Cat’s Lair

Eli had a lot of respect for Jake Bannaconni. He could have purchased the prime real estate and added it to what he already had, especially suspecting oil on it, but he’d let Eli know it was coming up for sale and when Eli was interested quietly arranged the sale and hid it under multiple layers of his own corporations.

It was Jake’s wife, Emma, whom he emailed when he was coming to the property. She personally didn’t stock his fridge, he knew better than that, but she had the supplies bought and delivered. The Bannaconnis were good neighbors and Jake certainly deserved a heads-up that a rogue would eventually be coming their way.

He shifted as he got closer. As a rule shifters weren’t in the least bit modest, but he was always careful to know who was close by before he allowed himself to be seen.

“Jake?” he called out the moment he identified two of Jake’s men with him.

Joshua Tregre and Elijah Lospostos were two of Jake’s shifter crew. Eli knew them both fairly well. They’d come from Borneo with Drake to work for Jake. Eli knew Drake was now living in New Orleans but was still very tight with Jake and these two men.

“Eli?” Jake called back.

The three men moved closer to the property line.

“I’ve been out for a run,” Eli warned them.

They didn’t hesitate. “I’ve got a spare pack,” Joshua said. “Do you want a pair of jeans?”

“Seems silly just for a short visit. I’ve got my mate in the truck and she could decide to take off any minute,” Eli said.

“Not happy about being your mate, I take it,” Jake said, stepping through the foliage. He was a big man, like Eli. Like all of them, they were built with the roped, powerful muscle of their kind.

“No, can’t say she is. She’s got a rogue after her. Not only is he very dangerous, but he’s built himself a large crime network. He owns just enough cops to get information very quickly.”

“You got a name?” Bannaconni asked.

“Rafe Cordeau.”

Elijah made a soft sound, a kind of warning growl at the back of his throat. “He’s a bad one, boss,” he said. “Rumor is that he likes to bring his enemies to the swamp and let his leopard hunt. I heard a whisper that he lost his most prized possession. She with you?” His mercury eyes met Eli’s. “Because if that woman is the one he’s been looking for, he’s going to come at you with everything he’s got to get her back.”

“I’m well aware of that. I’ve been chasing this bastard for over two years with the DEA and haven’t gotten anything on him that would stick. Every time we had him, our witness disappeared right from under our noses. Every safe house we put them in was found and penetrated, nothing has worked. Now I know why. I had no idea he was a shifter.”

“He knows to stay clear of Drake’s lair and the Boudreaux boys in the bayou and swamps. They’re all in law enforcement in some capacity and Cordeau wants no part of them,” Elijah said. “Drake married into that family, and he runs a tight lair. I’ve had a couple of sit-downs with Cordeau. It was tense, to say the least. My uncle was in power back then. The two of them did business together. Since I’ve returned to the States, he’s put out a few feelers.”

“I’ve got to take him down,” Eli said. “If I don’t, my woman will never rest easy again.”

“You can’t keep a shifter locked up,” Jake said, watching him close.

“I have no intentions of locking him up, Jake,” Eli said, knowing his eyes had gone cool and watchful. His cat surged close. He’d been close all along, but the thought of meeting Cordeau and taking him out permanently had his cat raking for freedom.

“Do you want extra patrols over there? More eyes on your woman?” Jake offered.

Immediately his leopard roared a challenge and he had to fight to keep him under control. “Her female hasn’t emerged yet and my male is difficult at the best of times. I wouldn’t want to vouch for him right now. She’s close though.”

“Once she emerges,” Jake said, “bring her over to meet Emma.”

“Jake.” Both Eli and Elijah spoke his name at the exact same time in the same warning voice.

“He kills entire families. Anyone befriending Catarina,” Eli said. “I thank you for your offer, but I don’t want to put Emma in danger, especially now. I’ve heard you’re expecting again.”

A muscle ticked in Jake’s jaw. “Emma could use a friend. We’re set up for anything and my men will have no problems protecting a woman. Bring her over. I’ll show you my setup. Your woman can get comfortable with us and if things go wrong, she’ll know she has a place to go.”

Eli studied Jake’s face for a long time. He meant every word. Eli nodded. “I appreciate it. The only shifter she’s ever encountered was Cordeau, and he terrified her. Marked her with scars, and he did it on purpose. He killed a woman, a friend of hers, and forced her hands into the blood. She was a kid. This man, he likes to hurt people, Jake. He gets off on it.”

“I’ve met a few of those, Eli. We can’t have your woman thinking that’s what all shifters are. Bring her over. We’ll close ranks here. She’ll know she’s protected.”


Christine Feehan's books