Heart Song

As he removed the rest of our clothing, his words rang in my head with a meaning I didn’t yet comprehend. You’re my heart song, Relena. I’m never going to let you go…



When he entered me, it hurt but it quickly became the best sensation in the world. I clawed him as a small moan escaped me, making him push harder into me. The way we moved was like a dance, a constant rhythm and movement with our hands everywhere. Pressure pooled at my center, slowly building and moving farther down. I craved release. Needed it. He had brought me to a level of euphoria I never thought was attainable. I wrapped my legs and arms around him as he pulled me into his lap. He brushed my hair from my neck and shoulders and kissed the skin there.


“Forever,” he breathed into my neck. The warmth forced me to fight a shiver.




He kissed my neck a few more times and then inhaled deep before biting into my skin. Intense stinging burned through my skin. I scratched him, causing him to bite harder and the intensity to increase. I cried out and gripped his shoulders from under his arms and waited for the pain to subside.


“Are you okay?” he asked in a shaky whisper.


“I’m perfect,” I said.


He breathed a chuckle then resumed kissing me and making love once more.





The sun brightened the sky outside my room, and the light filtered in as a breeze caused the curtains to dance along the floor. I studied the contrast in skin tones between our arms. His pinned me against his torso and refused to let me budge at all since falling asleep. I had different emotions ranging from pure elation, contentment, and apprehensiveness swirling within me. The elation was due to finally believing I was where I belonged. Content, because I wouldn’t mind if I never left this bed for the next hundred years. Apprehension because I was scared about the changes taking place in my body and worried about the company that had Marren on edge.


I started tracing the length of his arm with my finger, moving along the creases of his hands and over the bumps of his knuckles. He squeezed me tighter, pulling his other arm around me from under my neck and kissed my shoulder. My body’s excitement grew with his touch. So easily he had me willing to give myself to him again. All with just a tiny touch.


I rolled over to face him, draping my arm over his side and satisfying my craving for his kiss. He chuckled again, and it forced me to pause and take in the way my heart danced. “I don’t know if I will ever get used to that.”


“I hope not,” he said.


“You know what I’m feeling?”


He smiled. “Yes. It’s what happens when heart songs finds the person they were meant to be with. Their heart dances when they hear their love’s laughter.”


“Does yours do it too?” I asked, a bit anxious.


“Yes. It also cries when you’re in immense emotional pain.” His eyes darkened, and I realized his thumb was grazing the top of a scar.


“How long have you experienced this?”


“Since the day you breathed your first breath.”


“That must have been miserable for you.”


“Only because I couldn’t comfort you. It’s all I wanted to do, but you had it in your mind I was nothing but a dissident seducer, I believe that was the term you used.” He squeezed me, holding me close to him while he rolled to his back. “How did you sleep?”


“Like last night was, by far, the best night of my existence.”


“It was for me, too. I’ve waited for you for a while. How much did I hurt you?”


“You didn’t…not really. How much did I scratch you?”


“You didn’t. They’re already healed.” He smiled at me.


“Well, at least I will always have your smile if the sun dies. If we’re keeping track, you did seduce me.”


“Gvgeyu, waya uwoduhi.” The words flowed off his tongue as he moved my hair to my back.


I smiled, enchanted by his words. “What does that mean?”


“It’s the language of the therianthropes and means something like I love you, but much deeper than the human connotation.”


“It’s…beautiful. So, A’lainn means beautiful?”




I stared hard at him. Confused, I said, “Enid told me—”


“Enid’s native language is different from mine.”


“Isn’t he a werewolf also?”


“Everyone under this roof is, or will be as soon as you complete the change.”


“When will that be?”


“On the first night of the blue moon, because that is when the pull of energy is the strongest, which can mean waiting quite some time before it happens, but then it’s much harder and unexpected. After the first time, you will be able to change every night except during dark nights.”


“When is the next blue moon?” My voice cracked leading on to my fear.