Full Blooded

“Um …” he started. “It’s just …”


I waved off his sentence with my hand. “I mean it, Nick.” My eyes were still closed. “In all honesty, this whole wolf thing is completely freaking me out. I’ve kept a lid on it all day so I could stay focused on pretending to be normal. I don’t need you to freak out along with me. You’re my rock. You’re my best friend. I need that right now. I don’t need an interrogator. I have no idea what’s going on, and I don’t have any answers for you anyway. So let’s curtail this question-and-answer thing until I know more.”


Nick reached over and grabbed on to my hand. For the first time, I realized I’d been smelling Nick’s scent clearly for a while now. He smelled like a mixture of cedar and fresh rain. It fit him perfectly. And, as an added bonus, it calmed me and made me feel happy. I guess it always had, and I just never knew it.


“Jess, I’ll always be here for you. No matter what,” he said. “I pledged my life to you, and to this Pack, a long time ago—but even more than that, I love you. You’re my sister and my best friend. I’d gladly fight anyone to the death if they ever threatened you. Well, except for Drake, who you got to handle on your own. But, honestly, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”


“I know, Nick. I love you too.” I smiled at him. “I promise, we can talk soon, but I’m going to need time to process everything. It’s been so much at once and such a major change in my life. I just need to figure it out before I’m ready to dissect it and put it all on the table. That’s all I’m asking.”


“I hear you.” He released my hand. “But, honestly, can we just talk about the eyes for a minute?”


I laughed. There was nothing about Nick I didn’t love. “Nope.” I stretched my arms out in front of my body, trying to rouse myself. “No eyes, no strength, no weird anger smell, no nothing. It’s all off the docket for now.”


Nick eyed me. I could feel him evaluating my mood, wondering if he could push the issue a teensy bit more. Instead, he shifted in his seat, leaning over and placing a small kiss on the top of my head. “Do you want me to walk you in?”


“Nope. I saw Danny today and they have it covered. Go home. I’ll see you tomorrow.”


“Gotcha. I think I’ll go for a run.” Nick slid out of the car. “I could use a good run right about now, let the stress out. Try to make it in before noon tomorrow, okay?”


I laughed. “The alarm will be on.”


He shut the door and I watched him take off through the parking lot, his graceful body moving fluidly like the shifter he was.


I slumped back in my seat, thinking about everything that had happened tonight. My brain still whirled and I wanted to put everything to rest. Blocking your Alpha was impossible. It was clear evidence that something was wrong—I was officially a problem my father couldn’t control. If that information got out, the Pack would never accept me. The Alpha was in place for a reason; he was at the top to control all others. If I didn’t fit into the hierarchy, they would take me down. Wolves needed structure and hated change. They feared the unknown and hated anything they couldn’t explain.


I was the epitome of those things wrapped into one.












I was almost to my apartment door when a rich, unfamiliar voice reverberated along the folds in my mind. I stopped in my tracks and glanced around.


Nobody else was in the hallway.


The voice brushed along my brain again like a soft, steamy caress. It was less concrete—more like it was being manifested from inside my brain, rather than outside. It didn’t sound like my brother or my father’s voice at all. Thank goodness, because what it had just said to me was filthy as hell.


It came again, whispering along my senses, and I finally recognized the timbre. The voice in my head was Colin Rourke, my potential new client. I listened for a moment and then blushed like a madwoman.


What’s going on? This has to be a trick.


Rourke’s throaty voice washed over me again and tingles erupted on the pads of my fingers all the way to my toes, hitting all the important parts along the way. I couldn’t help shivering.


Um … chocolate syrup goes where?


Sex and food. It was too much. I shook my head, trying to knock it out of my brain. Marcy had to be playing a joke on me, getting me back for making her worry. It was the only real explanation. What else could it be? What a minx. I glanced down the hallway again just to make sure she wasn’t giggling behind someone’s door.


The voice continued without pause. Graphically.


No, no, caramel can’t go there. It’s too sticky for that.