Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception

Stop lecturing and tell us what you want, snarled Root.


Now, now, Commander, patience. Your worries will be over soon enough. In fact they are already over, so why dont you just wait quietly while your final seconds tick away.


Holly circled the commander, keeping the beep constant, until her back was to the chute.


Theres a way out of this, Commander, she said. I just need to think. I need a minute to sort things out.


Let me help you to sort things out, said Koboi mockingly, her childlike features ugly with malice. Your LEP comrades are currently trying to laser their way in here, but of course they will never make it in time. And you can bet that my old school chum, Foaly, is glued to his video screen. So what does he see? He sees his good friend Holly Short apparently holding a gun on her commander. Now why would she want to do that?


Foaly will figure it out, said Root. He beat you before.


Opal tightened the octo-bonds remotely, forcing the commander to his knees. Maybe he would figure it out, at that. If he had time. But unfortunately for you, time is almost up.


On Roots chest, a digital readout flickered into life. There were two numbers on the readout. A six and a zero. Sixty seconds.


One minute to live, Commander. How does that feel?


The numbers began ticking down.


The ticking and the beeping and Opals snide sniggers drilled into Hollys brain.


Shut it down, Koboi. Shut it down, or I swear Ill


Opals laughter was unrestrained. It echoed through the access tunnel like the attack screech of a harpie.


You will what? Exactly? Die beside your commander?


More cracks. More ribs broken. The blue sparks of magic circled Roots torso like stars caught in a whirlwind.


Go now, he grunted. Holly, I am ordering you to leave.


With respect, Commander. No. This isnt over yet.


Forty-eight, said Opal, in a happy, sing-song voice. Forty-seven.


Holly! Go!


Id listen if I were you, said Koboi. There are other lives at stake. Root is already dead why not save someone who can be saved?


Holly moaned. Another element in an already overloaded equation.


Who can I save? Whos in danger?


Oh, no one important. Just a couple of Mud Men.


Of course, thought Holly, Artemis and Butler. Two others who had put a stop to Kobois plan.


What have you done, Opal? said Holly, shouting above the proximity trigger and core wind.


Kobois lip drooped, mimicking a guilty child.


Im afraid I may have put your human friends in danger. At this very moment they are stealing a package from the International Bank in Munich. A little package I prepared for them. If Master Fowl is as clever as he is supposed to be, he wont open the package until he reaches the Kronski Hotel and can check for booby traps. Then a bio-bomb will be activated, and Bye bye, obnoxious humans. You can stay here and explain all this. Im sure it wont take more than a few hours to sort it out with Internal Affairs. Or you can try to rescue your friends.


Hollys head reeled. The commander, Artemis, Butler. All about to die. How could she save them all? There was no way to win.


I will hunt you down, Koboi. For you, there wont be a safe inch on the planet.


Such venom. What if I gave you a way out? One chance to win.


Root was on his knees now, blood leaking from the corner of his mouth. The blue sparks were gone, he was out of magic.


Its a trap, he gasped, every syllable making him wince. Dont be fooled again.


Thirty, said Koboi. Twenty-nine.


Holly felt her forehead throb against the helmet pads. OK. OK, Koboi. Tell me quickly. How do I save the commander?


Opal took a deep, theatrical breath. On the device. Theres a sweet spot. Two-centimetre diameter. The red dot below the screen. If you hit that spot from outside the trigger area, then you overload the circuit. If you miss, even by a hair, you set off the explosive gel. Its a sporting chance more than you gave me, Holly Short.


Holly gritted her teeth. Youre lying. Why would you give me a chance?


Dont take the shot, said Root, strangely calm. Just get out of range. Go and save Artemis. Thats the last order Ill ever give you, Captain. Dont you dare ignore it.


Holly felt as though her senses were being filtered through a metre of water. Everything was blurred and slowed down.


I dont have any choice, Julius.


Root frowned. Dont call me Julius! You always do that just before you disobey me. Save Artemis, Holly. Save him.


Holly closed one eye, aiming her pistol. The laser sights were no good for this kind of accuracy. She would have to do it manually.


Ill save Artemis next, she said.


She took a deep breath, held it, and squeezed the trigger.


Holly hit the red spot. She was certain of it. The charge sank into the device, spreading across the metal face like a tiny bush fire.


I hit it, she shouted at Opals image. I hit the spot.


Koboi shrugged. I dont know. I thought you were a fraction low. Hard luck. I mean that sincerely.


No! screamed Holly.


Eoin Colfer's books