Burning Desire

Kiril grinned despite himself. Phelan had proven himself many times. It was lucky the Kings had made an alliance with the Warriors and learned that Phelan was half-Fae. Without him, they would never find the doorways.


“On the outskirts of Cork. It’s a prominent neighborhood, so leave any vehicles behind. We’re going to be sneaking in undetected in all ways.”


“I’ll be there.”


Kiril ended the call, a calm coming over him. Outside the cellar door were six Dark Ones. With a smile in place, he threw open the door, the force of his dragon magic filling him until he thought he would split apart.


And then he opened his mouth and let it loose, the blast of cold air freezing the Dark Ones instantaneously. Kiril saw himself in the mirror and the curls of cold air seeping from the corners of his mouth through his parted lips.


Damn, but it was good to be a Dragon King.












Constantine knew in his gut something had happened to Kiril. Whether Kiril remained behind of his own volition or someone had detained him, it all came down to the fact that he hadn’t returned to Dreagan.


Con didn’t bother to turn from his place at the window at the sound of the quick knock and the door opening. He wasn’t surprised when four Dragon Kings filed into his office.


With the night as black as pitch, it made it easy for Con to see Guy, Tristan, Kellan, and Laith reflected in the window. Con finished off the last of his whisky and faced the group.


“What brings all of you here this late?” he asked.


Kellan’s face twisted angrily. “Cut the shite, Con. You said Kiril was returning. That was hours ago.”


“I know.”


Guy ran a hand through his hair. “You know? Have you heard from him? Because he willna answer me.”


“He’s no’ answering me either,” Con admitted.


Tristan’s dark eyes filled with confusion. “Then why are we just sitting here?”


“My question exactly,” Laith said. “When Rhys finds out, he’ll go to Ireland himself.”


“Then he can no’ find out,” Con said as calmly as he could. They had no idea how close to the edge he was riding—nor would they.


It was Kellan who held his gaze before he snorted and shook his head. “You’ve no’ told them.”


“I didna tell you either,” Con said. “You only know because you write the history.”


Laith stepped away from the door. “What have you no’ told us?”


Con could have cheerfully slammed Kellan through the window. He would have told everyone as soon as he formulated some kind of plan. “Kiril asked that I grant permission to offer safe harbor for a Dark Fae.”


“That’s no’ what I meant,” Kellan said. “Though if you tell them that part, then you need to tell them that she’s the one helping him.”


“A Dark Fae helping a Dragon King?” Guy asked.


Tristan exchanged looks with Guy. “Has that ever happened?”


“Nay,” Kellan said. “No’ once since the Fae ventured to this realm.”


Laith tucked a long, wavy lock of blond hair behind his ear. “A female Dark? What is she to Kiril?”


“I’m no’ sure exactly,” Con answered.


Kellan walked around the set of chairs before Con’s desk and sank into one of them. “Shara is her name. She found Rhi and told Kiril her location.”


“I’ll be damned,” Tristan murmured.


Guy blew out a weary breath. “Kiril is going after Rhi, is he not?”


“I would in his place after what she did for me and Denae,” Kellan said.


Tristan nodded. “Not to mention what she did for me and Sammi.”


“Then why are we sitting here?” Laith asked. “We should be helping him.”


Con shifted his eyes to Kellan. “We doona even know where to go.”


The door to the office flew open. Every eye looked to see Rhys standing there, his face a mask of fury. “There is one who does. Phelan.”


There was someone else he could contact, but she was only a last resort. It might very well come to that, but Con would hold off until that time arrived.


Constantine hit the speaker button on his desk phone and dialed Phelan’s mobile.


“Make it quick,” Phelan said in a low voice when he answered. “I doona have long.”


Con pulled out his chair and sat, bracing his elbows on his desk. “Where is Kiril?”


“On his way to meet me.”


“And where is that?”


Phelan sighed dramatically. “I really hate when I get put in the middle of King business. The fact is, he didna want to tell you. Something about you coming over here when Kiril knows that it would be the worst thing for you to do.”


“And another Dragon King being taken by the Dark doesna warrant our action?” Kellan asked.


“Kellan?” Phelan asked. “Nay, that’s no’ what I meant. Balladyn is intent on catching Kiril. He’s been hunting him all day. We have a narrow window in order to get to Balladyn’s fortress on the Fae realm and find Rhi.”


“Then Balladyn will be waiting for him,” Tristan said.


“According to Kiril, aye. Balladyn has an entire army at his fortress waiting.”


Rhys slammed his hand down on Con’s desk. “Does he want to be taken?”


Donna Grant's books