Black Arts: A Jane Yellowrock Novel

“And so, he wants Molly, why?” Del asked, sounding confused.


And there it was. I took a slow breath and said, “Leo drank it out of Shoffru. I guess he didn’t tell you. I have a piece of the Damour estate. I have the blood diamond, a black magic artifact, powered for centuries by the souls of sacrificed witch children.” I heard a hiss in the doorway and opened my eyes, looking up from the floor to see Jodi standing there, shock forming on her face.


“Is it in a safe location?” Del asked, her voice cutting, lawyer-sharp.


“Yeah. It’s safe.” I stared into Jodi’s eyes, seeing the betrayal, the fury starting to form. Yet, inside me, the pieces continued falling into place, and I almost saw the picture they made . . . if . . . “Del? How many people knew about the young Damours vamps being brought out of the devoveo?”


“Everyone,” she whispered. “Everyone.”


I closed my eyes. The last of the uncertainty and anger filtered out of me, leaving an empty hole in the center of my gut. Everyone knew. Everyone but me. Because I had been out of the loop, hiding away from Leo because he had hurt me and I was bound to him. And now Molly and Shiloh were in danger because of it. And somehow, possibly, though I couldn’t see how now, the vamps-into-dust problem could be—had to be?—related. Because Shoffru had been part of the Damour clan? Yeah. So he probably had some black magic mojo artifacts himself. Like something to make the magical blips on the security cameras in Leo’s HQ during the party. I dropped my head and cussed again, softly, under my breath.


I heard shoes tapping quietly on the floor and Jodi appeared at my side, her dancing shoes in my field of vision. She reached down and put a hand on my shoulder, squeezing slightly. My face must have been a mess for her to do the whole pat-pat, there-there thing, especially after I kept info from her. Jodi didn’t do girlie any better than I did most times. And it must really be bad for her to be kind when she was so angry.


“If people would just tell me things,” I whispered. Louder, my voice sounding tired, I said, “I need any and all addresses for the Damours’ estate property. Send them to my cell. And tell Leo that he was right. Shoffru is after the blood diamond and he now knows everything Leo knows about it. He lured Molly here to get it only to discover that she didn’t have it. And he knew about Shiloh and he took her after the party at Guilbeau’s. At some point, he and Adrianna got together and shared blood, and went to work together. By now Shoffru may know I have it. I’m surprised he hasn’t contacted me to demand it in exchange for Molly and Shiloh.”


Though I had to think that Leo had put all that together already and was using me to get rid of Shoffru for him. I shook that thought away and went on. “Shoffru is using the people closest to me to get the diamond.” I closed my eyes. “Del? Wake Leo up. Tell him that I’ll give Shoffru anything he wants to keep them safe. Understand?”


“Not really,” Del said, sounding all prim, proper, and lawyerly again, “but I think from your tone that Leo will understand perfectly. I don’t have the Damours’ estate addresses at my fingertips. I’m still trying to get settled here and learn my way around. But I’ll send you the addresses and coordinates of the lairs the moment I get them, along with the addresses of any locales where Jack Shoffru has been seen or might lair.”


It could be too little too late, but it was a start to making sense of the vamp-into-dust problem, the missing Bliss and Rachael problem, and finding Molly. I forced a smile, my lips feeling stiff and thin as I focused on Jodi. “Thanks. I’ll keep you informed.”


“Yeah. You better,” she said. “And if humans are in danger in my city, you let me in on the action. Understood?”


I nodded. I understood perfectly. And I had no intention of obeying her. I wouldn’t be calling in any law enforcement until I had done what needed doing, but I wasn’t going to tell her that. I was learning to control my big mouth.


I hung up the phone and looked at my pals. The Kid’s head was still bowed over the tablet, a smear of black and gold visible on the screen, oddly familiar. I pushed myself to my feet and said to Jodi and Eli, “I need to talk to Bruiser and Big Evan. And then we’re going to find and rescue Molly and Shiloh Everhart Stone, the newest vamp in New Orleans. And probably Bliss and Rachael too.”


I had finally understood what was going on. But more important, I had finally understood what I was, who I was. I was War Woman. And this was my fight.










Beast’s Angel Tolded Me So


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