Broods Of Fenrir

chapter 15

A hand touched her cheek with a soft caress. Alice blinked. Pain pounded at the back of her skull, and her vision blurred. A large shape loomed over her. She rested in the lap of a male and could only think of one who might be holding her so gently. “Brand?” The arm that held her tightened. The scent was wrong—not Brand"s earthy aroma, but more like grass. She made an effort to focus.

A male she didn"t recognize stared down at her, his forehead creased. Bright blue eyes scanned her face. “No. Are you all right?”

She realized she couldn"t feel any emotions from him and stretched out her awareness. Nothing, she felt nothing beyond the ache in her head. Panic surged through her. She tried to sit up, but dizziness overcame her. Her stomach threatened to empty.

The male"s other arm wrapped around her to hold her down. Her heart raced. She couldn"t get away. Brand had left her. She was alone and helpless, again. Though she knew it would do no good, she flailed against his grip.

“Be easy, Alice.” He ran his hand over her arm.

She stopped struggling at the gentle touch. If he"d meant to hurt her, wouldn"t he have done so while she was unconscious? After a few shaking breaths to calm herself, she asked, “Who are you?”

His grip around her loosened and he frowned. “I forgot you"d only seen me as a wolf. No wonder you"re so scared.” He shook his head. “I"m Gunni.”

Now that the panic had receded, memories flooded back. Inconsolable and terrible, Brand"s anguish had ripped through her. He"d dismissed her and then torn her from his brood. “Where"s Brand?”

Gunni"s mouth tightened. “He stormed off into the woods.”

“I have to go find him.” She began to sit up again.

He pulled her back against him. “We"re not at his lodge anymore, and you"re in no condition to go after him, even if he wanted you to.”

While not painful, the way he held her seemed too intimate. She pushed against his arms. “Let me go.”

“No. You"re still too weak.”

“I am sick to death of everyone reminding me how weak I am and telling me what"s best for me.” He shifted his arms and turned her so she was facing him. His angular face wore a serious expression. “I have no doubt of your strength, I"ve been witness to it, but right now you need to rest. Two brood transitions in one moon is dangerous. If he cared for you, he wouldn"t have done that.” She glared at him and shoved his chest. “You don"t know him. He"s done more for me than anyone.” Gunni narrowed his eyes. “That may be, but he doesn"t want you now.”

His attention made her uncomfortable, so she looked away. “I know that.” She didn"t want to have that conversation.

The reminder that Brand had left her brought the sting of tears.

He cradled her chin in one hand. A pulse heated her skin. Strength flowed from his fingers into her body, burning 134

along her nerves. Her wolf rushed forward, and the pain dwindled. When his fingers dropped away, she shuddered and turned toward him.

His eyes glowed a deep, shimmering blue. “Please, let me help you.”

Heat radiated out of him, warming her chilled body.

The comfort Gunni offered enticed her. In fact, she couldn"t remember the last time she"d wanted anything so badly. Closing her eyes, she gave in with a small nod.

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer so that her face rested against his shoulder. The power of his wolf embraced her, making her skin tingle. The ache in her head lessened at once. Her tensed muscles relaxed, and a drowsy sense of contentment filled her.

She listened to the beating of his heart and concentrated on the power rushing through him. Needing to feel his skin under her fingers, she raised a hand to his neck. He made a low sound in his throat that vibrated through her. A sudden tightness clutched her belly.

He pulled her hand away. She opened her eyes to look up at him. His half-lidded gaze burned with intensity. She reached to touch his face. He leaned into her hand with a barely audible murmur, and then turned to kiss her palm. “Alice.” His voice had an edge at odds with the gentle caress of his lips on her skin.

Her name had never sounded so wonderful.

She moved her hand around behind his head. He let her draw his face down until his breath tickled across her mouth.

Delicious heat fluttered through her belly. He held completely still, waiting, although she recognized the desire to crush her against him in the tension of his arms.

She lifted herself up to meet him. The chaste kiss wasn"t enough; she needed to taste him. Her tongue slid over the seam of his mouth. His lips parted with a soft groan, and his hands came up to support her back.

He never tried to take control, just responded to her, 135

increasing the intensity of the kiss only after she did. The slow, sweet pull of his mouth drew warmth from a place she"d thought long dead. He backed away and looked into her eyes.

