Bonded by Blood


MACKENZIE COULDN’T BE sure if an hour or a week had passed when she woke up amidst a pile of pillows and beneath a golden down comforter. Bright light filtered through her eyelids as she yawned and arched like a cat, her back cracking several times. Although the thrumming of Dom’s pulse was lighter than if he were in the same room, she still stretched her legs to the opposite side of the bed, hoping maybe he was buried away from the sunlight underneath the down. The sheets on his side were cool. He’d been up for a while, but she felt him nearby, elsewhere in the loft. Good. She needed to discuss something with him.

She slipped from the bed and walked naked to the wall of windows. He’d opened the blinds for her, and she smiled.

Absently she rubbed the tender bruises at her wrists and on the delicate skin inside her elbows as a container ship, guided by two tugboats, moved through Elliott Bay. She stretched her fingers through her hair, expecting to meet with the tangled resistance of major bedhead, but instead they slid right through. He must have brushed her hair again as she slept.

The thrilling heat of anticipation blasted through her veins and she felt Dom’s presence getting stronger as he approached from somewhere else in the loft. Although she knew the light wouldn’t bother him nearly as much now with her blood in his system, she hit the button for the automatic blinds and they droned closed.

Dom entered carrying a tray of breakfast food. As the air wafted in, the smell of bacon and coffee made her stomach rumble.

“Mmm. You’re up.” His eyes raked her from head to toe and a promising smile formed on his lips before he busied himself with setting the tray on the bed and fluffing her pillows. “Feeling better?”

She closed the distance between them and hooked her arms around his waist from behind. He was so warm, and she rubbed her cheek along his shoulder blades, inhaling the scent of his skin.

“Yes, much,” she mumbled, not wanting to exhale. His low-slung pajama bottoms barely covered his hips and she wondered if they were the only article of clothing he wore. Slipping her fingers beneath the drawstring waistband, she confirmed her suspicions.

“Good morning to you, too.” He turned to face her, brushing his lips against the hollow of her neck, his stubble tickling her skin, awakening her nerve endings like a blast of electricity, and she expelled the air in her lungs with a moan. “First things first.” Gripping her shoulders, he turned her away. “Get in and eat.”

She climbed back under the covers and he set the tray across her lap. Lifting her chin to him, she gave him her warmest smile as she let him attend to her. His hair fell forward, grazing the tops of his shoulders, and his brows furrowed with concentration as he first cranked the salt grinder over the scrambled eggs, then the peppermill. After opening her napkin, he sprawled out next to her on the bed to watch her eat. How could she concentrate? The closer he was, the harder he was to ignore. She fought the urge to push the tray aside.

“It looks and smells almost perfect. Thank you.”


Raising an eyebrow, she looked pointedly at him for a moment then blew him an air kiss before turning her attention back to her food. Did he know how much she loved him? He reached out an arm and his fingers twisted a lock of her hair.

Yes, I do, love.

Heavy emotion welled in her eyes and lodged in her throat as she took a sip of the mocha and surveyed the plate. His blood bond with her was much more acute now.

“How long since…how long have I been sleeping?” She stuffed a piece of bacon into her mouth. It tasted so good, it should be its own food group.

“You’re going on fourteen hours now.” He speared a forkful of scrambled eggs and fed her a bite.

They were tender and fluffy and she doubted even Tom Douglas could do better. “Everything tastes amazing. You’re so good to me.”

He reached over, brushing something from her lips and licked his finger. Whipped cream from the mocha, maybe?

Her heartbeat increased as she cleared her throat and sat up a little straighter, the sheet slipping down around her hips. Sensing her change in emotion, Dom looked up at her, but when he saw her exposed breasts, his eyes darkened with desire.

Oh, no, they couldn’t go there. At least not right this minute. “Love, I need to discuss something that’s been on my mind. Two things, actually.”

He brushed a long finger lightly on the underside of her breast and the nipple tingled and hardened. “You’re in love with someone else?”

“No, Dom, I’m serious.”

“You want to join the circus?”

“Tempting, but no.”

“You want a cat even though you know I’m allergic to them?”

She laughed. “No.”

He sat up and nuzzled her neck. “You’re embarrassed to bring it up, but you want to try a few kinkier sexual positions?”

Oh, for God’s sake. “You should know me better by now. I’m not embarrassed about anything we do sexually.”

“Then what, love?”

She looked into his warm blue eyes and brushed a stray hair from his face, but instead of letting go, she wound it around her finger first. “First, I want you to take my blood the next time we make love.”


“No arguing. Just say yes.”

He twirled a finger around her nipple. “Next.”

“Next, I want to go through the conversion process. I want you to change me. Before you can protest, I’ve gotten all the details from Shirl. I know it requires approval by the Council.”

