
“Yes,” she heard herself agree. “I’ll help you.”



He drew closer, his lips hovered an inch from hers. Their breaths combined before she felt the pressure of his lips. She wrapped her hands around his neck and pressed him closer.


“Skye.” His voice sounded strangled. She didn’t try to speak, knew she couldn’t. He groaned as his hands explored her back.


He was too far away, she needed him closer. She broke her hold and stood. He looked at her questioningly and then smiled when she settled on his lap. Hungrily, their lips reconnected. He explored her mouth with his tongue and her body flamed. She’d had a couple of serious make out sessions before, but none so intense, this need like a physical hurt. It was a far shot from Tanner’s miserly pity kiss.


Tanner. Skye couldn’t even picture his face. And she had promised herself not to hold back the next time she fell for a guy. So . . . . she let Kheelan’s kisses consume her mind and body; there was room for nothing else.


“So damn hot,” he breathed as he whispered in her ear. His mouth lowered to her neck and kissed the hollow of her throat. Breathing was difficult, forget thinking clearly. All she wanted, needed, was his mouth to go lower still. She arched her back, thrusting her breasts toward him.


Ever-so-slowly his lips trailed kisses down several more inches and his hand brushed the side of one of her breasts. Her nipples strained beneath her thin cotton shirt. She’d die if he didn’t touch her there. Please.


A hand crept up the back of her shirt and he expertly unhooked her bra in one confident move. As if he had done this same thing a million times.


Wait. What am I doing? If she didn’t stop this soon, Kheelan would expect more. Much more. He wasn’t some high school boy from Piedmont.


But then he palmed her breasts and the blood pounded in her ears. She was falling, and so was he. His weight was delicious and heavy on top of her own as they sank into the sofa cushions. His mouth, at last, suckled one of her nipples. Her core tightened, dampening her panties. Skye pressed her hips into his, felt his rigid manhood.


He wanted her. Her.


The knowledge filled Skye with humility and awe.


He lifted his head and his eyes were dark with passion, gleaming with intensity. “You’re beautiful, Skye. Incredible.”


This man, this completely sexy man, thought she was incredible. “Thank you,” she whispered, suddenly shy.


He gave a lopsided grin. “You’re welcome,” he said formally, teasingly.


“You, um, look really good too.” Sweet goddesses, she sounded like an idiot. An inexperienced, bumbling idiot. Heat blossomed on her cheeks and neck.


He arched a brow as he took in her discomfort.


“I . . . I’m not sure about this Kheelan. It’s happening so fast.” She blushed under his look of desire. “I mean, I want to but I’ve never, well, you know.”


He sighed and briefly touched his forehead to hers. “I get it. It’s okay.”


“Don’t be mad.” Skye hated the quiver in her voice.


He ran a hand down her long hair. “Stop talking in apologies,” he said, his voice still husky with need. “I didn’t plan on making love to you anyway. It’s too soon.”


Skye brightened. “Then don’t stop kissing me.” She leaned in and pressed her lips to his cheek.


With both hands, he firmly grabbed her arms and set her away. “Not a good idea.” His grin was rueful. “I seem to lose control around you.”


She couldn’t help grinning. It wasn’t everyday an awesome hunk said that, at least not in her world. “If you’re sure –” She got off his lap.


“Very.” Kheelan ran a hand through his hair and paced, putting some distance between them.





Losing control, that was the last thing he needed right now. Only a week until Samhain and the pressure was on to find out what was happening with the pixies and bargain with the Fae for his freedom. Annwynn had warned him the situation was dire. Every day that passed meant the Unseelie were probably gathering more information from the pixie spies about battle plans and strategies.


Somehow, the pixies were somehow lured and trapped. It was no secret in the Fae kingdom that the small pixies were used as messengers and spies for the Seelie. They were quick and extremely physically appealing to the occasional humans able to lift the veil between their worlds. And that veil was now at its thinnest. The entire spirit world gained energy and power around Samhain. Energy the Unseelie fed on, making them extremely dangerous to humans as well as the Seelie fae.


Debbie Herbert's books