Full Blooded

I’d lived up to this point as a human, and killing one for no other reason than to keep his silence wasn’t going to happen if I had anything to say about it. When the time came, and if it was up to me, I’d find another way. There had to be another way.


“Well,” I said. “We’ll just have to make damn sure Raymond Hart doesn’t step in any deeper, then. We’re going to have to make sure he follows up other leads. The ones we plant.” I closed my eyes both physically and figuratively on the topic. My eyes burned and I needed sleep. It was safe to say I could add exhaustion to my list of newborn traits. My body was still adjusting to the changes. It was going to take time, and I planned to use that time curled up in bed.


The ride home took fifteen minutes and I dozed off completely. Nick pulled into my parking lot and turned off the car.


I opened my eyes and yawned. “Thanks for the ride. But now you have to walk—” Screaming ripped through my consciousness. I lunged forward, grabbing on to the dashboard. My fingers punched right though the plastic. Shit. This night was just getting


WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU? Jessica! Jessica! Can you hear me? Jessica …


Tyler, I’m here! You can stop yelling now. I yanked my fingers out of the dashboard one at a time. Molded plastic didn’t puncture uniformly, it cracked. What is it? What’s wrong?


Nick glanced over at me, one eyebrow slightly raised. I lifted my freed index finger and placed it on my forehead.


He gave me a sympathetic smile.


What’s wrong? Tyler grumbled. What’s wrong is I’ve been trying to get into your head for the last fucking hour. You start calling some guy an asshole and then I feel this wicked pulsating anger thing, and then nothing. Completely blank. You blocked me. How in the hell did you cut me off?


My dad’s words rang as a warning in my head. I trusted Tyler with my life, he was my brother, but the last thing I was going to do was place him in jeopardy. Caution was my new best friend. The less any wolf knew at this point, the better, and that included Tyler. I selected my words carefully, knowing he’d be able to sense a lie if I didn’t believe what I was saying to be true. I have no idea, Ty. Blocking you wasn’t a conscious thing on my part. I can assure you that much. I must have cut you off accidentally when the fight started.


What goddamn fight? His impatience was loud and clear.


I fought the imp we were tailing tonight when he grabbed a teen. He turned out to be more than I bargained for, but I won.


How in the hell can I possibly protect you if I can’t even find you? Tyler shouted. I put a finger up to my temple and pressed. Being yelled at inside my head was making my head ache. Nick was supposed to be with you tonight! Where the hell was Nick?


He was with me. It was my choice to go after the imp. Nick had nothing to do with it.


My brother’s emotions simmered as images of my death floated through his subconscious. It startled the hell out of me. Quit doing that! I can see what you’re thinking!


Jess, I thought you died tonight. His voice wasn’t above a whisper. Again.


My heart jumped. Tyler, honestly, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. It wasn’t anything I did on purpose, I swear. If I would have heard you, I would’ve answered. I promise. Even if it was only to tell you to get the hell out of my head so I could concentrate on the fight. I formed the next thoughts carefully. I think it’s safe to say a female werewolf is a complete unknown, just like we talked about today. My mind may not work the same as yours. I have no idea what’s happening to me. Or what will happen in the future. None of us do. I took a deep breath. I have a feeling this is going to be one giant clusterfuck, just like everyone has always predicted, and I’m recommending we wake ourselves up. It’s time to face facts.


Well, shit. The old Tyler was back.


My sentiments exactly. But right now, instead of trying to fix everything and figure it all out, I’m going to sleep on it. And while I’m at it, I can hopefully scrub the bloody pictures of my grisly death courtesy of your brain out of mind. I yawned.


James and Danny are still trying to track you down. I’ll give them a call and tell them you’re safe.


Thanks, I appreciate it. I know you haven’t had to watch my back since I left the Compound, but it feels good having you there again.


It’s what I’m here for, sis. Just do me a favor and don’t get yourself into any more trouble tonight.


It’s not on the agenda, trust me. I can promise you that much. I’m going inside and getting some much-needed sleep.


There was a brush against my senses and he was gone.


I laid my head back on the headrest and turned to Nick, who had patiently waited for me to finish my conversation. He frowned with concern, and his eyes held a questioning look that hadn’t been there a few moments ago. “Oh no,” I said. “You can’t start in on me tonight. Please don’t say anything. I don’t want to hear it.” I swiveled my head toward the ceiling and closed my eyes. “Please, Nick. I don’t think I can take any more tonight.”