
Kheelan hardened his heart. He would believe nothing they said. All he wanted was his freedom. And if that meant using them as he had been used, then so be it.


He forced a smile. “As you say, Annwynn. I’m thankful Finvorra’s powers will be temporarily curtailed. That should allow me to finish up my work in time to benefit the Seelie Court.” Not to mention it would help his personal quest. Kheelan stood cautiously, pleased to note he was able to walk with a minimum of pain. He grabbed his duster jacket from the sofa and took one last look at Finvorra’s frozen form and the three fae who watched him with glowing eyes.


“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a certain human to interview.”






Chapter 8







After a few more ditzy dances and fairy chants, Claribel left. Skye gathered up the dirty dishes and started putting up leftovers. A sudden knock at the door almost made her drop the spaghetti container she was fixing to stuff in the fridge.


Her stomach took a funny dive, like plunging down a rollercoaster blindfolded. It might be Kheelan coming to see if she’d used the hagstone. She really wanted to talk to someone tonight about the fairies she’d glimpsed through it. Dinner with Claribel had pretty much been a bust on that score.


Skye eagerly opened the door, expecting Kheelan. Instead, there stood Tanner with an arm draped across the door frame and wearing that lopsided grin that made all the girls melt inside. Any other time she would have swooned to see him, but tonight she wanted to talk to Kheelan.


“Oh. It’s you.” She looked behind his shoulder, checking to see if Michael was with him.


Tanner’s grin lost a little of its wattage. “Glad to see you too,” he said dryly.


“Come in, I guess.” Skye turned and headed to the living room. Major awkward. She didn’t know how to act around him since the embarrassing Big Reveal. When would she learn to keep her mouth shut?


Tanner plopped on the sofa and put his feet up on the coffee table. She sat across from him, striving to appear equally as casual and collected. “Where’s Michael?”


“I wanted to talk to you alone. About, you know, the other night.”


Skye hid her face in her hands and groaned. “I’d rather not.”


“C’mon, Skye. Don’t go all shy on me.”


“Easy for you to say. You’re not the one who made a fool of yourself.”


“Stop it. I came to tell –”


A headlight beam shone through the window and Skye jumped up. She went to the curtain and parted it.


“Expecting somebody?”


“Sort of.” The landlord and her son got out of their car with bags of groceries. Drats. Still no Kheelan.


“A guy?”


Tanner sounded a little funny. “Yeah.” Skye reluctantly sat back down in the chair. “It wasn’t him though.”


“Don’t tell me it’s that guy from the shop.”


She snapped her fingers. “That’s right. I forgot you met him a few nights ago at closing time.”


Tanner wasn’t smiling anymore. “About this Kyle dude –”


“His name is Kheelan.”


“But you said his name –”


“I thought it was Kyle at first but it’s another guy who looks almost exactly like him.”


Tanner’s face scrunched in confusion. “A twin brother?”


Skye threw up her hands. “Long story.”


“I’m listening.”


“Don’t you have a football meeting or a date or something?” Skye couldn’t figure out what he was doing here.


He put his hands behind his head and settled in even more. “Nope. I’m all yours.”


Bad choice of words. Skye gulped and looked away, hoping he wouldn’t notice her red face. The curse of a fair complexion. “Why do you care?”


“Because I saw the way he looked at you. Kinda creepy.”


“Kheelan’s not creepy.” She got up and started pacing in irritation. The guy had enough to put up with in the Faery world without having his own kind mock him. Tanner had every advantage in life; great parents, good looks, athletic talent and a truckload of charm. He could afford a little kindness.


“He kept staring at you.”


“Like I said before, why do you care?”


“Because you and Michael have been my best friends forever, that’s why. If this Kheelan is a problem we’ll take care of it.”


“Spare me the big brother act.”


He held up his hands. “Chill. I’m just sayin’ –”


“Is it so hard for you to believe some guy might actually think I’m pretty?” She wanted to cut her tongue out the minute she said it. But there, it was out there.


Tanner dropped his hands. “I never said you weren’t pretty. That’s why—”


“Forget it.”


“Geez, you’re in a great mood tonight.”


“The last couple of days have been crazy.”


“What’s up?”


“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”


“Try me.”


Skye folded her arms across her chest. “Okay, how’s this for starters – weird things have been going on at the shop. Then, when I get off work yesterday, Kheelan’s waiting for me in the back alley.”


Debbie Herbert's books