept his demeanor level and moved on quickly without telling me to stop. Not that I would have listened.


But my opponent needed a break. I gave up fighting, taking a seat on a nearby fallen tree and started to sharpen my sword. Once I did so, something moved deep inside me, like butterflies in my stomach, but lower. Flutter, flutter, flutter. Then it stopped. My hand went instinctively to my lower abdomen. A stronger flutter returned. I didn’t understand much about pregnancy, but it seemed too early to experience the baby moving.


My gaze shifted to Okelo as she approached. She smiled as though I spoke my thoughts to her. Her hair was pulled from her face and had the same sack strapped to her back. She stopped in front of me and said, “You are absolutely glowing. Word is Marren is doing well. They expect him to wake in a few weeks.”


My heart fell. “Weeks?”


“Well, it’s a far cry from the months they were anticipating originally.”


I nodded, still unsure about the time. The baby fluttered again. “Oh, how is it possible? I’m only one month along. I can’t be experiencing movement this early, can I?”


“We have faster pregnancies than humans. So, yes.”


“How much faster?”


“You will have your little one in four months’ time. Which is why Marren’s potential to wake in weeks is much better than months. The first night the baby is born is an important bonding time for the baby and father.”


“Do they grow faster too?”


She nodded and unstrapped Serid, who appeared so much bigger since the last I laid eyes on him. He appeared as though he was ready to walk on his own.


“Yes, until the age they make their first change. That’s when the growing slows down, almost completely stopping.”


“Relena!” Danst called me from outside of the trees. I found him with a big smile on his face. He waved me over with his hand.


“Excuse me.”


“Of course,” Okelo said.


For one moment, I had forgotten that we were preparing for a battle. I had an inkling to question Okelo’s presence but remembered that she had taken her mate’s place as Marren’s second. Still, something seemed off.





Ildir, Joe’n and Blyl stood in the field of tall grass waiting for me. Danst had been instructed to bring me to them. I hated that he tried so hard to fit in with his people and yet never belonged to either side of his blood.


It was dark. The sky, riddled with dots of glitter and gold, was spotted with light fluffy clouds. The moon had yet to rise and bring light to the field. The Ancients stood side by side as I approached them. Their were eyes on me. It made my heart falter slightly. I wasn’t sure what this meeting was about, but it couldn’t be good.


Joe’n spoke first, “Marren is on the mend. We expect a full recovery soon. When is up to him.”


“Thank you for everything you are doing for him,” I said.


“It is our pleasure, but this is not what we called you to us for,” Joe’n said.




“Tobias,” Ildir said, “requests that you stay out of the battle.”


I laughed under my breath. More from impatience than humor. “And you agree?”


“We think that it’s best you don’t do anything to risk Marren’s recovery.”


“I’m fighting. End of discussion,” I said.


They all gazed at me with wide eyes, completely shocked that I would dare go against an Ancient.


“Relena, we come to you as a friend. We’re concerned that you—”


“I’m capable of fighting, and Tobias witnessed it only moments ago.”


“We are not questioning your abilities,” Joe’n added. “We want to ensure Marren’s health remains stable and that you also remain careful and cautious with your actions.”


“I won’t stand by while everyone but me fights for their lives and may even lose them.”