Born of Shadows

Gah, to have her lay her hand on his skin right now…



But he was used to putting other people’s needs before his own. So instead, he savored the memory of her. And wished for a better ending than the one he saw coming.


As they neared Qilla, Chayden kept the ship back, out of the atmosphere. One of the advantages they’d learned while en route about Desideria’s planet was that they didn’t monitor anything outside their upper stratosphere. It was only when something broke their official air space that their forces were notified and they pursued the invaders.


Let’s hear it for an isolationist planet…


Chayden set the autopilot and prepared the Verkehr to transport them to her palace. “I’ll send you guys down and be on standby to get you back.”


Caillen arched one brow. “Whatever you do, don’t fall asleep on the job.”


Chayden yawned. “Now that you mention it, I am a little tired.”


Caillen glared at him. “You’re not funny.”


“Oh please. I’m a riot. You’re just incapable of appreciating me.”


Ignoring his joke, Caillen took Desideria’s hand as he faced Hauk and Fain. “You two really have gone above and beyond.”


“Trust me,” Fain snorted, “we know.”


“Thanks.” Caillen’s tone was thick with sincerity. “For everything.”


That sincerity seemed to embarrass Fain, who inclined his head beforwidth="2 covered his face with his mask. “All right, Princess Pain. Lead us into suicide.”


Desideria took comfort from the warmth of Caillen’s hand holding hers as Chayden teleported them from the ship down to the back courtyard of the palace where the high brick walls would protect them from cameras and guards. She wasn’t far from the training ring where she’d spent most of her life.


How weird to be back now. So much had happened to her since she’d left with her mother’s Guard that she felt like a stranger in her own home. Unwelcomed. Unwanted.




She wasn’t the same person who’d left here. Everything was different now. Her faith in her mother and her aunt shattered. More than that, she had a newfound strength and confidence in herself that hadn’t been there before.


All because of Caillen. He’d shown her that she could survive even in an alien environment where she knew nothing about the people or customs and that she was capable of taking care of herself no matter what her aunt or mother thought. She was a woman, not a child.


For the first time in her life, she actually believed that.


But she didn’t have time to focus on that right now. She had her sisters to save and the lives of the three men she’d learned to trust and care for were in her hands. She had to get them in and out of there before they were attacked.


Releasing Caillen, she led them into the east wing where her sisters should be. This time of day, they were normally in their room resting for the next training session that would start after dinner. With any luck, that wouldn’t have changed.




As she led them through the back palace rooms, she shivered. The hallway had always been cold, but never as frigid as it seemed today. It was like the palace knew her mother was dead and in its own way, it, too, was grieving.


Her heart pounded in her ears as she strained to listen for any sound that could denote detection for them.


Luckily it didn’t take long to reach their apartments and yet it seemed like eternity had passed before she made it to Gwen’s room. There was a light beneath the dark wood door and inside, she could hear someone violently throwing things around. It sounded like a war was going on in there.


They’re killing her!


Her vision dimming, Desideria swung open the door, prepared for battle.


But there was no army inside.


She froze at the sight of Narcissa who’d also stopped midtantrum at her intrusion. For a moment, everything appeared like someone had pushed pause as they stared at one another in mutual shock. While she stood in the open doorway, Narcissa held one of the clay pots Gwen had collected since early childhood in her hands. One of the few that hadn’t been shattered during Narcissa’s apparent fit.


Terror replaced the shock on Narcissa’s face as she took in the sight of Desideria and the three armed men standing behind her, ready to kill if necessary. “What are you doing here?”


Holstering her blaster, Desideria stepped into the room. She held her hands up so that her sister wouldn’t panic any worse and to let Narcissa know that she meant her no harm. “I’ve come to save you and Gwen. Kara’s trying to kill you.”


Narcissa scowled. “What?”


“It’s true,” Caillen said. “She’s framed all of us. We’re here to help and protect you.”


Sherrilyn Kenyon's books