Burning Desire

Kiril ordered a mug of ale and decided to remain in the pub for a little longer. He got a pen from the waitress when she brought his drink and used the back of the cocktail napkin to draw a map of Cork.


He marked with an X the places where he’d found more than two Dark. What it showed more clearly than anything was how the Dark weren’t just living in Cork—they were taking over.


Several businesses were owned by the Dark, and several more had Dark working amid humans. Why? Why would the Dark who think of humans as toys put themselves so close to them?


Kiril remained in the pub until he finished his ale. He then paid his bill and left, stuffing the napkin in his pocket. He turned to the left and continued his exploration of the city. Except this time he wasn’t just studying things.


Four Dark looked up as he walked into a souvenir shop. Kiril gave them an aloof smile. “Who can point me to the home of the Blackwoods?”


Their eyes went wide at the mention of Blackwood. Just as he’d expected. Shara’s family was as powerful as she’d led him to believe.


“Nothing?” he asked.


When they only stared at him blankly with their red eyes, Kiril walked out and went into the next building. There was only one Dark inside, and she was shopping. With a nod at the human owner, Kiril went to the next shop.


Every time he encountered Dark that were working at the businesses, he asked about Blackwood, and each time he got the same response—fear. A few Dark dared to look at him as if he were digging a hole for himself. They had no idea who he was. Kiril was fine with that. The fewer Dark who realized he was a Dragon King the better.


It would be easier for the Dark to capture him if all of them knew who he was, but it reaffirmed his suspicions about Farrell. The jackass was trying to capture him on his own. Kiril was going to make him pay for thinking it was that easy to take a Dragon King.


The sun was dipping low in the sky when Kiril walked into a store with several Dark Fae about. He made his way to the cashier and asked, “Do you know the address of the Blackwood residence?”


The female Dark quickly shook her head and disappeared through a door to the back. Kiril turned and started to walk out when a Dark stepped in front of him.


Her black and silver hair was trimmed close to her head, and she wore a nose ring. Heavy makeup covered her face, especially her eyes. She tapped the toe of her combat boots on the floor in time with the smacking of her gum. “Why do you want the Blackwoods?”


Ah. Finally someone willing to talk. Kiril knew it would happen eventually. “It’s business.”


“You know they’re a family you don’t want to mess with, right?” she asked in her thick Irish accent.


Kiril smiled. “I appreciate the warning. Will you give me the address?”


She chomped on her gum for a few seconds before she too smiled. “If you’re senseless enough to go there knowing what awaits you, who am I to stop you?”


Kiril walked out of the shop with a destination—and a purpose.









Shara woke from her position in the high-backed chair and turned her head. To lock gazes with Balladyn.


His red eyes blazed with a craving a blind woman could see. She swallowed, unsure what to say. It had been hours since he had left her to attend to his business. When he held out his hand, it never entered her mind to refuse him. In the time she had been with Balladyn she’d learned that no one refused him anything.


“You remained.”


She glanced at their joined hands. “You asked me to.” What else was she to do? Leave after he’d told her to stay? Return to her family? As if.


“You didn’t leave my chamber.”


Shara tilted her head as his words sank in. “You had someone guarding me?”


He was no better than her family keeping watch over every move she made. The fury that erupted within her was fierce and overwhelming.


Balladyn simply raised a black brow. “The guard was there to ensure that no one bothered you as well as to see to anything you needed.”


Shara looked away. Her chest heaved from the anger swirling within her. She wanted to believe him, but she wasn’t sure she could. Would she be trading one prison for another with Balladyn?


“There are … things … in my fortress that could harm you should you encounter them,” he said into the silence.


She smiled tightly, still refusing to look at him. The fact he wouldn’t release her hand was all that kept her next to him. “Right. Just as my family locked me away for my own good.”


Balladyn tightened his fingers on her hand and pulled her closer until their bodies touched. Then he placed his other hand against her chin and turned her face back toward him. He looked intently into her eyes. “You’ll know if I ever imprison you, Shara.”


“Because you’ll tell me?”


“Because you’ll be in chains.”


Shara held back a shudder. Barely. “Do you hold many prisoners?”


Donna Grant's books