Aunt Dimity and the Duke

“Not now,” he murmured. “Think you should hear what Syd has to say.”



Syd was seated on the couch. His face was ashen and the whiskey glass trembled in his hand. A fire was burning in the hearth and he stared at it without blinking. He didn’t seem to notice Emma’s arrival or Derek’s return. “Poor kid,” he mumbled. “Poor kid.”


Derek slid into his chair and waited for Emma to take the one beside him. He rested his hands on the arms of the chair, crossed his legs, then asked in a soft, level voice, “You’ve known Susannah for a very long time, haven’t you, Syd?”


It was like watching a hypnotist at work. Syd, the compliant subject, sat motionless, speaking in a flat monotone, as though a tape recorder were unreeling somewhere inside of him. “My grandpa was a tailor, and my old man went a step up, into fashion. That’s how I got my start, setting up my old man’s London office. Small potatoes, nothing fancy, not like them big shots on Savile Row. Stupid bastards wouldn’t take a look at Suzie.”


“But you would,” said Derek.


“You bet I would. Suzie’s ma brought her to me when she was, let’s see, now ... fifteen? Luckiest day in my life. Never seen anything like her. A regular ice princess. There’s a lotta guys’d give a kid like that all kinds of crap. Not me. Always looked out for her. Never let her take crap offa nobody.”


“You worked very hard to get her started,” prompted Derek.


“Not as hard as Suzie. Lotta kids know what they want. Not so many want to work to get it. Always been a hard worker, Suzie has.” Syd paused to wet his lips, then went on in his low monotone. “She hadda be, after her old man blew his brains out.”


Emma turned, wide-eyed, to Derek, who motioned her to silence, then resumed his gentle interrogation. “When did that happen, Syd?”


“Like I told you, Suzie was just a kid. Her old man got suckered into some cheesy investments and lost his shirt.” Syd shrugged. “Who hasn’t? There’s worse things could happen to a person, am I right? This poor schmuck didn’t think so. Checked into a hotel in Ipswich and put a gun in his mouth. Left Suzie’s ma in hock up to her fanny. That’s how come Suzie started working. That’s how come she won’t quit.”


“Why should she quit, Syd?” Derek’s voice suggested only mild curiosity, but his knuckles were white on the arms of his chair.


“Not so much work anymore. Not top dollar. Not for a while now. It’s a short-term deal, am I right? Fashions change, models get old. One day you’re it, the next day the phone stops ringing. Happens alla time. Truth is, Suzie’s broke.”


“But she was so successful,” Derek protested.


“She hadda pay off her old man’s debts. And support her old lady. And now she’s buyin’ stuff she can’t afford. What else is new? It’s hard to swallow, knowin’ nobody wants you. Don’t know how we’re gonna handle the doctor bills.”


“I’ve told you not to worry about that,” Derek soothed. “I’m sure that Grayson will see to anything the National Health doesn’t cover.”


“Damn right he will. He owes it to her.”


Derek leaned forward in his chair. “How do you mean, he owes it to her?”


Syd slowly turned to face Derek, like a teacher disappointed by an inattentive pupil. “I told you,” he said wearily. “Grayson’s father, he’s the one gave the bad tip to Suzie’s dad. He’s the reason Suzie’s dad killed himself.” He reached out a shaking hand to pat Derek’s knee. “Hey, it’s history, am I right? Maybe it’ll work out for the best. Could be the publicity’s all Suzie needs to get back on top.” The old man’s eyes returned to the fire. “Once they fix her kisser ...”


Derek went to sit beside Syd. He removed the whiskey glass from the older man’s unresisting grasp and placed it on the end table. “Why don’t you let Hallard take you upstairs for a nice lie-down?” he suggested. “It’ll do you a world of good.”


“Yeah. I could use some shut-eye. Gotta be fresh for Suzie.” Svd looked down at his rumpled plaid jacket and touched a finger to his gaudy floral tie. “Lookit me. A regular fashion plate.”




Emma gazed through her glass of whiskey at the fire. The flames blurred and flickered, but they seemed to give off little heat. Derek stood close to the fire, one arm resting on the mantelpiece, as though he, too, had felt the sudden chill.


“I wonder ...” Emma murmured. “Grayson knew all along that he’d inherit Penford Hall and that he’d need a fortune to restore it. Do you think he befriended Lex—”


“In order to kill him and take his money?” Derek shook his head. “Doubtful. If Grayson could’ve predicted Lex’s success, he could’ve made his fortune in the music industry.”


Nancy Atherton's books