Feral Sins

Feeling Taryn’s head lean on his shoulder, Trey smiled. “Tired?” Naturally she denied it and sat upright again. Every day she was usually wiped out by the time she’d finished dinner and went for a nap. Today had been especially tiring for her and she obviously needed sleep. He stood and lifted her from her seat, curling her legs around him. “Come on, you need to lie down for a little while.”



“No, I don’t. Stop fussing, I just wanted to lean on you and have some contact with my mate. God forgive me.”


If she hadn’t yawned, he might have believed her. “Shut up,” he said gently when she went to object.


“How many times do you have to be told, hussy? Listen to your body – if it tells you that you need to sleep, then sleep.”


Taryn smiled at her. “Thanks for reminding me how important it is that I take care of myself, Greta. I’m not sure what I’d do if you weren’t around. Although it’s fun thinking about it.”


Before the argument could become heated, Trey carried her out of the clearing, inside the caves, and then into their bedroom. Having placed her carefully on the bed, he lay beside her and pulled her flush against his body. She found her own little groove and fit there like the last piece of a jigsaw, making him whole. She made him whole both inside and out, and he couldn’t understand how he’d functioned without her before she came into his life.


“Trey? You know the baby might be latent, don’t you?”


Hearing how small her voice was, he kissed her reassuringly. “Yes, I know that, but it won’t matter to me if the baby is latent. Obviously I’d like it if that wasn’t the case, but I’m not going to turn my back on him if it is.”


She snorted. “It could be a ‘her’, you know.” Although she also had the feeling it was a ‘he’.


Trey smiled. “You do know that the whole shifter community is terrified of you now, don’t you? What you did is unheard of – no latent has ever shifted before.”


“I don’t think it would have happened if my wolf hadn’t been so frantic because the baby was in danger.”


“Your wolf is gorgeous, slender and graceful. My wolf loves running with her, especially since he hadn’t thought he ever would.”


“Yeah, he likes to mount her a lot too,” she grumbled, not that her wolf minded so much. “He’s just as horny as you are.”


“I’m not the nympho in this mating.”


“I’m not the one who has a thing for fucking people in the ass.”


He groaned. “Just remembering that makes me hard. I will be doing that again soon.”


“I don’t think so, Flinstone.”


“You loved it, and you know you did.” He tensed when she grinded herself against his erection. “You need to sleep.”


“No, I need you inside me.”






“You need sleep.” But even as he said that, he wasn’t stopping her from reaching down and unbuttoning his fly. He cursed and closed his eyes as she began working her soft hand up and down his length. She kept her pace slow, no doubt just to tease him the way he always teased her, but still each wicked stroke pulled him under her spell. Groaning in defeat, he lifted her leg and curled it over his hip. He rocked his erection against her clit and groaned again. “You drive me fucking crazy, do you know that?” It came out sounding like a complaint.


Burying his face in the crook of her neck, he inhaled her scent, letting it settle into his lungs and tease him. She smelled of exotic fruits, of him, of pregnancy, and of home. He took her mouth with a slow sensuality, seducing her lips and tongue. A crushing sense of ownership assailed him, driving him to possess her and overwhelm his senses with her. “I need your taste in my mouth.” He peeled her t-shirt from her body and removed her bra before rolling her onto her back.


Taryn moaned as he played her body like the master he was – molding her breasts with his hands, sucking and biting her nipples until she was writhing beneath him, and then he was journeying down her body but pausing now and then to nip and suck at little patches of skin. He knew exactly what she liked and he gave it to her, but what increased the raw ache in her body more than any of that was the mix of possessiveness and adoration blazing from his eyes.


Once Trey had finally removed her jeans and thong, he took a minute to just look at her laying there, his to take and possess. At some point in the past few months he had licked, kissed, or bit every inch of her body. He knew it better than even she did. Every curve, every indent, every slope, and every hollow was etched into his brain. He had every mark committed to memory, whether it be birthmark, freckle, scar, or the brands he’d left on her body – he could find every one of them with his eyes closed.


A gasp flew out of Taryn as he cocked her hips and suckled hard on her clit. There were no teasing licks this time, no making her wait. He swirled his tongue around her clit, flicked it repeatedly, and then sank his tongue inside her. Holding her still, he unrelentingly fucked her with that clever tongue. His soft growls heightened the pleasure until she just couldn’t take anymore. “Trey, stop.” He didn’t. She threaded her fingers through his hair and tugged. He snarled in the back of his throat and that just made the whole thing worse. “Please.”


He froze at that one word. He doubted any other word would have reached him – he’d been too absorbed by her taste, hadn’t been able to get enough of it. She’d begged him. She’d actually begged him. He peered up at her face, expecting to see shock in her eyes or for her to give him a smart-ass comment that assured him she was taking the piss. Instead, her expression was totally open, totally exposed; everything she felt was right there in her lust-dazed eyes for him to see. It rocked him like nothing else could have. He knelt between her legs and gripped her hips, positioning his cock at her entrance. “Say it again.” He half-expected her to tell him to fuck off, but she didn’t.