Burning Desire

Phelan made a sound at the back of his throat. “Nay. Shara is going to help.”



“So you think,” Laith said.


There was a slight pause before Phelan said, “I remember my own brethren turning against me when they discovered Aisley was drough. Aisley was never evil. She did what had to be done to survive. Shara had no choice in things either. She was born into a Dark family. Think about that before you condemn her.”


Con used his thumb and forefinger to squeeze the bridge of his nose. “Do you trust her?”


“I’ve no’ meet her,” Phelan said. “Kiril trusts her, and I trust Kiril.”


“Is Kiril blinded by lust?”


“Well, you would be too if you got a look at her. I think he might have been in the beginning, but Kiril’s smart. Shara found Kiril and didna lead the other Dark Ones to him.”


Con lowered his arm to the desk. “Where is the doorway?”


“In the back garden of the Blackwood home.”


“I need more than that, Phelan.”


“Kiril will be here any moment. Look for the most ostentatious house in a neighborhood on the outskirts of Cork, and you’ll find it. I see Kiril.”


The call went dead.


Con pushed the chair back with his legs and stood. He looked at Guy. “Make sure the patrols are in place and the new sensors set for the Dark Fae. I want the mates in the mountain with the Silvers and guarded. Kellan, I want patrols in the air as well. Tristan, call the Warriors and let them know what’s going on so they can be prepared.”


“For what?” Tristan asked.


Laith braced his hands on the back of the vacant chair. “Because it could be a trap for us. They take Kiril, we go after Kiril, and they use our absence to attack Dreagan.”


“It’s just a precaution,” Con said. “Laith, put some sensors around the Silvers as well. Another precaution.”


Rhys lifted a dark brow when Con’s gaze moved to him. “Your words to me better be to get ready to go to Ireland.”


“I didna intend to say anything else,” Con replied with a grin. “Though I’ll be coming with you.”


All five Kings stilled in various stages of leaving the office, their gazes locking on him.


“Are you going for Rhi?” Guy asked.


Con gave a single shake of his head. “Balladyn and I have some business that willna wait. Rhi will have Kiril, Rhys, and Phelan attempting to locate her. She doesna need my help.”


They all filed out of his office except for Rhys. Rhys waited until everyone was gone before he approached Con’s desk. “I think it should be more than just the two of us going in.”


“I doona want them to know we’re coming. We’ll have to fly low.”


“Low?” Rhys asked with a frown. “You want to chance the humans seeing us?”




Rhys rolled his eyes. “You think that will keep us hidden from the Dark?”


“It’ll get us into Ireland, which is what I want.”


“It’ll take us longer, but it’s the best way.”


Con came around his desk. “We take the SUV to the coast.”


Rhys turned on his heel and stalked from the office, Con on his heel. Con knew everything would be looked after on Dreagan. His concern was getting to Ireland, and then returning.


He got behind the wheel of the SUV and started the black Range Rover just as Rhys climbed in. The engine purred to life, and he threw it into drive. Con glanced in the rearview mirror at Dreagan. As long as things like this were going on, he couldn’t concentrate on killing Ulrik, and yet the issues were all caused by Ulrik. Pretty soon Con was going to have to make a decision to leave missions to the other Kings and go after Ulrik himself.


“I’m going to kick Kiril’s ass for this,” Rhys muttered a half-hour into the drive.


Con glanced over at him. “Right after I have a go at him. He’s never done anything this reckless.”


“You mean he’s never acted like me before,” Rhys said with a wry grin.


“Aye. It’s why I believed him when he said he was coming home. I should’ve known when he gave in so easily that something was up.”


“He knows where Rhi is. I wouldna be able to leave her.”


Con gripped the wheel tighter. “But I would?”




“You think you know me so well.”


“You didna deny it,” Rhys said.


Con veered off the road and parked the Range Rover behind a dense grove of trees. He turned off the engine and swiveled his head to Rhys. “You agreed with me when we killed Ulrik’s female and bound his magic. Why is it you’re against me every time now?”


“Someone has to irritate you or you’d think you could rule the world,” he said with a smile as he opened the door and got out.


Con briefly closed his eyes before he exited the SUV and removed his clothes, setting them on his seat. By the time he turned around Rhys was already in the water.


Donna Grant's books