Feral Sins

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she locked her gaze with his and fixed a smile on her face. His answering smile was devilish. “My dad’s going to shit a brick. He’ll have felt my disconnection from the pack by now.”



“I think he’s already on his way here. When the enforcers first tried interfering, one of the males from your pack announced to a female that he was going to call him. Are you going to be okay watching what happens next? I don’t want to battle with your father and risk the chance of an alliance, but there’s a possibility that the confrontation will lead to a battle.” He wasn’t expecting to be granted an alliance straight away, not when Warner was going to be pissed about having his daughter taken from him.


“He won’t want the fight any more than you do. He’ll know you’re a more dominant wolf and that you’ll most likely defeat him – he won’t want to chance looking weak in front of his pack in case it inspired one of them to challenge his position.”


“You’re going to have to openly claim I’m your true mate, Taryn,” he reminded her gently as he breezed his thumb over his mark. “Are you going to be able to do that?”


It took a good deal of effort not to let the smile drop from her face. “Yes. I know what has to be done.”


He brushed his lips against hers. “Good girl. How’s your wolf doing? Did she want you to fight me off when I marked you?”


She shook her head. “She likes you.”


Trey smiled crookedly. “You say that like it makes her stupid.”


“She’s impressed by your level of dominance.”


That surprised him. “Not intimidated?”


“No. She thinks you’re strong enough to take her on, she doesn’t like weaklings. It’s your scent she likes most.”


His wolf really liked hers. Trey inhaled deeply, taking that exotic scent into his lungs. “My wolf’s riding me hard. He wants to complete the claiming.” Grinding against her, he spoke into her ear, “And I need to be inside your hot little body.”


It was true that the mating technically wouldn’t be complete without them consummating it, but as it wasn’t a mating in the truest sense Taryn had figured that the drive to have sex wouldn’t be as strong. Instead, her wolf and her body were craving that completeness.


Trey slipped his hand under her dress and boldly cupped her. “This is where I’ll be very, very soon, Taryn,” he promised – more like threatened. “Inside you, filling you with my cum, and making you scream.”


“I’ve met guys like you before. They talk the talk but, well…talking doesn’t exactly get people to orgasm, does it?”


Trey smiled wickedly. “When I fuck you Taryn – and make no mistake about it, baby, I will fuck you – the only talking you’ll be doing is begging me to let you come. And don’t doubt that I’ll make you come. Not just the once. You’ll come over and over again, until I decide you’ve had enough. Until I decide that I’ve had enough.”


“Hmm. That’s all very fascinating, but you’re forgetting one very important thing.”


“And what’s that?”


“My guess, Tarzan, is that you’re very used to Janes; you don’t just want total obedience, you expect it. I’m not sure you’d know what to do with a woman who would bite you, scratch you, and curse you to hell and back if she wasn’t getting her own way. You want my submission, you’re going to have to battle for it.”


He hadn’t thought he could get any harder. She was right in her assumption that he was only used to submissive women; females were too cautious around him to fight him for dominance. He didn’t crave submission, but he liked it. And he sure as shit liked the thought of Taryn, his mate, submitting to him. The idea of having to fight for and earn the right to her submission…Fuck. “I’ll look forward to the upcoming battle.”


“And just so you know in advance, big boy, I never beg.” All alphas had a big thing for begging, especially when it came to their mates, and Taryn needed him to know that it wouldn’t be happening. “Don’t take that as a challenge, because it’s genuinely not meant as one. It’s just something I never do.”


Trey didn’t have to ask to understand why. It was because that would mean she had completely surrendered, given her complete submission, and Taryn wasn’t prepared to do that for anyone. He understood that need to not be totally vulnerable to another person. “Now that we’ve cleared that up” – he curled both arms around her, resting his hands on her ass – “I’ll ask…do you think we’re fooling anybody?”


“I think most of them are having a little trouble accepting that I’d been wrong about Joey, but they can’t deny to themselves what they’ve just seen.” Or what they thought they saw. She realized now that if they hadn’t done things this way, no one would have bought it. “I don’t think any of them believe this is some kind of prearranged thing. More like they’re wondering if it’s out-of-control-lust or something.”


He nodded. “They might be able to think of a reason why you would lie about being mated, but they won’t be able to come up with a reason why I would.”


As his head tipped to the side and his eyes turned wolf, Taryn gasped. His gaze was glued to her shoulder and she knew exactly what it was that had his wolf fighting to surface. She had to refrain from flinching as he released a menacing growl. If she, the female his wolf saw as his, showed any fear of him it would offend and aggravate him. He was already very much on edge right now.


Knowing what the animal wanted and needed, she said, “Go on.” He didn’t hesitate. Just bent his head and bit down hard over Roscoe’s mark, sucking and licking the skin to replace it with his own mark. When he lifted his head again it was Trey looking back at her. Apparently his wolf was satisfied enough that he was willing to retreat.