Feral Sins

Taryn huffed. “I hope you told him you’d rather cram your cock in the ass of a bear with inflamed haemorrhoids than ever be in his company again.”



He chuckled. “I figured I’d talk to you about it. He’s a prick, but he’s still your uncle. I want you to have people from your family in your life.”


“No you don’t.” She could feel that what he really wanted was to be the only person she ever needed, wanted to be everything to her. However, as he thought that he should want her to have family in her life he had made the suggestion. “Yeah he’s my uncle, but you’re my mate and he insulted you. Badly. So he can go ride a donkey naked through the desert with snapping turtles attached to his nipples for all I care. Anyway, you’re my family. You and the pack.”


An intense pang struck Trey’s chest. He tightened his arm around her, barely resisting the urge to take her upstairs and bury himself deep inside her body. Not so he could take her hard and fast, but soft and slow.


“You might feel that way about your uncle now while you’re still angry with him,” said Lydia, “but you might regret it later if you don’t at least give him a chance.”


Taryn cursed, hating that Lydia was right. She would feel like she had let down her mom if she didn’t give the woman’s baby brother one more shot. Sighing, she nodded. “Fine. I’ll give him a chance.”


“He asked in the message if he could come tomorrow afternoon. That too soon?”


Trey shook his head. Taryn just shrugged.


“Then I’ll confirm the arrangements.”


“What arrangement?” asked Dominic as he strolled into the room.


“Taryn’s uncle Don’s coming to visit tomorrow afternoon,” explained Trey. “Apparently he wants to apologize.”


What in that sentence sparked Dominic to think of a chat up line, she had no idea, but she could tell by the smirk on his face that one was coming. She shook her head at him. “No, no more!”


He frowned. “Oh come on, it’s a good one. I suppose it must make you feel uncomfortable since you’re obviously attracted to me.” She snorted. “You’re denying it? Okay then, fine, let’s settle this once and for all. Smile if you want to sleep with me.”


She tried her hardest to hold back a smile, she really, really did, but there was no way of doing it.” Of course he laughed, smug as all shit. She growled. “You’re a pain in the ass.”


“Sorry, honey, we’ll use more lubricant next time.” He flinched when Trey smacked him over the head.


Glancing at the clock on the wall, Taryn saw it was time to go. Having guzzled down the last of her coffee she gave Trey a kiss on his very inactive lips that were stuck in a sulky pout. “A few hours and I’ll be back.” The ass followed her and Lydia to the main door wearing that kicked puppy look. It was clearly one last ditch attempt at making her feel bad. Of course it didn’t work because she didn’t want him there when she bought him a gift. So she smiled, waved and left.


Well it had been worth a shot, thought Trey, sighing, as he watched Taryn’s car leave pack territory in spite of his efforts – or ploys – to make her take him with her. His wolf wasn’t happy about it and was snarling his disapproval.


As he turned to go back inside he noticed Tao stood not far away, staring in the direction Taryn had headed. He didn’t look at her with the same coveting look that he used to wear, as if he had come to accept that she was unobtainable. He now looked at her the way the others did. Like she was truly his Alpha female – someone that although he revered, respected, prized, trusted and looked to when in need of something, he regarded her as being of senior rank and his co-leader. However, there was something that was still irritating Trey and he thought it was about time that he addressed it.


Slowly Trey strode toward him, noticing how Tao stiffened as he sensed his approach, but he didn’t look at him. A month ago Trey’s irritation would have been due to Tao’s attraction to Taryn, but even though he still wanted to kick the shit out of Tao for it, his main problem with Tao now was that he was still distant with Taryn and it troubled her.


She had never said this aloud but she didn’t need to, not now that they were partly bonded. Trey didn’t want anything making her feel uncomfortable in her own home, her own pack. Also, he was pretty sure that the slight longing that could still be seen in Tao’s gaze when he looked at her wasn’t for her as a mate, but for the friendship they had once had.


Finally he came to stand before Tao, but the wolf kept his gaze ahead. “So when are you going to pull your head out of your ass and stop moping?”


Tao looked at him curiously, obviously surprised that Trey would even bring it up. Until now, they had never spoken of it. “I’m surprised you’ve never punched me.”


Trey shrugged. “I thought about it. A lot. You’ve made things awkward for Taryn. She feels like she lost her friend and that she’s come between us. It didn’t need to be that way.”


“You’re a lucky bastard, you know.”


“I know. Fix the mess, Tao.” He went to leave, but Tao spoke again.


“Wait, why are you asking me to sort things out with her? It’s got to be easier for your wolf this way. You should be thrilled that I’m hardly around her.”


“Why would I be thrilled about anything that hurts her? Fix it, Tao. And soon.” At that he turned away and went inside.