She licked her lips, unable to get enough of the taste of him. “More.”

His smile carved dimples in his lean cheeks. He cradled the side of her face with one large hand. “There"s no need to rush. I want you to feel safe.”

Something in his tone bothered her. She scanned his face. “You know what happened with Arn.” His expression darkened. “Bera told me while you were unconscious.”

Regret tied her stomach in knots. It would be like Brand all over again. All he wanted was to help some broken thing, and she was tired of that. She tried to free herself from his grasp, but his arms were a cage around her.

A scream of rage bubbled up from inside of her. “I understand. I"m too delicate, too weak for you to be interested in. You wouldn"t want to break me. Let me go!” He held her firmly. “No, I don"t think you do understand. Will you let me finish?” She glared up at him. “Fine.”

“Bera told me because she thought if you woke up alone with me, you"d be terrified. I didn"t care; I had to hold you.” His eyes swept over her. “Not because you"re weak, but because I wanted to feel you in my arms.” Her heart raced under his hungry gaze. “I don"t want to be anywhere else right now.”

He held her eyes for several seconds before lifting his head to look at something behind her. “Satisfied?” She turned and was shocked to find Erik standing inside the open doorway. Judging by the menacing expression on his face, if her emotional sense had been working, she would have felt his anger long before he entered the room.

Erik gave a curt nod. “Now that she"s awake you should both join us downstairs. I"m about to go over what the plan is 136

from here on out.”

Gunni"s arms tightened around her a fraction. “We"ll be down soon.”

“Five minutes.” Erik clamped his jaw shut with an audible click of his teeth. He left the room and slammed the door behind him.

Gunni returned his attention to her and answered her unspoken question. “He came when you screamed.” He stroked the backs of his fingers over her cheek. “I"m glad you"re feeling better.”

She leaned into the warmth of his hand. “Are you empathic?”

“Not in the slightest.” His smile came back. “I assume you wouldn"t be flailing around and yelling at me if you were still hurting.”

Abashed, she started to apologize, but he stopped her by bringing a hand to her mouth.

“No apologies between us.” He lowered his voice.

“Besides, I rather enjoyed you squirming around in my lap.” He traced a finger along her lower lip.

A jolt of sensation surged into her. Her stomach lurched. Desire rolled through her, overwhelming her senses.

Her head fell back.

Gunni pressed a kiss into the pulse point at her throat, his mouth hot against her skin. “I"ll take care of you.” His affection flooded into her from all sides. She couldn"t doubt the truth in his words.

Alice followed Gunni down the stairs to the main floor of the cabin, her hand engulfed in his. He"d told her Erik"s brood used the cabin for their full-moon runs. Exposed logs gave the interior a rustic look, though the furnishings were modern and sturdy. The room was filled to bursting. Thirty sets of eyes stared at her, most belonging to males and females she 137

had never met.

She felt their confusion, their fear. Gunni squeezed her hand, and she realized she"d stopped. Since she"d met Brand, she hadn"t been in a room with so many brood members. She concentrated on shutting out their emotions so they wouldn"t overwhelm her, then nodded.

Gunni led her down the last two steps and walked to a blond male who occupied a dark leather chair in an out-of-the way corner. “Move.” His demanding tone drove the male from the seat in a hurry.

He eased her into the chair and sat in front of her on the floor. Though he wasn"t a barrier in any real way, the gesture brought so much comfort. He scanned the room as if expecting an attack at any moment and bared his teeth at a few males who refused to look away.

By her reckoning, Gunni stood highest in the room. She hadn"t thought him particularly powerful, but then, she was used to Brand, who was far above any in Erik"s brood.

Erik entered, followed closely by Bera, and al conversation stopped. He motioned toward a male who sat in the chair nearest him. The male ducked his head and slid out of the way. Erik watched Bera take the seat, then looked around the room. He met each pair of eyes before moving on.

He sought Alice last and held her gaze as he spoke.

“Humans learned what Lucas was and detained him. His death is on their heads. I called you all here because I don"t know how much information he shared with them about us. At the very least they know where I live.”

