Feral Sins

As quick as that, a rush swept through Trey and he felt a sort of snap in his head similar to that which he’d felt with each of his pack members when they blooded. Then he sensed her through the pack link, not her thoughts, but her fiery, spicy, sensual presence. It was done, she was his to protect as his mate and part of his pack. His wolf growled his approval, urging Trey to sweep her away to their territory away from the threat that her dad’s enforcers presented. He pulled back to admire his work and swiped his tongue over the mark, liking the look of it on Taryn’s skin and how she trembled in response.


Taryn knew her face was a mask of surprise and she knew everyone would mistake it for her shock at supposedly finding her mate. Her surprise, however, was genuine. She hadn’t expected Trey to be able to pull that kind of response from her body, even with the effect he seemed to have on her. She had practically melted for him and he hadn’t even really touched her. And when his teeth had sunk into her skin…it was as though an electric current had travelled through her, sparking her release to hit her. Not like when Roscoe had bitten her against her will; that had left her feeling violated and enraged.


Her ever-present connection with her dad as Alpha had now disappeared and was replaced with this new connection. Lance’s presence in her mind had always felt invasive because of his aversion to her; he was all ice and arrogance and deviousness. But Trey was so different; he was strength and danger and raw sexuality. His presence inside her was like an anchor to her wolf who was a little smug right now, since she was a big fan of psycho boy.


“Trey,” he said gruffly as he slid her down his body, as if introducing himself. It was pretty common that two wolves could mark each other before exchanging names, swept away by the urge to claim.


She smiled. “Taryn.”


Trey almost rolled his eyes when Dante said, “Hey, congratulations, Alpha.”


“Oh. My. God,” said Shaya, gazing at them wide-eyed.


And so it begins, grumbled Taryn inwardly, turning to see that many of her pack had observed the claiming and were staring. Every face was the picture of shock. Even Oscar and Perry, who looked as though they had been trying to get passed Tao and Dante, were shock-still and gaping.


“Hand Taryn over,” demanded Perry. The unsteadiness of his voice suggested he was aware of who Trey was. “As her father’s enforcers, we are responsible for her.”


Trey gripped her hip possessively and growled at him. “Not anymore you’re not.”


Their eyes were dancing continually from him to Taryn. They didn’t look so determined to try to get to her now, she noticed. That could have had a lot to do with the scowl on Trey’s face and the death threat in his eyes. Unless they were dumb, a shifter didn’t dare attempt to separate mates, and as unbelievable as it may have seemed, that was indeed what she and Trey looked to be. Still Perry’s and Oscar’s dedication to her dad meant that they couldn’t just let her go on her merry way, especially since they all believed she would be mating Roscoe.


Oscar straightened to his full height. “Release Taryn or we will be forced to contact her Alpha.”


“He’s no longer her Alpha, you know that.”


“There doesn’t have to be any trouble. Just let her go.”


Instead Trey locked his arm around her waist and released a deep, rumbly, ‘fuck off’ growl that had everyone around them tensing. “She’s mine.”


“Taryn,” said Shaya in a pleasant voice, “why don’t you come over here and -” Trey’s growl cut her off.


“She’s not yours,” stated Caleb through gritted teeth before fixing his gaze on Taryn. “You know he’s not your mate, Taryn. You’re confused or something but you -”


Abruptly Perry reached out to grab her arm and she gasped. Before she knew what was happening she was behind Trey whose hand was tightly wrapped around Perry’s throat. Tao was restraining Oscar to prevent him from interfering while Trey’s enforcers, Smiley (he wasn’t smiling now) and Burly, were on either side of her in protective stances.


“Don’t. Touch. My. Mate.” Trey bit out each word.


“She’s already mated,” Perry somehow managed to wheeze out. “She’s mated to Roscoe Weston.”


“If she’d been mated, I couldn’t have claimed her – you know that. And you just watched me claim her.”


“Her dad won’t allow it.”


Trey smiled. “It’s already done. Now, here’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to start by getting the fuck away from me and my mate. Then you’re going to call your Alpha and tell him to inform Roscoe Weston that he won’t be touching her ever again. If your Alpha has a problem with any of that I’ll be right here. But he should know in advance that she won’t be leaving here with anyone but me.”


The steel in his voice had Taryn’s wolf growling her approval. The dumb animal was impressed by his dominant display, liked that he was shielding and protecting her. She wasn’t even adverse to the idea of him squeezing Perry’s throat a little tighter despite that the guy had lowered his eyes in a sign of submission. She could understand why Perry had. Trey had a certain intensity about him that made him always seem intimidating, but this was different. He was menacing, fierce, unyielding. Every word had been a command and rung with power and authority. It had Taryn feeling a little flushed, if she was honest.


“Roscoe gets here on Sunday,” warned Perry. “He’ll come for you.”


Trey laughed. “Oh I certainly hope he does.” With that, he flung Perry away from him and signalled for Tao to release Oscar. He then turned his back on them, communicating his lack of fear, and snaked his arm around Taryn’s waist to pull her tight against him. “Time to look mesmerised by each other while we have a little chat,” he whispered in her ear.