Dragos Takes a Holiday

Disappointment tried to darken her earlier excitement and pleasure. She had dangled Dragos’s favorite hobby in front of him, and they had just arrived in a literal paradise, but he still couldn’t keep his phone turned off. When she’d started a relationship with him, she knew she was going to have to share his time and attention, but she never realized how much of a problem that would be, or how much it might grow to bother her at times like this.


Mostly she was fine with it. That wasn’t rationalization; she really was. Between the overwhelming demands of his corporate responsibilities and the Wyr demesne, he carried a heavy load, and it suited her just fine to play a supporting role for him. She wasn’t as driven as he was, and she absolutely adored the fact that she had the luxury to concentrate on the peanut while he was so small.


Only occasionally, like now, it caused a heavy ache in her chest.


Dragos walked up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. “What has dimmed that bright smile of yours?”


She tried to think of something positive and supportive to say. “Don’t you love it here? This place is gorgeous.”


His fingers tightened. He bent over her until his lips touched the thin, sensitive shell of her ear. He whispered, “I turned on my phone to search for a place to go to dinner.”


She looked over her shoulder at him. “Really?”


“Really. I’ve already turned it off again.”


The leaden feeling in her chest lightened. At the same time the back of her nose prickled and moisture flooded her eyes. Embarrassed at the sudden surge of emotion, she folded her lips tight and nodded.


His gaze was too keen and filled with understanding. He rubbed her back. “I wouldn’t trade this past year away for anything, but it’s still been hard on us.”


She leaned back against his strong frame, and he wrapped his arms around both her and the baby. “I wouldn’t trade it away for anything either.”


“Things will get easier, I promise.” He rested his cheek on the top of her head. “As soon as all of the sentinels are back at work, let’s go upstate and stay for a couple of months.”


“Are you sure you can take the time away from the city?” She rested her head against his chest, and he stroked her hair.


“Yes. We’ll need to make plans for renovations and building, but we can take things at our own pace and go as slow as we like. If there’s an emergency and I have to work, I’ll make sure it takes no more than twenty-five hours a week. Kris has been my assistant for so long, he should be able to handle most things. We can take Liam hiking. It will be a real, extended break. How does that sound?”


She had to clear her throat before she could speak again. “I would truly love that.”


“I would too.” He pressed a kiss to her temple. “Consider it a date.”


“Okay.” She turned her head toward him, and he nuzzled her.


The baby stirred in her arms, and Liam lifted his sleep-blurred face to look around. His round eyes and soft, open mouth reflected his astonishment at the change in venue. Pia grinned. The last time Liam knew, they had been on the plane.


“Okay, Peanut, time to show you around. Then you get to play with Aunt Eva and Uncle Hugh while I change into fresh clothes, and Mommy and Daddy go out to eat.”


“Do you want an upscale restaurant, or a beachside tavern?” Dragos asked. “Because if you want upscale, I have to turn my phone back on again to make a reservation.”


She didn’t hesitate. “Ooh, beachside, please!”


He grinned. “That’s what I thought you’d say, which is why I had already turned it off.”


She stood on tiptoe to kiss him. “You know me so well.”


He put a hand at the back of her head and held her in place as he returned her kiss lingeringly, setting her body on a slow burn.


“Get ready.” His voice was so low it was barely more than a vibration against her lips.


Feeling intoxicated, she nodded as he let her go. She caught the heavy-lidded slant of his glance as he turned away, and she knew he hadn’t been talking about their dinner.






Chapter Four






Pia showed Liam the house, along with his room with the crib, his clothes and toys. She knew from past experience that it would be easier to leave him once he saw where he was, and she was right. He didn’t fuss when she handed him over to Eva.


Dragos left the master bedroom and bath to her and carried a change of clothes and his toiletry kit into one of the other bathrooms. Pia opened windows, and the sound of the nearby surf washed in.


She hummed as she shaved her legs and washed her hair. After blow-drying her hair, she chose to leave it down and loose. She slipped on a simple, dark blue sheath dress that ended at mid-thigh and flat, silver sandals that complemented her slender feet and legs. She spent the most time on her makeup, enhancing her eyes with a dark, smoky eye shadow and stroking a cranberry-colored lipstick on her lips.


Wearing such rich colors brought an extra sheen out of her thick, light gold hair and made the most of her tan. After she was finished, she stared at herself. Anticipation made her eyes sparkle.


“Look at you,” she whispered at the bright, vivid creature in the mirror. “You look happy.”


Thea Harrison's books