Geek Girls Don't Date Dukes

“God, yes,” she cried.


He plunged into her, high and hard. They cried out together as her warm sheath welcomed him home. Avery trembled as he held his upper body aloft, hips moving instinctively.


“You are so beautiful,” he whispered as he thrust.


“Leah, oh, Leah.”


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Gina Lamm



Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes


Her name was a litany, a prayer that was necessary to his continued life. Her throaty cries quickened his movements as he strained for that peak, for the both of them.


He grew harder within her as her channel grew wetter, more swollen around his length.


She buried her face in his shoulder as her pelvis moved to meet his own.


It felt so wondrous, so completely incredible, he wanted it to go on forever.


But then he reached between them to fondle her swollen button. Her explosion took him along with her.


They came together, her body wringing every last drop from his. He shook with the effort of holding himself upright. He must not crush her, but he wanted to remain there, sheathed in her warmth forever.


His world, in that moment, was perfect.


A nearby whinny caused them both to laugh, but it broke the spell of the moment. Reluctantly, Avery rolled to the side and gathered a panting Leah against his chest.


She pressed sweet kisses against his chest. “You’re pretty damn good at this.”


He laughed. “You are exceptionally skilled as well,”


he said, toying with a blonde curl. “An admirable trait for the woman I love.”


The admission surprised him, but once the words were uttered, he was glad for their release. He did love Leah Ramsey. She was altogether too headstrong and impetuous for her own good, but she was also selfless, caring, and compassionate.


His love could not change their circumstances, but that did not negate its value.


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“Oh, Avery,” she whispered, and brought his mouth



down to hers.


Their lips had met for the briefest of seconds when the creak of a door sounded.


“Miss Ramsey?” a young maid’s voice called. “Are you here?”


“Hi, Muriel,” Leah called in a shockingly calm voice as she smoothed down her skirts. Avery picked straw from her hair as she continued, “Sorry, I was just playing with some kittens I found in here. Go ahead, I’ll be right up.”


“Are you sure, miss?”


Avery swept Leah into his arms for one last kiss. With a regretful sigh, she pulled free of his arms.


“Here I am.” She left the stable with Muriel, not looking back in his direction.


Once he’d dressed, he picked up her discarded lace fan and tucked it into his coat pocket.


He’d tumbled her in a stable. What a common, lowly beggar he was. But try as he might, he could not regret what had passed between them. He could only resolve to abstain from future lapses.


But that conviction, as he left the empty stable behind, was shaky at best.


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Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes


Twenty-Five Leah peered out her bedroom window as unobtrusively as she could. Even though her bedroom overlooked the stables, she never saw Avery leave. He’d probably followed her out, high-handed, ridiculous, sexy bastard.


Muriel picked pieces of straw out of Leah’s skirts, her scolding comments about young ladies who play with kittens in ball gowns going right over Leah’s head.


She was too sodden with afterglow to give a crap about ruining an expensive dress.


Avery loved her. The confession had come in a roundabout way, sure, but he’d said it all the same. In a fog, Leah lifted her arms over her head at Muriel’s command. While enveloped in the column of her beautiful dress, a sudden thought struck her.


She hadn’t told him that she loved him too.


Well, shit.


He had to know that, right? She hadn’t had a chance to say the words, but he had to have gotten the gist of her feelings by the way she jumped him like a bullfrog in heat. Wait. Do bullfrogs go into heat?


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Muriel’s yawn startled Leah as her nightgown settled



around her.


“I’m sorry, Muriel. I didn’t mean to keep you up so late. Go ahead to bed, okay?” Her swift hug must have startled the maid, because she jumped.


“If you have all you require, then I shall see you in the morning.” Muriel pulled away with a tired smile and headed for the bedroom door.


Leah sank onto the edge of her fluffy, comfortable bed.


Muriel probably had to get up at o’dark thirty, just like Leah had during her brief stint as a maid. It had to be after two in the morning. While Leah had been wound up in Avery, the poor girl had been stuck waiting for her, probably wishing she could just go to bed.


Gina Lamm's books