Cold Blooded

“The Queen has the perimeter warded,” Rourke said, coming up next to us. “No entry is possible at the moment. The fracture pack is a problem, but that’s not the only thing we have to fight. The sorcerers have been summoning demons, and as of right now, they line the perimeter three-fourths around the mansion. We have staked out a fourth, outside the front entrance.”



“Eudoxia will have to open the ward, then. I want my Pack in here.” My father’s voice was firm. “We can’t defeat any opposition without any fighters.”


“That won’t be an easy task.” Rourke pointed to the roof. “It’s taking everything she has to fuel the ward. The magic from the outside is pushing back against it already. She has to keep a constant stream going or it will fall. It’s the only reason why the sorcerers and demons are not inside yet.”


I felt the magic building, the two sides pushing against each other, fighting for power. One had to give eventually. I just hoped it wasn’t hers. “Dad,” I said. “Nick is on the outside with the rest of the Pack and has been joined by the witches. I hope Tally’s presence means they will stand and fight with us. We have a better chance of winning by aligning with them on the outside. I say we go over the wall if the ward fails and regroup there.”


Danny loped over, waving a pair of jeans and a shirt. “Just in time, I see,” he said, nodding to my father. He tossed them with a chuckle. My father caught them and without pausing ordered, “Daniel Walker, get to the highest point on that house. I want a full report of what’s happening around us.”


“On my way,” Danny said immediately.


“Go with him,” I told Naomi, who had come up behind him. “If he’ll let you, fly him up.” I had a twinkle in my eye when I added, “He’d do almost anything to get himself into a woman’s embrace, so this should be a no-brainer.”


“Well”—Danny turned, glancing back at Naomi—“why not, then? I’ve always had a hankering to fly.”


Naomi put her head down for a moment. I couldn’t tell if she was blushing—if vampires even could blush. “I will take you,” she finally said, lifting her face toward his. “But … because of your size, I cannot guarantee I will not drop you.”


“That’s all right by me,” Danny replied jovially. “Won’t be the first time my massive frame has been hard for the ladies to handle—”


Naomi had him around the waist and up before he could finish his sentence.


My father cleared his throat.


“That was Naomi,” I told my father. I couldn’t read his expression, but he wasn’t overly excited that a vamp had taken his head of security for a ride. “She’s the vamp tracker I told you about briefly on the phone when we left Selene’s lair. I have so much to share with you, but she and I are now bonded by blood and she has proven herself loyal again and again. I trust her with my life and with his.”


“This is indeed a new world,” my father said, shaking his head as he pulled on a black shirt. “Vampires have never been our allies. This is unprecedented. It’s going to take me some time to figure out a new way to handle things.” He met my eyes. “And I will agree to examine all the new developments on a case-by-case basis, but that’s all I will promise at this time.”


That was enough for me.


My father was a savvy leader. You don’t stay in charge if you don’t learn to adapt. I was confident we would figure out a new way to move forward that included all of us. And I was content to wait until the right time to fight for what I wanted.


“Jessica,” Rourke said. “I think your father, Tyler, and I should scout around the gate to see if there’s a way to get in or out. Once the wards come down, we have to find a way to stand united, whether it’s in here or out there. If we split up we can cover more ground.”


“Sounds good,” I said. “I’ll wait here with Ray and see what Danny and Naomi have to report once they come down.”


My father nodded once at my mate, appraising him. There was a glimmer of respect growing there, but I knew it would take time for them to get to know each other. I was exceptionally proud of my man for being respectful of my father and not fighting him for control. I would see that he got an extra special gift as soon as I could. My wolf yipped her agreement.


As they trotted around the house, I walked over to where Ray stood. “I can’t thank you enough, Ray. That was heroic and … bizarre, but you saved my dad’s life. If you hadn’t been a reaper all along, this wouldn’t have been possible.”


“Honestly, Hannon, I have no idea what a reaper is,” Ray retorted, spitting on the ground and easing himself upright. “All I know is that I’m attracted to dead stuff and my mind is telling me I can fix it. But with all the other vamp info clogging my brain up, it’s confusing as hell—a swirl of shit all getting stuck in the drain at the same time.”