Burning Desire

With one hand on his cock, she reached around and rested her other hand in the middle of his back. She held there for a moment before she leisurely stroked downward until she reached his rock-hard ass.


He lowered his head, his gaze locked with hers. Their breaths mingled, their bodies touching from thigh to chest. Shara tried to raise her head to his lips, but he wouldn’t release his hold.


Her lungs seized, her body tingled when he hovered his lips above her, just grazing her mouth.









Kiril was singed inside and out, and he had yet to claim Shara as he longed to do. She touched him, touched his tat, and it set him on overload. Her breathing was erratic, her skin flushed, and yet she was nowhere near as aroused as he wanted her—nay, needed her.


He gazed down at her with her head held back and her breasts pressing against him, and he knew there was no turning away from her now—if that had ever been an option. He hadn’t accepted the truth until that minute.


His hold on her kept her immobile and, to an extent, exposed. She didn’t fight it. No, she accepted it as if she yearned for it as much as he did.


Kiril felt as if a rug had been yanked from underneath him. He had been searching for something to hold onto in the dark. And found it in the most unlikely of people—a Dark Fae sent to seduce him.


Seduce him she had, with merely a smile and a look. She wrapped him around her finger with ease. Kiril just prayed she never realized it.


“Kiril.” His name was but a whisper upon the wind, a sigh upon her lips.


Her gaze silently begged him while her hands continued their magic upon his aching cock. As if he could deny her—or himself—the pleasure that awaited.


He placed his lips on hers, a moan filling his chest at the softness of them. He tilted his head and slipped his tongue past her lips.


The first taste of her was heady and intoxicating. She sent him reeling, careening down a path of longing he hadn’t realized existed. He deepened the kiss that quickly grew fiery and intense. The more he tasted of her, the more he had to have.


It was too much, too fast. Kiril had to keep his head about him—or at least attempt to. He ended the kiss and released his hold on her hair, but kept her tight against him.


Her dark red eyes blazed with passion, and her swollen lips begged for more kisses. He touched the indent of her neck. His eyes held hers, daring her to look away, as he caressed a finger down her chest between her breasts to stop at the V of her dress.


The swell of her breasts beckoned. He let that same finger glide over the portion of her breast that peeked out of the dress. His balls tightened when he saw her nipple harden.


He kissed her again, hard and punishing. She wrapped her free arm around his neck and returned his kiss with all that she had. She pumped her fist over his rod in time with their kisses, sending him spiraling out of control quickly.


Kiril reached down her leg and began to gather her skirt in his fingers until he reached the hem. Then he slid his hand beneath the dress to cup her butt. He felt only skin, and his arousal twitched as he thought about her wearing a thong.


He moved his hand to her hip waiting to feel the edge of her panties, but once again encountered only skin. To know that she was naked beneath the dress undid him.


Kiril ended the kiss long enough to yank her dress over her head and toss it away. She wrapped both arms around his neck and kissed him passionately, fervently.


There was no more waiting, no more teasing. Kiril had to be inside her, had to feel her around him. He kicked off his shoes at the same time Shara did hers. Before he could shove his pants down, she used her toes to grab the material of his pants at his knees and tug. His trousers pooled around his ankles.


She leaned forward, sending him backward and tripping over his pants. Laughter exploded from them as he fell hard on his back, still holding her. The laughter died when they looked into each other’s eyes. Kiril rolled her onto her back and leaned over her. Her wealth of midnight hair was spread around her, the moonlight hitting upon the silver strip.


His eyes, however, were on her body. Her breasts were full without being overly large. Her nipples, a dusky rose, puckered beneath his gaze. He trailed his hand down her side to the indent of her waist and over her flared hips to her long, lean legs. With a touch on her thigh, she opened her legs. The black curls between them were trimmed neatly and gave him a good view of her sex, which glistened with arousal.


Kiril moved so that he lay between her legs and looked up at her. Her hands roamed over his face, her nails scraping his whiskers. She sucked in a breath when he leaned forward and wrapped his lips around a nipple.


He suckled it hard before moving to the other peak. Her hips ground against him, reminding him there was another part of her he wanted to taste.


Donna Grant's books