Feral Sins




There went his self-control. He slammed himself home, groaning as her muscles clamped around his cock, and then he took her hard and rough. Hearing her beg, knowing that she’d completely surrendered to him, had him well and truly lost. She’d broken down that last wall, had let him in, was accepting that every part of her belonged to him. That wasn’t a one-way street; this female totally owned him, would have done even if she hadn’t been his true mate.


Feeling the telling tingle in his spine, he draped himself over her. “You know what I want, baby.” She raised her head and bit down hard on his shoulder, sucking and licking. “Fuck. Scream my name for me, Taryn. Do it, I need it.”


As he clamped his teeth over his claiming mark, Taryn’s back arched with the explosion of pure bliss that ripped through her body. His name escaped her mouth in a scream so loud it hurt her ears. She heard him growl/groan her own name as his own release hit and his cock pulsed deep inside her. Panting and quivering with aftershocks, they stayed there like that with him draped over her and his face buried in the crook of her neck. Thankfully the big lug had been careful not to place all his weight on her because she wouldn’t have had the energy to shove him off.


“I love you, baby.”


His words had her eyes snapping open. Had she not been able to feel it was the truth through their bond, she might not have believed him so easily. Curling all her limbs around him, she whispered into his ear, “And I love you.” The shudder that ran through him told her just how much that affected him.


“I’m sorry I didn’t realize what I felt before,” he said softly into her ear. “I’m sorry I kept my walls up with you.”


“It’s okay.”


He pulled back to look at her face. “No, it’s not. You’re my mate and I didn’t let you in.”


“Of course you didn’t, Trey. You didn’t know how to let someone in. I don’t blame you for that. Hell, I had my own defenses up for long enough.”


“Yeah, but you didn’t have walls up so high that you didn’t even see how much you cared for your own mate.” A wicked smile took over his face. “But now that all our defenses are down…it makes me wonder just how often I can get you to beg for me.”


“Sorry, that was just a one off.”


“Oh no. You let me behind those walls of yours, gave yourself completely to me, and I’m not giving you back. You’re all mine.”


“That works both ways, Flinstone,” she snapped, “you belong to me too.”


He smirked, enjoying the possessiveness in her tone. “Only ever you, baby.”


“Great. Prove it. Do me again.”


Unbelievable. “For the tenth time, you need sleep.”


“I’m supposed to listen to what my pregnant body tells me, remember. It’s telling me it wants to play Hiding Pedro.”


He released a long suffering sigh. “See – you’re a total nympho.”


“Do you want your mate to be happy or not?”


To the Reader:


I’d like to thank you for taking a chance with a self-publishing author. It means a lot to me to know that others have taken the time to read my novels that I worked so hard on and lost a lot of hair over. Hopefully you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. If for any reason you’d like to contact me, whether it’s about the book or you’re considering self-publishing and have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected].


Take care,


Suzanne Wright, Author






Chapter One




I knew before I even reached the doorstep of the building that someone was in my flat. I knew that they were unfamiliar. I knew that their mood was calm, cool. And I knew that they were a vampire. Like me.


When I reached the top level of the building I found my Sire’s two dull-looking vampire guards stood outside my door as usual, seemingly unaware of the vampire inside. I thought about alerting them, but then curiosity came to call. The strange vampire in there had to be powerful in order to remain off the radar of the guards and yet he/she apparently had no interest in concealing their presence from me. Okay, they had me intrigued.


Just as calm and collected as the intruder, I unlocked the door and headed straight for the tiny, out-dated kitchen. While rooting through my plastic shopping bag for the carton of milk, I called out, “I don’t have all night so I’d appreciate it if you told me what you want.”


At this point I had established by their scent that they were male seen as females tended to have sweeter scents. I was also able to tell, going by the fizzing feeling in the flat, that this particular vampire was extremely powerful. A master vampire for sure.


The footsteps behind me were soft, slow, non-threatening. Whatever this vampire wanted, it wasn’t a brawl. “Evening Miss Parker,” he said politely, “I’ve been waiting for you.” It was rare that I heard such a well-spoken voice around this area of London. My neighbours – most of whom were drug addicts, poverty stricken, or criminals – would be more than tempted to try to mug the bloke. Well they would be in for one hell of a surprise if they did.


Milk carton in hand, I finally turned to look him. “So I see.”