Burning Desire

“The Fae Wars were thousands of years ago.”



“Five of my siblings were killed in the Fae Wars. My parents joined in the fight as well, and I was left behind again. I ran wild those years, doing whatever I wanted whenever I wanted.”


Kiril wore a frown when he briefly looked at her. “The Fae Wars lasted hundreds of years.”


“I know. When my family returned, I thought things would change, but they didn’t. Once more my parents focused on having the best Dark Fae children and having them close to Taraeth. Two more of my siblings died in battle with other Dark for placement next to our leader. For every child my parents lost, the more they focused their attention on the next one.”


“Forgetting about you.”


“Yes. I had been waiting for the chance to be a part of the family when my mother finally deemed it time.”


“Is that what I am? A chance?” Kiril asked.


Shara smiled sadly at her hands clasped in her lap. “My chance was luring men into our world. When that proved easy enough, I was told to bring women. So I did. Then my brother made me watch what they did to the humans.”


Kiril grunted. “You cared? I find that hard to believe.”


“My parents thought it was because I wasn’t disciplined early enough.”


“What happened?”


She cut her eyes to see Kiril with one hand on the wheel and his head turned slightly to her. “I ended the suffering of the humans. Since it was all done within our house, none of the other Dark knew. My brother wanted to kill me, my mother wanted to banish me, but it was my father who handed down the punishment.”


“And that was?”


“I was locked in my room for six hundred years.”


“Is that supposed to make me feel sorry for you?”


Shara laughed as she looked out the passenger window. “Of course not. You asked why I had so little silver. I explained.”


“And I guess I’m the assignment that will put you right with your family?”




“It’s no’ going to happen, lass.”


She turned her head to him. “Then why did you bring me with you tonight?”


“Something I’ve been asking myself.”









Kiril knew he wasn’t thinking clearly. Why else would he bring Shara back to his house? It was a grave mistake, and yet he didn’t turn around and drive away.


He got out of the car.


Shara was slow to follow suit. Kiril waited for her at the top of the steps watching her every move. She swallowed and glanced around before she came to stand beside him. “I would’ve thought you’d take me elsewhere.”


He wanted to hate the sound of her voice, but he found himself looking forward to hearing the Irish brogue. Kiril turned the knob and pushed the door open. “We have the most privacy here.”


She paused, worry flickering over her face. “Privacy?”


“Well, besides the many Dark Fae eyes scrutinizing me.”


“How long have you known?”


“That they’ve been watching? Since the first moment I stepped onto this isle.”


Her lips parted in surprise. “Then why have you stayed? Do you want to be caught?”


Kiril walked past her into the house. He knew she would follow. It was her curiosity that would drive her inside. When he heard the door close softly, he smiled inwardly. But was it because he knew what her actions would be? Or was it because he now had her all to himself?


“I thought the Dragon Kings were smarter than this.”


Kiril tossed the keys to the Mercedes on the entry table against the wall and laughed. He braced his hands on the table. “Do I look as if I’d make a stupid decision?”


“You look like you’re holding back a tide of rage.”


Rage. Aye, that’s exactly what flowed through him. Rage and … desire. He briefly squeezed his eyes closed and tried to shove back the need clawing through him. Tried and failed. “Two of my fellow Kings were taken recently.”


“They escaped,” she said softly.


“A friend was taken. I have to find her.”




Was that a hint of jealousy he heard in her voice? Kiril straightened and walked into the front room without looking at Shara. He stopped at the sideboard with various crystal decanters filled with liquor. He poured two glasses of whisky and turned around.


Shara stood in the doorway, her expression closed and her body rigid. Good. He wanted her off kilter. He wanted the Dark to wonder what he was up to. He held out the whisky.


She didn’t move from her spot. “Aren’t you going to turn on the lights?”


“Why? You’ve already walked through my house last night.”


Her eyes flared. “How did you know? There are no cameras. I used my magic to search.”


“Your scent was everywhere.” Kiril inhaled, pulling her smell deep within him. His cock swelled, need heating his blood.


Shara regarded him a moment longer before she walked to him and accepted the proffered glass of whisky. “You said you were looking for someone. Is she … is she your lover?” she asked and quickly lifted the glass to her lips.


Donna Grant's books