Cold Blooded

I sprawled on the ground, my arms at my sides. My wolf yipped at me to get up. I’m going, I’m going. I think I just cracked my skull open. Give me a second. Adrenaline coursed through me, trying to heal me quickly, but I was still fuzzy. I brought a hand up to my forehead.


“Hiya,” the most welcome voice ever said from above me. “Whatcha doing on the ground? Don’t you know there are demons running around all over the place? Didn’t you learn a single thing while I was gone? Safety first.”


I rolled over and stumbled to my feet, crushing her in a big hug. “Marcy! You’re here and you’re alive! I knew you would be, but I’m so incredibly happy to see you.”


“I can see that, because you’re squeezing the ever-loving life out of me. Time to ease up before your superstrong wolf power breaks me in half.” She chuckled and I let her go reluctantly. “Seriously, though, what are you doing out here? You were much safer back in there.” She gestured over the wall. “Once they find you’re out here, they’ll swarm us.”


“I had to come out so I didn’t get cursed. It was either hightail it through the wall or die a horrid, painful death. And the ward just crumbled anyway, so I imagine the demons will be everywhere soon.”


“Come on, then.” She waved me to follow. “James has all the wolves worked up into a frenzy back here. They’re barking and jumping all over the place. No demons or sorcerers have messed with us yet, but that’s because Nick—”


“Nick!” I yelled as I ran ahead and embraced him. After a big hug, I brought him back at arm’s length. I had so many questions. “Great work out here. When did the wolves arrive? And how in the world did you coax the witches here?”


“They came on their own,” he said. “I had nothing to do with that. But Marcy and James are the ones to be thanked. They arrived shortly after I jumped the wall. James shifted and finally contacted Callum. He’s been rallying the Pack out here since they started showing up. We have a good contingency assembled now.”


I turned to Marcy. “How did you guys find us?”


“We were trailing the sorcerers who kidnapped me. We knew they were going after you, because I’d overhead them scheming, so when they abruptly headed south, we followed. We ended up here, and once we saw Nick, we knew there was big trouble—which was no surprise, since trouble follows you like a horde of angry bees to honey.” She grinned. “So we adopted a new, sparkly agenda that included saving you from the bad sorcerers and the evil demons.”


I glanced around me for the first time. “What is this place?” We stood in the middle of a large barricade made up of what appeared to be car parts. “Marcy, did you make a fort?”


“Yes, and it’s spelled,” Marcy said proudly. “James ripped the cars apart to protect me and I spelled it. That’s why it hurt your head. It’s meant to stun anyone who touches it. But when I saw it was you, I snapped my fingers and, voilà, you were cured. No more massive head injury.”


“We’ve secured the perimeter around this entire area,” Nick said, gesturing to a wider arc. I didn’t see any Pack wolves. I could only hear them, so the contained area had to be a lot bigger. “The Pack has managed to keep the fracture wolves back, except the one who just snuck through. I also found I can use my persuasion to some degree on the younger sorcerers and the low-level imps. I’ve managed to convince a few to abandon their plans, but it won’t hold for long. The High Priests are starting to show up and that means they will call up Demon Lords. Things are about to get heavy.”


We heard some commotion to the left and James came into view. He strode up. “Hello, Jessica, it’s good to see you are well.”


I reached out to give him a hug.


“Don’t even think about it, missy.” Marcy’s voice held an order. “He’s mine. A simple handshake will do. No touching anymore. Like ever.”


I stifled a laugh and reached out to shake his hand. “James, it’s such a relief to see you here. My father will be happy to hear you’ve coordinated things on this side.”


“I don’t know if ‘happy’ is the correct word,” James said. “But we have spoken and he has been … amiable. It was by chance I shifted when I did and called out to him. He wouldn’t tell me what was wrong, but I told him you were here and he changed his course.”


“If you hadn’t done that, he would’ve died,” I said firmly. “We owe you and I’m certain he will welcome you back when he understands the scope of what went on. And I can see I was right in thinking you’d gone after your mate.” I addressed Marcy. “Congrats, by the way. He’s quite a catch.”


“Thank you. I’m keeping him.” She preened as she glanced at him with adoration and genuine happiness.


James nodded once.


As always, he was a man of few words.