“Yes, and it’s excruciatingly painful.” His brows knitted together and he turned away.

“Dom, I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. If I stay as I am, we’ll always worry about Darkbloods and you’ll outlive me by at least a hundred years.”

“I love you, too. So much that it feels as if my heart will break when we’re apart. But change you? I just don’t know, Kenz.”

Shirl had also told her that only when a couple had been married for a year would the Council consider it. A gnawing ache formed at the base of her neck. Could that be the problem? Maybe Dom didn’t want to get married.

EXCEPT FOR A couple of grapes and a half-piece of bacon, Mackenzie had eaten everything he had prepared for her. His chest swelled with warm satisfaction as he popped a grape into his mouth and folded his hands behind his head. He was glad to see she was feeling like her old sassy self as he wanted to discuss some serious matters with her, too, but now was not the time. Out of habit, he rubbed his forefingers over his thumbs, but there were no rings to twist. He smiled. Now that she was feeling better, he needed to make one last trip to the jewelry store.

He heard a splash of water and a soft moan as she slid into the tub. Not surprisingly, he became aroused as he thought about her naked in the warm water. She chuckled from the other room as he reached beneath his pajama bottoms and straightened his erection out on his belly.

“Come on in, love,” she called to him. “I know you want to. I can feel it.” He heard the water ripple as he walked into the master bathroom. “I’m surprised you lasted this long.” Green eyes peered at him through dampened lashes as she stretched out in the large soaking tub before him.

Sweet Jesus. She was so stunningly beautiful.

“Why don’t you have the blinds open? I know how much you love the view.” He reached for the button, but she sat up and grabbed his wrist.

“No, don’t. I kept them closed because I want you in here with me, silly.”

“I’m okay in the UV light since I’ve got you inside me.” That still sounded so strange to say.

“Maybe so, but your strength wanes much faster and I want you strong right now.” She gripped the fabric of his pajama bottoms, slipping them down over his hips.

Before he could even fantasize about what he wanted her to do, she slipped her hands behind his buttocks, pulled his hips forward and took him into her mouth in one motion.

“Oh God, Kenz.” Hardly able to get the words out, he fisted his fingers in her hair as her lips moved up and down his shaft. Somehow she magically balanced rough and gentle and an epic surge coursed from his fingers and toes, ramming into him like a tidal wave. He was about ready to crash a monster orgasm.

Grasping at the thinnest thread of his self-control, he pulled free and stepped into the water. He pushed her knees wide with his thighs and positioned himself between her legs. The green of her eyes darkened with desire and rivulets of water trickled between her breasts. He dipped forward and took a nipple into his mouth and she sucked in a breath between her teeth.

With a low growl, he slid inside her in one powerful thrust. Water sloshed over the side of the tub as he flexed his hips and her tight channel gripped him like a vise. Her inner muscles began to clench; he pushed further but couldn’t gain any traction in the slippery tub.

Damn. The water kept them too buoyant. Maybe this was fine for slow and easy, but he wanted to drive in deep. He wanted to take her hard. He could feel the passion mounting inside her as her heart blasted in his head like a jackhammer. She gripped his forearms with desperate abandon. She wanted it that way, as well.

Without breaking their connection, he stood from the tub. With her legs around his waist, she clung to him as he grabbed a towel and marched to the bed.

Her nails dug deep into the skin of his buttocks, keeping him seated deep inside her as he laid her down on the duvet and covered her delicate body with his own. But he needed to be careful; she was still recovering.

“I’m not breakable, Dom,” she said, reading his mind. Her voice was low and sultry in his ear as he began to thrust. “I want you and I want it hard.”

“Dios mio, Kenz.” He pushed in until the base of his erection ground against her engorged flesh. Open for me, my love. Harder and faster he coaxed until he felt the pleasure tighten her muscles around him.

Remember your promise? Her voice caressed his soul like velvet.

He brushed the locks of brown hair from her neck and stroked a finger over the skin there, locating her pulse. Yes, it waited for him. His gums throbbed as his fangs elongated and he opened his mouth to accommodate them. His beautiful angel looked up into his face and smiled.

My glorious savior. I am yours.

As he arched his head back, he caught a glimpse of the painting over the headboard. He had never noticed the depiction of a slight smile on Mackenzie’s face or the flush on her cheeks until now. It was as if she were basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking.

An animalistic sound spilled from his lips as heat rushed through him. Dipping his head to her neck, he ran his tongue over the delicate skin covering her artery. With her orgasm, she opened fully for him and he pushed himself inside that little piece of heaven just as his teeth plunged into her flesh. Over and over he pumped into her as he swallowed her sweet essence and she held his head tightly to her throat.

I love you, my darling. Her voice whispered to his soul and she clamped herself impossibly tighter around him.

Laurie London's books