Goddess: A Runes Book (Runes #7)

I crossed the street and walked straight into Echo’s arms. After what Dev had said, I was done giving Echo a hard time.

He lifted my chin. “I was beginning to worry.”

“I was talking to Dev, but I’m here now.” I went to my toes and kissed him, then turned my head to search for Dev. He was surrounded by souls. I had no idea how souls communicated with each other. Heck, I had no idea they could, but Dev was holding court.

“What is he doing?” Echo asked impatiently.

“Reassuring them I’m safe. That no mysterious figure wants to hurt me.”

He winced, and I was sure he’d tell me not to joke about it. Instead, he cupped my face and kissed me but kept it brief. He’d been stingy with his kisses since I told him he couldn’t sleep over. If it was his way of punishing me, he’d succeeded. I felt terrible, especially after what Dev had just told me.

“Did you know it was the goddess checking me out? She’s the one who took my blanket.” The surprise on his face wasn’t feigned. “At least that’s the consensus among the women in my life.”


“Femi, Lavania, Ingrid, and Raine. They figured since the other girl pretended to be me, the goddess decided to check me out. It explains the souls inability to see her. She probably wore a cloak like the one she gifted Celestia, and I have a feeling Celestia knew it. She recognized her energy before she astral projected.”

“Ask her when we get Dev to Miami. Before you ask the goddess,” he added and opened the car door. “I don’t want you two starting off on the wrong foot.”

I hated seeing him so standoffish. I really hoped Dev was right. Not wanting to share the limelight with me was better than the alternative.

“I miss you,” I said before he closed the door.

He frowned. “I’m here, sweetheart. Always.”

“I miss sleeping in your arms.”

He stroked my cheek and, for one brief moment, flames leaped in his eyes. Then he closed the door. By the time he walked to the driver’s side, Dev was heading back and the souls were gone. He slid inside the car stereo.

“Thanks, Dev.”

“Anything for you.”

Instead of going to the farm, we drove to the cottage and opened a portal from there to Miami. Rhys and Nara were already waiting in the guest bedroom. There were two queen beds in the room, and Dev’s body, dressed in a long white robe, was in the middle of one. Tall, masculine with defined jawline, and a shadow on his chin, he was beautiful. What was his eye color? He could rock any eye color. His light-brown wavy hair was shorter on the side, but longer at the top, his eyebrows delicately arched. His ridiculous thick and long eyelashes formed canopies on his cheekbones. Physically, I’d say he was almost as tall as Echo, but was a little on the slender side. He was barefoot and wore triskelion anklets similar to the talismans around his neck. They were similar to Echo’s rings. The rings on his fingers and charms on his wrists also had druidic symbols. A set of artavo was on the nightstand.

He looked as though he was asleep, but his hand was cold to the touch. Since the others were seated on one side of the bed, I grabbed one of the empty chairs on the opposite side and placed my phone on the bed.

“Did you bring him?” Nara asked.

“I’m here,” Dev said, sounding glum.

Everyone in the room looked worried. Was I the only optimist here? I was excited.

“Thank you for preserving my body, Brother,” Dev continued. “When Echo told me, I couldn’t believe you’d do such a thing.”

“Why not? Remember our pact,” Rhys said.

“In life and in death, brothers forever,” Dev finished.

“And sister,” Nara added.

“You joined us after the pact,” Rhys reminded her.

“I know, but Echo said I was one of you.”

“He made you an honorary brother,” Dev said and chuckled. “You didn’t have boobs then and looked like a boy.”

“Thanks for the reminder, bonehead. Are you ready for this?”

“I’m waiting to meet her first. Celestia. What is she like?”

“I’ll get them,” Echo said. “Does he need more talismans and runic rings? I have some in that drawer. I bought them from a collector who didn’t understand the value of what he had.”

“We’ll add more,” Nara said.

Echo nodded and left. I stared after him. He was worried. I could feel it.

“Why does he need more?”

“Magical objects help our young healer channel her powers better,” Dev explained.

I went back to studying Dev’s body and partially listened to Nara, Rhys, and Dev discuss their past to cover their nervousness. They added charm bracelets around his ankles and chains around his neck. They were still at it when Echo came back with Celestia and Eirik. Eirik looked worried while Celestia looked tired. I hoped she hadn’t been healing people in the other realms. The Druids created room for her, and Eirik hovered protectively behind her.

Her eyes went to my phone. “He’s in there?”

I nodded. “He wanted to meet you first.”

Dev slithered from the phone and moved closer to Celestia until they were only a few inches apart. She closed her eyes, and Dev did the same. It was as though they were speaking in a language none of us understood. Her eyelids lifted as did his.

“You have good energy, Dev,” she said. “I’m happy to share with you some of my life force.” Dev touched his chest and bowed, then blended with his body. Celestia moved closer to the bed and spread her hands above his body. Then she placed her left hand on the crown of his head and her right on his chest. I reached for Dev’s hand and watched his face.

An hour later, Celestia stopped, her skin pale and her breathing heavy. “His soul is settled in, but not sealed. For his heart to beat, it must be sealed.”

“He has a heartbeat,” Nara whispered. I was curled up on Echo’s lap on the other side of the bed and lifted my head. It was after midnight, and Echo was fast asleep.

Nara held a small mirror near Dev’s nose and gave me a wobbly smile. Then she hurried out of the room. I was sure she was going to cry and didn’t want anyone to see her. Nara might act like she was one of the guys, but from her expression, her feelings for Dev were deeper and more personal than the others. She and Rhys had chosen couches in the living room, and I could hear Rhys’ snores.

I gripped Dev’s hand and studied his face under the yellow light from the bedside lamp. Celestia had made it clear that if his heart didn’t start to pump, he wouldn’t make it. I kind of liked that she hadn’t sugarcoated anything.

I glanced at the other bed, where she slept in Eirik’s arms. I didn’t wake her up to give her the good news. She needed her rest. Every time she’d shared her life force with Dev and grown pale and weak, guilt had chewed my insides. Part of me had wanted to tell her to stop. I was happy I hadn’t. Now there was hope.

“Go back to sleep,” Echo urged and tugged me against him. He tucked the blanket around us. “He’ll be fine.”

“Do you really think so?” I asked even though I knew he was in no position to guarantee anything. I just needed to know he believed in what we were doing.

“Yes,” Echo said with such conviction I believed him. I reached for Dev’s hand and sighed.

When Echo had marched into the room with a blanket and lifted me up, I’d protested, thinking he meant to carry me to bed. Instead, he’d sat with me on his lap and covered us with the blanket. It didn’t matter that he was conflicted about what to do when I visited Helheim. He’d known I needed him. Sinking into his chest, I closed my eyes and fell asleep surrounded by his warmth.

Ednah Walters's books