Cat’s Lair

“Just you, Catarina. How could I possibly want another woman after having you? It would be impossible. Now get moving and stop trying to tempt me. I’m taking care of you, remember?”

She leaned into him and licked up his shaft like a cat licking cream. Her tongue teased and danced under the sensitive crown. Fire shot through his body. There was nothing gentle about his body’s reaction as her mouth slid over him like a tight glove. She suckled, her tongue dancing. A low moan escaped, vibrating right through his cock. Then she was gone, her blue eyes dancing with mischief.

“Just making certain you heard me right,” she said.

“That earned you a spanking.”

She laughed. “I’m so scared.” She didn’t sound in the least bit scared.

She rolled up and he stepped back before her hands could reach her intended target. There was only so much teasing he could take, and he knew she was sore and swollen. He wanted to kiss the little smirk right off her face, but that would definitely lead to other things.

“Hurry up,” he growled, knowing he’d lost this battle. Even if he did put her over his knee, he had a feeling she’d turn the tables on him and it would turn erotic.

He snagged a pair of soft sweatpants on his way out of the room. Her laughter only made his body harder and he knew she’d used her soft, sexy tone on purpose.

He was laughing when he got to the kitchen. His life had always been grim. He was okay with that. He did his job and he was good at it, and there was satisfaction in taking down criminals. But still, it was a grim life. Even after he’d traveled the world looking for other shifters. After he’d found Drake Donovan and had been introduced to the men who hunted rogues and took down criminals throughout the world. Shifters he could admire. Shifters who taught him the ropes. Even then, his world was grim. Until Cat. Cat changed everything and he didn’t know she’d done it until it was already done.

He looked around his kitchen. It was the same, yet different. There were flowers in a vase on the table. Pots and pans hung on the rack, but they were arranged by size and were sparkling clean. The differences were small, and subtle, but they were there. She’d already put her touch on things, especially the kitchen.

She’d set up a coffee station with the ingredients from her grocery list. Joshua had brought the groceries and clothes he’d requested and she’d been ecstatic. He hadn’t shown her the clothes yet – or the boots he’d ordered – but she’d pounced on the groceries, oohing and ahhing over every object – especially the coffee items. She could make their favorites drinks and when she did, they were every bit as awesome as he remembered from the coffee-house.

He pulled out the deli meat, turkey for her and roast beef for him. Cheese slices, avocado and condiments. He knew the moment she entered, but he didn’t look up. He smelled her – that honeysuckle scent that drove him mad. She didn’t make a sound as she padded barefoot across the floor straight to the coffee machine.

“Want one?”


She laughed. “It’s amazing how much you can convey with one word.”

He went to her, silent as well. She didn’t know he was behind her until he was already on her, turning her into his arms, taking a fistful of hair to pull her head back. He took her mouth. Rough. Hard. Possessive. Staking his claim in no uncertain terms. When he lifted his head to look into her cobalt eyes, he saw she got it. She knew his way of talking. He smiled down at her and brushed her lips gently with his. At the same time his hand slid under the hem of the shirt she wore to find her naked bottom. He caressed the firm globes with his palms before stalking back across the room to the center island, putting it between them.

“Our communication seems to be improving.”

Catarina burst out laughing. She touched her trembling mouth and wondered if her shaky legs would hold her up. Happiness burst through her veins like champagne bubbles. He had a sense of humor under all that alpha leopard macho nonsense that she found hotter than anything. Which was unfortunate because he already got his way in all things. She just liked taking care of him.

“Is it now?” she prompted as she ground up the coffee he liked.

“You’re wearing my shirt and no panties. And you know when I’m telling you that you fucking belong to me. So, yeah, communication is getting better.”

“I’m not so afraid all the time,” she admitted. She kept her back to him while she made his favorite cup of coffee. He liked caramel. She’d been surprised that he was a caramel man, but when he had something sweet, it was coffee and caramel and he liked two shots with that. She was careful to make it perfect for him.


Christine Feehan's books