Cat’s Lair

“I want this.” She tried to tell him but her voice was different. “For you, to be with you.” She wanted him to know. She was afraid, and yes, it hurt, but she knew Eli’s leopard needed her female the way Eli needed her – and she needed him.

By the time Eli had leapt from the porch with her in his arms, her body had begun to contort. Sweat beaded on her skin and she scented the feral creature. The female leopard was as afraid as she was and that made her all the more determined to make certain she could shift properly.

“Tell me what to do.”

“Breathe and relax. Let it happen. Don’t fight it, baby. I’ll be right here with you. The whole time, I’ll be at your side.”

She believed him. She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Eli would stay with her and guard her in any form she was in. She just knew. She breathed deeply, trying to push through the pain to relax her body enough to accept the shift. She even crooned softly to the female leopard, coaxing her out.

Her body contorted again, joints popping. Cracking. Pain burst through her but she ignored it. She forced more air through teeth that were too large for her mouth, through the lengthening jaw and hands that disappeared under fur and claws. Pain radiated through every part of her body as fur rippled over her. Her lungs burned and she looked down at the ground and then at her limbs.

Where there had been a woman, now there was a leopard, a small female with luxurious rosette-covered tawny fur. Elated, she turned her head to look at Eli. In his place was the large black leopard and his eyes were on her as if he might devour her at any moment. The small female turned and with a warning switch of her tail, took off running.


ELI woke feeling as if he was hungover. His head pounded and his body ached. He moved and instantly was aware of the slight weight on his belly. He was on his back, Catarina’s body curled against him, her head resting just over his belly button. She had one arm flung over him. Her wild hair was everywhere, forming a silken blanket over his cock and thighs.

His body instantly stirred at the intimacy of her position. He breathed slowly and deeply, drawing the scent of her into his lungs. His hand immediately threaded through her hair before he’d even thought of putting it there. He found himself smiling. He loved everything about this woman, especially the way she went wild when he had her body under his.

Catarina Benoit was full of surprises. He knew she was afraid of shifting. Everyone was afraid the first time. It was painful and wrenching to every bone in one’s body. She had looked to him with her wide, blue eyes, trusting him to get her through. Trusting him. That was worth everything right there to him. She listened and did just as he said.

He was leopard and his male had risen fast. He could scent her fear, but she didn’t hesitate and she shifted fairly quickly because of her determination.

Eli ran his fingers through Catarina’s thick silky hair. She moved slightly and a soft groan escaped. He pushed back the sheet covering her body and took a good look at her. There were bruises and marks all over her body. Mostly from him, from his hands and mouth during the frenzied thrall of the Han Vol Dan.

He closed his eyes for a moment to block out the sight of her soft skin covered in dark smudges. She definitely was small for a leopard, although she carried the curves and hair, but her body type made her seem far too fragile for the rough sex and rough mating of shifters.

The leopards had been together all night. His male had claimed the female fairly fast, allowing her to run for a short while before taking possession. He was fast and vicious, serious about staking his claim. He was every bit as rough as Eli and just as controlling – even more so.

The two leopards had played hard and rough through the night and most of the next day. The male had been on the female every fifteen minutes or so, using his heavier frame to hold her in place and his teeth in her shoulder to pin her down. The love fest had gone on for hours, as often happened with leopards, all night, all morning and most of the afternoon. When Eli had finally managed to convince the male to bring the female back to the ranch house, it was already nearly sunset.

Eli smoothed his hand over her dark hair. Catarina was exhausted, both emotionally and physically. He’d carried her into the house and she’d fallen asleep in his arms. He’d run a hot bath and actually got into the tub to hold her in the water, hoping that would help to reduce soreness. She’d roused a couple of times to shift position and each time she moved, she moaned softly.

He held her while she brushed her teeth and then he’d slipped her under the sheet and climbed into bed beside her, holding her close to him. Sometime in the night, she had flung one arm around him and laid her head on his belly. He liked waking up with her there. He liked having their legs tangled intimately together and her mouth a breath away from his cock. He liked her warmth and her laughter.

Christine Feehan's books