Chosen One (Forever Evermore #6)

The next day each of them wore their scarf, whether it be as a belt, under their collars, as a shoelace, or even a bandana, but I much preferred Cain’s way, wrapped around his wrist, hooking through the thick black leather wristband he wore, nice and neat, but noticeable on his left arm, his black shirt sleeves pushed up on his muscled forearms, the light color fierce against his olive skin tone and the black stallions my Lajaks had been gifted. Although Leric continued to glance at it while riding, his eyes narrowed, he on my right, Cain on my left—as normal for my guard…but Leric had no room to talk since Lissa had joined our traveling group, staying respectively back on her white horse, on the far side of Roselle and Reese, apparently her position having been somewhat of an executive assistant to Leric, so I let it slide as long as they kept their interaction respectful, which they managed to do, her gaze always a bit wary on me, one of her first intelligent actions so far.

“We need a healer!” Leric bellowed while I hung precariously around his neck inside the pitch black cave, my body dangling behind him into the depths of Barren, almost to the top, three weeks after we had come to the Temple. “Caro’s injured!”

I heard shouting from above in my dazed mind, doing all I could physically just to hang onto Leric as he continued climbing out of the abyss of obscurity, but also, having to keep a tight rein magically on our tether together so he didn’t feel any of this horrendous pain. If I hadn’t trusted him before, I undoubtedly did now. He hadn’t left me behind when I had been lying, dying on the damn bloody dirt. Instead, he had roared in fury, and sliced and maimed and destroyed in outbreak speed, killing everyone he could even as he carried me back to the cave’s entrance, leaving a wake of death in his trail.

Thoughts in a mess as they normally were when I exited the Barren, my added profuse, and prolonged, blood loss, my life’s blood still trickling down my body, dripping off my toes into the Barren, I shouted on a choke when Leric bumped me again as he climbed. He heaved in a breath, hanging onto the wall with one hand, grabbing my arms when they slackened around his throat, ordering gruffly, “Hang on, kitten. We’re almost there.”

“Hurry,” I groaned on a slur. “Gonna…pass out.”

“Just hang on,” he barked, and continued climbing at his fast clip.

“What’s wrong with her?” I heard Elder Farrar’s voice shout from above. “I can’t see shit.”

“Move back! All of you,” a male’s voice—probably a Guardian—snarled. “He sounded like he’s almost here.”

“Give me a hand,” Leric ordered gruffly.

I peered up, blinking blurrily, but only seeing darkness as Leric extended his arm, but suddenly we were being boosted out of the darkness easily, and I saw it was Cain who had lifted us from the depths, his jaw clenched tight, setting us on the ground with little effort, his gaze instantly flying over me where I hung onto Leric, my arms cramped around his neck.

“Christ,” Elder Farrar’s voice muttered from behind me, and I felt him start to pry my arms off Leric, my gaze trapped on Cain’s. “You got stabbed? You said they didn’t have weapons in the Barren!”

Cain’s nostrils flared, and he released his hold on Leric when he steadied on his knees, moving around behind me to see the damage, Guardians and Lajaks surrounding us.

“I have to close…the door,” I mumbled as they started laying my limp frame back. “The…door.”

“I’ve got it, kitten. Just relax,” Leric stated in my mind.

“Okay,” I mumbled, blinking blurrily, staring up at Cain where he knelt beside my head, staring at my stomach, not moving except to place a hand on my forehead. “Doesn’t hurt…much…anymore.”

Elder Farrar’s hands were glowing over my stomach, and he shook his head. “It’s not fucking healing.” His glowing gaze snapped up over my head. “Elder Samson, get down here.”

The ground shook, the sound of the door slamming, and Leric shouted, “It won’t help.” A pause. “How far off is a healer?”

“Less than five minutes,” a male stated.

“Why won’t it help?” Elder Samson asked, already kneeling next to Cain, his glowing hands also over me. His gaze pensive, and a shake of his head. “She should be healing.”