A murmur of surprise floated through the room. Erik paused for silence again before he continued. “From now on, no one travels alone. You have one day to pack what you need and meet at a rendezvous point Bera will call you with. You"ll be temporarily relocated to my ranch in Wyoming until I can determine how much information they have.” No one spoke as he looked around the room again. “We will see vengeance for this. I promise every one of you.”

A chorus of yips and eager howls filled the room. Erik nodded to the group, then dismissed them with a wave of his hand. They filed out in an orderly column, leaving Alice and Gunni alone with Erik.

Gunni stood, effectively blocking her, as Erik crossed the room.

“Get out of my way,” Erik growled.

Gunni ignored the command and squared his shoulders.

Alice had to act before the situation got out of control.

She rose and took Gunni"s hand. “It"s okay.” Gunni turned to her. He studied her face before nodding. Returning his attention to Erik, he said, “Don"t frighten her.”

Erik appraised him with a quick glance. “You and I are going to have words later about your attitude.” Gunni bared his teeth in a grin. “I look forward to it.” Standing so near to them, Alice realized for the first time how close in strength they were—a dangerous prospect.

Alice spoke up, hoping to diffuse the tension between them before it could spark. “You didn"t mention what happened with Brand. I"m worried about him.”

Erik looked at her, his frown intensifying. “You should be. I delivered Brand"s message, and Björn called a Conclave.

He"ll arrive tomorrow.”

She"d held to the idea that Erik might have some news that would make her feel better, but the situation only seemed to worsen. “What will happen?”

Erik folded his arms across his chest. “I don"t suspect Brand will answer the summons, so Björn will make his case, and Ingrid will have no choice but to cede to him. Björn and a half-dozen of his sons will hunt Brand down when he doesn"t show.” “Can he handle that many?”

Erik shrugged. “He might be able to on his best day, but I don"t imagine tomorrow will be one of those.” The fear tightened her throat. She had to swallow so 139

she could speak. “Why would he do this?” Erik fixed her with his intense blue eyes. “I imagine because he"s tired of fighting the wolf. He"s been on the hard side of that battle for a while now. This just accelerated the process.”

She"d thought the heartbreak she felt from Brand would shatter her. Her vision blurred. “Why won"t he let me help him?” Gunni wrapped an arm around her back, pulling her against his side. He leaned to kiss the top of her head. “If he longs for the end, you can"t help him.” Erik spoke in a gentle voice, trying to comfort her.

“He"s protecting you. If you were linked with him, the pain would be unbearable. There"s nothing to be done.” The anger she"d previously felt at being coddled returned in full force. She wouldn"t let Brand go; she simply couldn"t. “If you think to protect me by trying to stop me from going after him, I"m going to bite you.” Erik"s warm expression turned brittle, his gaze becoming icy in a heartbeat.

Gunni"s hand tightened on her waist, and he pulled her behind him. “She didn"t mean that.”

She shrugged out from under Gunni"s arm and turned to face him. “I did! And how dare you apologize for me?” Gunni opened his mouth to respond, but Erik held up a hand to quiet him. Erik"s eyes glittered ice-white. “I"ve given you a lot of leash in the past, Alice, but don"t assume my leniency is limitless.”

A menacing growl rumbled from Gunni as he came between them, blocking her once again with his body.

Erik swiveled his stare to Gunni. “Back. Off. Now.” Gunni lowered his eyes, but didn"t move from his protective stance. “I mean no disrespect, but I won"t let you touch her.” His voice was low and dangerous.

Erik glared. “I wouldn"t hurt her. You, I will pummel.” Gunni stepped forward, but Alice stopped him with a 140

hand on his arm. “There won"t be any pummeling.” She pulled Gunni back before turning to face Erik. “Brand is your friend. I know you don"t want anything to happen to him.” Erik tilted his head to look at her. “Of course not. What do you suggest?”

She swallowed and tried to fill her voice with a confidence she didn"t quite feel. “I want to go talk to Dagny.” Erik frowned. “She made her stance quite clear. If you"re counting on her to talk him back, I don"t believe she"ll be inclined to help.”

“She didn"t want to leave him. I felt how much it hurt her.” His eyebrows drew down. “Then, why did she?”

“That"s what I intend to find out.”

Coral Moore's books