Feral Sins

Taryn hadn’t been lying when she said that she and Lydia would be visiting dozens of stores. Lydia was the type who was easily drawn in by something in the display window. She had practically raided the clothes stores, hunting down dresses, shoes and accessories. Taryn bought a few items, but only casual wear – mostly she was just replacing the things that Trey had torn from her body like the dirty bastard he was.


Once they had picked up a few birthday gifts for Trey, they went for a light lunch which left them with only one place left to go…Victoria’s Secret. Taryn had decided to buy a kinky outfit to wear on the night of Trey’s birthday, even though there was a good chance he would tear it from her body, and she had convinced Lydia to do the same for Cam. The girls had had plenty of laughs browsing the store and choosing an outfit. Lydia selected a leopard print slip while Taryn picked a sparkly black lace flyaway babydoll.


Finally, after four and a half hours of shopping, the girls were ready to go. It was as Taryn was closing the trunk of the car after placing the bags inside that she suddenly felt two unfamiliar presences at her back. Male wolf shifters.


Before she could react she was abruptly grabbed by the hair and swung around before a hand then wrapped around her neck and slammed her back into the brick wall that was behind her car. Distantly she heard Lydia shout in alarm from the passenger seat, but Taryn knew that, as a submissive wolf, she wouldn’t exit the car. Thank God. Taryn didn’t intend to let the two bulky shitheads hurt her and it would be a lot harder to defend both her and Lydia than it would be to take care of herself.


What she wanted to do was scream Let me go you son of a bitch, but she knew from experience that letting an attacker think she was scared and that they were in control was often the best tactic. Resisting her wolf’s desire to claw at the hand around her neck, she asked, “Who are you?”


The dark wolf with the cock eye appraised her slowly. “They weren’t lying when they said you were dinty, were they.”


“I think you mean dainty,” said Taryn.


“They were right about that ass too.” The other wolf flicked his mousey hair from his face before offering her a slimy grin. “A very fine ass.”


Cock-eye nodded. “They also said you were a mad bitch.”


“And that you were always late.”


Both Cock-eye and Taryn looked at Mousey, baffled. “Always late?” she said.


“They said she was latent,” snapped Cock-eye.


Mousey straightened and shrugged. “Right. I knew that.”


Taryn rolled her eyes. Great, she was being assailed by Dumb and Dumber. She suddenly felt like the kid in Home Alone facing Harry and Marve. “Is there any chance either of you could tell me why I’m being pinned against a wall?”


Cock-eye puffed up. Maybe he thought it made him look impressive or intimidating. “We have a message for you.”


“Oh yeah?”


“From Darryl. Tell your mate that his uncle feels it would be in your best interest if he agrees to unite the packs. He only has seven days left before the twelve weeks are up, so if he’s wise he’ll give in to Darryl’s request quickly.”


Anger rushed through her veins and her wolf began pacing and flexing her claws. “Darryl,” she growled with an involuntary snap of the teeth that had both wolves jerking in surprise. “If Trey doesn’t…?”


“Next time what we do to you will be much worse than what we’re about to do. In other words, we might not let you live next time. We may even have some fun with your little friend there after we’re done here.”


“Oh. And what is it you think you’re going to do to me now?”


Mousey smirked. “I’m thinking that I’d like to fuck that mouth of yours.”


“Sorry. I was raised to never put small objects in my mouth or I might choke.”


Cock-eye burst out laughing. “She got you there.”


“I’m thinking I’m not your type either,” she said to Cock-eye. “What with me not being inflatable and all.”


“Cheeky bitch. You should watch how you talk to us, little girl. There’s pain and there’s pain.”


“You do know that you’re signing your death warrant, don’t you? Trey will kill you.” And Darryl had to know that…which meant this was probably a trap to enrage Trey. Having grown up with Lance as a father, she knew all about alpha games and she could spot one a mile away. It was pretty damn possible that Darryl was thinking that if he could make Trey go against protocol and attempt to attack him before the twelve weeks were up, Darryl could appeal to the council to agree to his request. Fuck. That.


With one of the hands dangled at her side she made a ‘C’ with her fingers and thumb and abruptly struck Cock-eye in the throat with the web of her hand. He made a choking sound and instantly released her, backing away slightly as he struggled for breath. She then followed that up with a sharp kick to his groin that had him falling to his knees.


“Shit,” cursed Mousey in surprise before his hand then shot out and shackled her wrist as he tried to pull her to him.


Knowing that the weakest point of his hold was where his fingers and thumb met, Taryn twisted her wrist so the thumb-side of her forearm was at that weak point and yanked herself free. Before he made to grab her again she delivered a headbutt to his nose that had him stumbling backwards as blood poured from his nostrils.


Wanting him down on the floor with Cock-eye she quickly grabbed his testicles, squeezed, twisted them sharply, and then jerked so hard she was surprised they didn’t come off in her hand. He fell to his knees with one hand cupping his nose and the other cupping his balls.


Both peered up at her wearing looks of total astonishment which satisfied her wolf. “Yeah I see you had low expectations of me. It happens a lot.”


“You broke my nose and nearly ripped off my ballsack you crazy bitch!”


“Crazy bitch? Oh no, honey, I’m an angel, I swear. The horns are only there to hold up the halo. But, all the same, I think it’s best that you don’t come at me again until you’ve at least learned how to wipe your ass.”