Leric fell to his knees beside my head, next to Elder Farrar, knocking Cain’s hand off my forehead to run his own hand over my head in gentle strokes, earning a very quiet growl from Cain, but Cain didn’t push, listening to Leric when he explained, “The man turned her own sword on her while it was still in her hand, still being driven with her own power, a self-inflicted injury.” He shook his blood-covered white rolls. “In other words, a spirit’s magical choice. It’s not an injury a Mage, or even I, can fix. We need an actual fucking doctor to heal her.”

Cain rolled with the punches even as my vision started to dim, staring back to my injury, running his hand through his tight black curls while the other Lajaks froze in comprehension. “She’s lost too much blood. She’ll need a transfusion, too.”

“I know this,” Leric growled at him, but quickly ran a hand over his face, glancing down to me, taking his eyes off Cain. “That was damn sloppy, kitten.”

I blinked slowly, shivering a bit. “I’m cold.” I blinked again, but my eyes didn’t open, very heavy. “Nap…now.” Not sure how long had passed, but suddenly, my eyes snapped open when I felt the bite of gnawing teeth, Shifter magic zapping my body. “Ow! Shit!”

“Stay awake,” Cain ordered gruffly, now gripping my shoulder. “Or I’ll do that again.”

“Jus’…wanna…sleep,” I slurred, glaring up at him, my teeth chattering. “Asshole.”

“Whatever, spirit bitch, just stay awake,” he growled. I jerked, my eyes flying open, not even realizing they had closed, when he zapped me again, and he glanced up, barking, “How much longer?”

“He’s coming,” a pause by the male voice from before, “The principal’s bringing him back now.”

Yeah, we had been at a children’s function, reading to the damn kiddies when the pull to the Barren had occurred for us. Not very timely, but luckily, they had a playground out back we were able to access the darkness on. Didn’t sound right, but it’s not like it left any lingering effects of evil behind…I blinked, slurring, teeth chattering, “Make sure…to…ges’ rid of…my blood stain.”

“She’s lost way too much blood,” Elder Bridges muttered from above me. “She’s not making any sense.”

“It’s a fucking kid’s playground,” Cain muttered harshly…then zapped me again, my eyes shooting wide as I grunted. “Do the damn math.”

“Were’z…Sin?” I asked groggily.

“He’s inside with the kids,” Cain stated evenly, his thumb running soothingly over my cold flesh, even though he was staring off somewhere else. “He and Brann are entertaining them.”

“Good,” I muttered. “He’d…freakz.”

“Make room,” Leric ordered gruffly, also watching where Cain was, snapping his free hand’s fingers at the Guardians. “Let him through.”

Elder Farrar instantly moved, and a moment later, I dimly saw an older spirit man kneeling in his place, listening as Leric explained what had happened, and he started rummaging through a platinum medical case he carried, stating evenly, “We need to get her to the hospital.” He pulled a syringe out, quickly shooting me up with medicine in my arm. “Call ahead and have them wait for us at the doors.”

“Where’s it at?” Elder Bridges asked instantly. “I can get her there faster than any of you.”

I inhaled sharply as a bolt of medicine hit my brain like a lightning bolt, and then grinned sloppily, feeling no pain whatsoever, “Tha’z…nize.”

The doctor ignored me, telling Elder Bridges, “You won’t be able to give her any peace, anything to soothe her, so don’t even waste your power on it…”

He went on with what seemed like endless directions until Elder Farrar cut him off, stating, “For fuck’s sake, she’ll never make it there. Give me the name of the doctor, and I’ll take her there myself.” He maneuvered, lifting me into his arms. “Name, people. Give me a damn name.” He was given a name…and we were instantly floating in a shrouded mist of golden entity…and reappeared in what looked like a surgical room, which was in use, scaring the medical staff, but not the poor sedated bastard on the table who got sliced by a startled nurse with a scalpel. Elder Farrar stated calmly, and pleasantly, while they screamed, “Hello. I’m Elder Farrar, a Lajak.” He lifted me a bit in his strong arms. “This is the Chosen, and if you don’t want the One to kill you, I would suggest you fix her.” He smiled pleasantly when they quieted, expressions shocked. “Or I could kill you now if you don’t move your asses and do as I say.” He dipped his head. “I’ll leave that choice up to you, since you’re all so fond of them here.”