Half a War

She took her time. Working up her courage, maybe. Enjoying getting there, maybe. Letting the haft of the axe slowly slide through her hand until she was gripping it by the palm-polished end.


The old man flinched as she set her feet behind him, working them into the ground like a woodsman beside the chopping block.


She shook out her shoulders, cleared her throat, turned her head and spat.


She lifted the axe.


And Raith let his breath out in a shuddering sigh, and he stepped between Thorn and the old man and stood facing her.


He didn’t say a word. He wasn’t sure he could’ve got a word out, his throat was so raw and his heart going so hard. He just stood there.




The warrior with the crooked jaw took a step towards him. ‘Get your arse shifted, fool, before I—’


Without taking her eyes off Raith, Thorn held up one long finger and said, ‘Sss.’ That was all, but enough to stop the big man dead. She stared at Raith, eyes sunken in shadow, their corners just catching the angry red gleam from that elf-bangle of hers.


‘Out of my way,’ she said.


‘I can’t.’ Raith shook the shield off his arm and let it drop. Tossed his axe clattering down on top of it. ‘This ain’t vengeance. It’s just murder.’


Thorn’s scarred cheek twitched and he could hear the fury in her voice. Could see her shoulders almost shaking with it. ‘I won’t ask again, boy.’


Raith spread his arms, palms towards her. He could feel the tears on his cheeks and he didn’t care. ‘If you’re set on killing, you can start with me. I deserve it more’n they do.’


He closed his eyes and waited. He wasn’t fool enough to think this made up for a hundredth part of the things he’d done. He just couldn’t stand and watch no more.


There was a crunch and a white-hot pain in his face.


He stumbled over something and his head cracked on stone.


The world reeled. He tasted salt.


He lay there a moment, wondering if he was leaking all over the street. Wondering if he cared.


But he was breathing still, for all he was blowing bubbles from one nostril with each snort. He put one clumsy hand to his nose. Felt twice the size it used to. Broken, no doubt, from the sick feeling when he touched it. He grunted as he rolled onto his side, propping himself on an elbow.


Hard faces, scarred faces, swimming around him, looking down. The old man was still kneeling, lips moving in a silent prayer. Thorn still stood over him, axe in her hand, the elf-bangle smouldering red as a hot coal. From the smear of blood on her forehead Raith reckoned she must have butted him.


‘Phew,’ he grunted.


Took a hell of an effort to roll over, blood pattering from his nose onto the backs of his hands. Up onto one knee and he gave a wobble, threw one arm out to steady himself, but he didn’t fall. The dizziness was fading, and he stumbled as he stood, but got there in the end. Back between Thorn and the old man.


‘There we are.’ He licked his teeth and spat blood, then he held his arms out wide, and closed his eyes again, and stood swaying.


‘Gods damn it,’ he heard Thorn hiss.


‘Is he mad?’ said someone else.


‘Just kill him and be done,’ growled the one with the lopsided jaw.


Another pause. A pause seemed to go on forever, and Raith winced, and squeezed his eyes shut tighter. Each shuddering breath made a weird squeak in his broken nose, but he couldn’t stop it.


He heard a slow scraping and prised one eye open. Thorn had slid her axe through the loop at her belt and was standing, hands on hips. He blinked stupidly at her.


Not dead, then.


‘What do we do?’ snapped the one with the ring through his nose.


‘Let ’em go,’ said Thorn.


‘That’s it?’ The warrior with the crooked jaw sprayed spit as he snarled the words. ‘Why should they be let go? Didn’t let my wife go, did they?’


Thorn turned her head to look at him. ‘One more word and you’ll be the one kneeling in the street. Let ’em go.’ And she dragged the old man up by his collar and shoved him stumbling off towards the houses.


Raith slowly let his arms fall, face one great throb.


He felt something spatter against his cheek. Looked round to see the big man had spat on him.


‘You little bastard. You’re the one should die.’


Raith gave a weary nod as he wiped away the spittle. ‘Aye, probably. But not for this.’






The Tears of Father Peace



Father Yarvi strode at their head, the tapping of the elf-staff that had killed Bright Yilling echoing down the hallway. He went so swiftly Koll had to jog the odd step to keep up, Skifr’s cloak of rags snapping about the elf-weapon she held down by her side, the gear of Rulf and his warriors rattling as they followed. Mother Adwyn stumbled at the back, her fin of red hair grown out into a shapeless mop, one hand trying to drag some slack into the rope around her chafed neck.


Joe Abercrombie's books