Geek Girls Don't Date Dukes

“Tell me the truth, Avery. Have you been following me?”



She’d set her fan on the narrow window ledge and had her hands on the curve of her hips. His pulse quickened as her décolletage heaved with emotion.


“I have.”


She lost some of her irritation at his honest confession. “Why?”


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Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes









He took a step closer to her, drawn despite himself.



“Because there are evil men about, and you are an innocent.”


She barked a laugh, tilting her head back in mirth.


With that graceful column so exposed, he was sorely tempted to taste her lovely skin. He did not.


“I’m about as far from innocent as you can get, dude.


I can take care of myself.”


He shook his head. “You mistake my meaning. There are threats that you are unaware of.” Unable to resist her anymore, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. “I would see that you come to no harm.”


Her arms wound around his neck. “Why do you care so much?”


His kiss was the only answer he could give.


All his reasoning why they should not lie together burnt up in the heat of that kiss. She pressed herself eagerly to him, opening her mouth to receive him. He groaned as he tasted the wet recesses of her, reveling in the feeling of her hands wandering the planes of his shoulders and back.


His erection pressed full against her belly, hardening him further. The décolletage of her gown seemed to call to him, begging for his attention. Who was he to ignore such a summons? He pressed fiery kisses along her throat, in the sweet space between shoulder and collarbone, finally to rest his lips atop the swell of her left breast.


“Avery,” she whispered in a throaty voice. “I want you too, but you have to promise we’ll talk afterward.”


“Of course.” He’d have promised her the moon in that moment. Though he was not proud of his too-hasty answer, it seemed to please her.


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Gina Lamm



Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes


Leah divested him of his trousers, eyes alighting when she spied his erection. Her attention only served to harden him further.


“You’ve missed me too, haven’t you?”


She didn’t give him a chance to respond before she took him into her mouth. Her hot, wet mouth closed around his length and his knees buckled. Gripping the wall to steady himself, he threaded his free hand into her hair.


She took him deeply, throat working around the sensitive tip of him. He never looked away. He couldn’t.


The sight of her beatific face as she moved her hand and lips in concert was the most sensual thing he’d ever seen.


“Leah,” he whispered, “you must stop.”


At his words, she ran her tongue up the underside of his shaft. A drop of crystalline fluid appeared at the tip.


Avery gritted his teeth to stop the flood of pleasure that threatened to sweep him away.


He must regain control of this. Of her.


Gripping both her hands in one of his, he laid her back into the sweet-smelling straw. She pulled against his grip, but he tightened his hold. The way she smiled, writhing and twisting against him was proof of her approval.


He kissed her deeply, mastering her mouth with sweeps of his tongue. With his free hand, he lifted the fine satin of her skirt. Silk stockings covered her legs, but he knew the fine fabric could not match the beautiful flesh between her legs for softness.


She moaned her passion into his mouth when his hand parted her wet folds. Her thighs fell open, and he settled between them eagerly.


“Avery.” She’d torn her mouth from his, gripping the length of his hair in both hands. “Please, please take me.”


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He couldn’t. Not yet.



Releasing her hands, he rose on his knees and lifted her hips to his face.


“Oh God!”


Her cry was muffled by the yards of satin and lace that covered his head. Her taste was as incredible as it had been those weeks ago. He spread her petals wide, licking and sucking every part of her most precious flesh.


Her movements quickened, becoming frantic.


“Avery, please!” Her high, thin plea broke through to him, and he relented.


Entering the well of her body with two fingers, his lips closed on her fluttering, swollen bud.


She screamed.


He held on as the spasms wracked her, coming slower and slower until she stilled. He unearthed himself from her skirts and smiled down at his beautiful, dazed-eyed angel.


“More,” she whispered, holding her arms up to him.


He needed no second invitation.


Falling atop her, he kissed her mouth with all the fervor he’d shown to her tender flesh only moments before. She quickly matched his intensity, gripping his shoulders and moaning as he probed at her entrance.


“Are you ready?”


Gina Lamm's books