Goddess: A Runes Book (Runes #7)

“I didn’t keep your body in that tomb for a thousand years so you can quit, pal,” Rhys added. “Fight!”

“Listen to me, you waste of space,” Echo snarled. “I didn’t want your sorry ass back anyway because of one thing and one thing only. I’d have to apologize to you, and I don’t do apologies. Now I’m pissed off at the way you’ve made Cora cry. You want an apology? You got it. I’m sorry I overreacted and killed you. I was an ass and said terrible things before that and afterward. You and Rhys are my brothers. Always have been and always will be. And Nara, when she’s not being a pain, could pass for my sister. Now, get your sorry ass back to them, or I swear I will keep your soul tethered to me for the next millennium for the tears Cora has shed over you.”

Color returned to Dev’s face, and his breathing became regular. I don’t know how long it was before his eyes moved behind the closed lids, then fluttered open.

“You did it. You brought him back,” I cried out. I touched Dev’s cheek. “Dev. You are back. She brought you back.”

He stared straight up and kept blinking as though he was trying to clear his vision. Slowly, he turned his head to look at me.

I stared into his gorgeous aquamarine eyes. “Hey, handsome.”

He blinked, his eyes bright. His mouth opened and closed, but not a word came out. I was sure his voice was rusty from lack of use and his mouth too dry for speech.

“He’s really back,” Nara said in awe.

“She did it,” Rhys said.

“How do you feel? You want to sit up?” I asked.

He nodded, and we helped him sit up, propping him against pillows.

“You still glow, mon stór,” he whispered in a rough and rusty voice. I loved his beautiful Irish accent.

“I have no idea what that means, but I love it, Dev.” I hugged him. His body was frail but solid. No more ghost body passing through me and filling me with a cold, creepy feeling. Then I noticed Eirik headed for the door with Celestia.

“Don’t leave, Eirik. Dev, I want to introduce you to the person who brought you back. My amazing sister, Celestia. She’s my, uh, brother Eirik’s chosen mate.” Eirik walked back to the bed and lowered Celestia so Dev could see her.

“Is she going to be okay?” Dev asked, talking haltingly.

“Yes. She needs to rest now and rejuvenate. Thank her later,” Eirik said impatiently.

“Celestia,” Dev whispered her name and pressed a kiss on her cheek. “Take a piece of my heart with you until we meet again, mo mhuirnín. I’m forever your humble servant.”

“Damn,” Eirik muttered as he moved away from the bed. “Another person you share a bond with and it has to be Mr. Suave. If he calls you darling again, I’ll kill him.”

“He didn’t mean that,” I reassured Dev, patting his arm. “I need to talk to him before he leaves. I’ll be right back.”

I hurried out of the room to find Eirik had already opened a portal. A cold draft filled the room, and Echo hurried forward to tuck a blanket around Celestia. They didn’t see me, but I overheard Eirik say, “Fix whatever is broken between you and Cora, man. I don’t want to be involved, so just take care of it.”

Echo didn’t like that. Eyes flashing, he disappeared into his bedroom. Eirik was already acting like my big brother, and I didn’t know how I felt about that. He and I needed to set some boundaries. He started for the portal.

“Eirik, wait up,” I called. I stopped beside them and studied Celestia. She looked really bad. I hoped she’d recover quickly. “I’m so sorry helping Dev did this to Celestia. I know I pushed her. Will she be okay?”

Eirik chuckled. “My Celestia is a lot tougher than she looks.” He pressed a kiss on my forehead. “Besides, she knows I’d hound her in the astral plane if she disappeared for too long, and she has an army of goddesses who will be pissed if she doesn’t wake up. I hope you heard that, Stj?rna mín. I will contact the ásynjur Court if you don’t wake up in the next six hours.”

I wanted what they had without my man worrying about my parents and what they’d say or do. Seeing the two of them renewed my hope.

“You really love her.”

Eirik smiled. “With every breath in my body. Just like Echo loves you.”

“I know.” I sighed. “But sometimes it takes more than love.” It takes believing that everything will be okay, no matter what fate throws your way. “Do you think they’re ready to, uh, meet me?”

“Mom and Dad?” Eirik asked and grinned. “They were ready the moment I told them about you. No, the moment they learned you were still alive. They’ve been giving you space because I told them you needed it.”

Space? Right. I didn’t bother to correct him. Whatever doubts the goddess might have had about me, I hoped they were gone now. I didn’t want to visit her while she had doubts about my identity.

“I’m ready to meet them.” Having said it, I felt both relieved and apprehensive. “Will you and Celestia be there? I’ll need the support.”

“Of course, we’ll be there, but you won’t need us. They’re pretty awesome as far as parents go.” He looked down and frowned. “Okay, I need to take Celestia home now, but I’ll be back for you.”

“Thanks, Eirik. It’s weird thinking of you as my brother, but it just seems right at the same time.”

“I don’t know. More weird than right,” he said, laughter in his voice.

“Thanks, Celestia.” I kissed her cheek. “I look forward to getting to know you. Later, Eirik.”

I waited until the portal closed, then walked back to join the others. Echo, Torin, and Raine were by the doorway while Nara and Rhys were busy monopolizing Dev’s time. I slipped my hand through Echo’s, and he tugged me closer.

“Sip slowly,” Nara said, giving Dev water through a straw. “You’ll have to start with fluids and work up to pureed foods.”

“Disgusting,” Rhys said, making a face. I’d never seen him this playful. “She’ll treat you like a baby if you let her. We need to hit a bar and party. Beer, burgers, and women. And not necessarily in that order.”

“That’s disgusting,” Nara retorted.

“Where is he going to stay?” Torin asked.

Echo shrugged. “Here, though I won’t be around to help him adjust.”

“He could stay at the mansion in Kayville,” Raine suggested. “He already knows Ingrid, Femi, and Lavania. Blaine could show him around, and Ingrid could take him shopping.” She looked at me and cocked her eyebrow.

“I agree. He won’t be lonely there.” I glanced at Echo and caught him scowling at me. “You and the others can visit him whenever you like.” That didn’t seem to placate him. “Or not.”

“I don’t care where he stays. I’ll make sure he has an account and a credit card,” Echo said. He glanced at Torin. “Can Andris get him an ID?”

Torin chuckled. “He’ll consider it a challenge. Country of origin?”

“Ireland. Our people moved there before they ran us out.” Echo studied Dev and scowled harder. “He looks ridiculous in that gown. I’ll get him some clothes.” He left.

“Thank you for suggesting the mansion,” I whispered to Raine. “It is much more convenient despite Mr. Grouch’s attitude.”

“What’s wrong with him?”

“Nothing that a knock on his thick head wouldn’t fix. I don’t know how to convince him nothing has changed between us because of my biological parents.”

“Oh, man,” Raine said on a sigh while Torin chuckled. She glared at him. “It’s not funny.”

“Sorry, Freckles, but it’s bloody hilarious. He has a dragon for a future brother-in-law. If he steps out of line, he gets barbecued. And he’s in love with his boss’s daughter. He steps out of line and it’s Corpse Strand for a few hours.”

I punched Torin’s arm. “Stop being mean. Everything will be fine once we are in Helheim.”

“When are you going?” Torin asked.

“Whenever. Depends on when Eirik comes for me.”

“Do you want us there?” Torin asked. “We can postpone the honeymoon if you do.”

I shook my head. “No, I need to do this on my own.”

“Are you nervous?” Raine asked.

“Petrified, but I’ll be okay,” as long as Echo was by my side.

Ednah Walters's books