Burning Desire

He smiled, though it was hard and cold. Balladyn turned her to face him. “Farrell has a habit of using his fists against females when words would work better. Is that how you got your injury?”



If she admitted to it, then Balladyn would want to know why Farrell had hit her. And Shara wasn’t going to tell him anything about Kiril.


Her silence, it seemed, was answer enough when a muscle in Balladyn’s temple throbbed. “I’ll have to have a word with him.”


Shara had to think quickly and say something before Balladyn could ask anything else. “You surprise me once more. I never thought you would mind a female getting hit.”


“If a female hits me, then I will hit back. For a brother to hit a sister? Nay, I don’t agree.” His face softened. “If your slack jaw is any indication, I really have surprised you.”


She closed her mouth and reconsidered him. “What surprises me is that you haven’t already found a wife.”


“I hadn’t found anyone worthy. Until now.”


Shara smiled, delight spreading through her. He cupped her face, his thumb brushing her bottom lip. How different her life would be with someone like Balladyn.


Or Kiril.


She once more took Balladyn’s arm. They had been around his fortress already, but she knew he wasn’t leading her for another tour. He had something else in mind.


Regardless of her reluctance to share her body with Balladyn because it felt like a betrayal to Kiril, she had to think of her future. Whatever had happened between her and Kiril was in the past. There was no future for them. He couldn’t live in her world, and she could never live in his.


Another option had presented itself in the form of Balladyn. If only she had ventured into the doorway sooner and found his fortress, then she might never have had that night with Kiril and long for something that would never be hers.


“I want some time alone with you,” Balladyn said. “I don’t want to have anyone looking at us or trying to hear what we’re saying. The only place I can ensure that is my chamber.”


Her feet stopped of their own accord. She kept her gaze on the floor, because she couldn’t form a reason for halting.


“Don’t worry. As much as I want to take you to my bed, I won’t. Not tonight.”


Another surprise. Shara looked at him, wondering if he was telling the truth or was as adept at lying as her brother.


“I will take you,” he promised in a low, deep voice. “Hard. Often. Until you can’t stand. But not tonight.”


She shivered, but she wasn’t sure if it was because his words scared her. Or thrilled her.


He gave a tug of her arm that got her moving again. “Are you pleased with what you’ve seen here?”


“I am. Tell me more about what Taraeth is doing. The two Dragon Kings that were captured is all anyone can talk about.”


“I imagine it’s more that they can’t stop talking about how the Kings escaped.”


“Both. Is it true that there will be another war?”


“War is inevitable. It’s just a matter of when, not if. As for Taraeth’s plans, I can’t speak of those.” They reached the door to his chamber then. He pushed the heavy wood door open and motioned her inside.


Shara walked into the room to find more of the stuffed pillows tossed in piles on the floor. A massive four-poster bed sat in the middle of the room with sheer red drapes hanging at all four corners.


“Speaking of plans,” Balladyn said as he closed the door. “I hear a rumor Farrell has some of his own.”


“Farrell always has some kind of plan,” she said offhandedly.


“I’ll be visiting Cork soon to see what’s going on. These rumors have reached Taraeth, and he isn’t pleased.”


Shara turned to face Balladyn. He was leaning back against the door, blocking her way out. Had Balladyn been playing her all along? Did he only want information about her family? Anxiety soured her stomach. “If you have a question for me, ask. I’ll answer.”


“Did Farrell send you here?”


She laughed, and then hastily cut off the sound when Balladyn frowned. “Apologies. If you knew our relationship, then you would know that I try hard to do the exact opposite of what Farrell wants. I’m sure when he discovers where I am, he’ll be furious.”


“I’ll take care of that. Are the rumors true that Farrell is going to capture a Dragon King?”


Shara prayed she kept the surprise from showing on her face. “As I said, Farrell always has some plan he’s talking about. He’s ambitious. He wants to be in a position of authority as my father is.”


Balladyn rubbed his chin. “I’m not going to Cork just for your brother.”


Shara’s heart began a slow, sickening thump in her chest. She wasn’t good at hiding her emotions, which meant her fear showed plainly. She had to think of something to explain it. “Is it because I came here?”


“Nay.” Balladyn’s face broke out in a smile. “Though I will include a stop at your house for a chat with your father. If that’s what you want.”


Was it? This was her last chance to change her mind. “I do.”


Donna Grant's books