Heart Song

I couldn’t make out anything noteworthy or spectacular about the appearance of Jiren. He seemed as regular as any human, cloaked in robes with only his round face remaining exposed. His reddish blond eyebrows loomed over bright green eyes, arched with a sort of superiority that made him seem as though he held himself above everyone in the room. His lips were uneven in the way of what should have been stout peaks above the bottom lip were two mere hills resting on top of a thick mound of flesh. His firm jaw jutted toward me. I hardened my resolve as a blaze lit inside my gut. He may hold my life in his hands and the decision to allow me inside the immortal realm, but that in no way made him better than me.


“Give me your hands,” he commanded in a sharp tone. I handed them to him, not breaking from his stare. His hands tingled and buzzed with energy, like tiny prickles of vibrations. The sensation grew in intensity and moved up my arm, becoming more uncomfortable the further up it climbed. I saw the corner of his lip curl up, and I yanked my hands free from his grasp. His green eyes turned cold and darkened.


“Stick with the ritual, Jiren,” Joe’n hissed.


He peered over his shoulder with a smirk filled with disgust, then returned his attention to me.


“Look into my eyes,” he spoke bitterly.


Seeing as how I never took my eyes off his, it seemed rather redundant to say such a thing. He broke away from my gaze much quicker than I thought the others did. I bowed again. He didn’t so much as acknowledge it, instead returned to his seat with an exasperated sigh.


“So, she’s passed? Is she allowed to cross over?”


“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Marren,” Jiren said. “I have a few necessary things I want to know before we give our decision.”


“Such as?” Marren asked with that same not-so-hidden tone.


“You are aware of the laws. I’m not convinced that this girl is who she says she is.”


“I say she is. Not the other way around, and I refuse to discuss that matter further with you. I’ve said all I’ve had to say.”


“But has Relena?” Jiren asked.


“What do you mean?” I asked.


“What makes you think you are suited for him?”


“I don’t believe that heart songs work like that, but I don’t think I’m suited for him,” I paused at the air of pride and cunning stretch Jiren’s lips, “I know I am.”


His smile faded. “What makes you think you are his heart song?”


“What makes you think I’m not?” I asked evenly.


“You tread deep waters, I would mind my tongue if I were you,” he said with an edge in his voice.


“Well, it’s a damn good thing I’m not you,” I said, quick with my retort.


He approached me quickly, stopping directly in front of me. Joe’n and Blyl stood from their chairs and even Marren let out a warning growl that frightened me. I wasn’t aware he could do that.


Jiren glared into my eyes and said, “You can fool the others, but you cannot fool me!”


“I would have to be hiding something to be fooling anyone,” I said.


His eyes glinted light from within, a hungry and evil smirk stretching his lips. His gaze shifted to Marren. Calmly he said, “She may join you. Be warned, she will have to face the other Ancients, and she must pass the test.”


He returned to his seat.


“Fine. When she passes, you know what will happen,” Marren warned and bowed to the Ancients once more.


“It was lovely to meet you,” I said and bowed as well. Marren and I turned on our heels, walking out in the same manner we entered.






Chapter 10



The Change




I sat on the floor in front of the fire place and stared as the flames licked the walls of the surround. I soaked up the heat, letting it seep into me and soothe the aching that still remained from the intense workout the night before. I was trying to relax myself to better prepare for the upcoming change that seemed closer than before. Sunset came upon us. The moment I would change remained undetermined. The cramps happening during the daytime were a shock to Marren. We decided it was due to me being changed by him, being his heart song, and being bitten during the blue moon.


Something fell on my shoulder, jarring me from my relaxed state. I shrugged off the weight and then a painful groan fell on my ears. I turned to find Marren picking himself up off the floor in front of the cracked door that hung half off its hinges.


“Oh no, Marren! Are you—how did I do that?” I was caught off guard as soon as the realization I was responsible dawned on me.


“The change has been coursing through your body before you actually turn. Your strength has already evolved.” He stood, stretched his shoulders and neck then took a fighting stance.


“Seriously, you want to spar? Now?”


His lips pulled taut, revealing bright white teeth, the thrill of his intentions gleaming in his eyes.


“Marren,” I said, pleading to no avail.


He lunged at me. I jumped out of the way before he reached me, sending him sliding into the fireplace, chipping a piece of the marble off.


He picked himself up. “Come on, Relena. Don’t you want to play?”


“Any other day maybe, but I’m in pain, I’m scared, and the last thing on my mind is trying to break every bone in my body before I change.”