Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception

It does make a difference, thought Holly, watching Root instantly take command of the situation. A big difference.


The chutes were natural magma vents that stretched from the Earths core to the planets surface. Most emerged underwater, supplying warm streams that nurtured deep-sea life, but some filtered their gases through the network of cracks and fissures that riddled surface dry land. The LEP used the power of magma flares to propel their officers to the surface in titanium eggs. A more leisurely shuttle trip could be taken in a dormant chute. E37 emerged in downtown Paris, and until recently had been the chute used by goblins in their smuggling operations. Closed to the public for many years, the chutes terminal had fallen into disrepair. Currently, E37s only occupants were the members of a movie company that was making a TV film about the Bwa Kell rebellion. Holly was being portrayed by three-time AMP winner Skylar Peat, and Artemis Fowl was to be completely computer generated.


When Holly and Root arrived, Major Trouble Kelp had three squads of tactical LEP arranged around the terminals entrance.


Fill me in, Major, ordered Root.


Kelp pointed to the entrance. We have one way in, and no way out. All the secondary entrances have long since subsided, so if Scalene is in there, he has to get through us to go home.


Are we sure hes there?


No, admitted Major Kelp. We picked up his signal. But whoever helped him to escape could have sliced open his head and removed the transmitter. All we know for sure is that someone is playing games with us. I sent in a couple of my best Recon sprites, and they came back with this. Trouble handed them a sound wafer. The wafers were the size of a thumbnail and were generally used to record short birthday greetings. This one was in the shape of a birthday cake. Root closed his fingers around the wafer. The heat from his hand would power its microcircuits.


A sibilant voice issued from the tiny speaker, made even more reptilian by the cheap wiring.


Root, said the voice, I would speak to you. I would tell you a great secret. Bring the female, Holly Short. Two only, no more. Any more, and many will die. My comrades will see to it The message ended with a traditional birthday jingle, its cheeriness at odds with the message.


Root scowled. Goblins. Drama queens, the lot of them.


Its a trap, Commander, said Holly without hesitation. We were the ones at Koboi Labs a year ago. The goblins hold us responsible for the rebellions failure. If we go in there, who knows whats waiting for us?


Root nodded approvingly. Now youre thinking like a major. Were not expendable. So what are our options, Trouble?


If you dont go in, many will die. If you do, you might.


Not a nice set of options. Dont you have anything good to tell me?


Trouble lowered his helmets visor and consulted a mini-screen on the perspex. We managed to get the terminals security scanners back on line and ran substance and thermal scans. We found a single heat source in the access tunnel, so Scalene is alone, if its him. Whatever hes doing in there, he doesnt have any known form of weaponry or explosives. Just a few beetle bars and some good old H2O.


Any magma flares due? asked Holly.


Trouble ran his index finger along a pad on his left glove, scrolling down the screen on his visor. Nothing for a couple of months. That chute is intermittent. So Scalene is not planning to bake you.


Roots cheeks glowed like two heating coils. DArvit! he swore. I thought our goblin troubles were over. Im tempted just to send in tactical and take a chance that Scalene is bluffing.


That would be my advice, said Trouble. He doesnt have anything in there that could harm you. Give me five fairies, and well have Scalene in a wagon before he knows hes been arrested.


I take it the sleeper half of the seeker-sleeper is not working? said Holly.


Trouble shrugged. We have to suppose its not. The seeker-sleeper didnt function until now, and when we got here the wafer was left out for us. Scalene knew we were coming. He even left a message.


Root punched his palm with a fist. T have to go in. Theres no immediate danger inside, and we cant assume that Scalene hasnt come up with a way to carry out his threat. I dont have a choice, not really. I wont order you to come with me, Captain Short.


Holly felt her stomach lurch, but she swallowed the fear. The commander was right. There was no other way. This was what being an LEP officer was all about. Protecting the People.


You dont have to, Commander. I volunteer. Good. Now, Trouble, let Foaly and his shuttle through the barricade. We may have to go in, but we dont have to go in unarmed.


Foaly had more weaponry crammed into the back of a single shuttle than most human police forces had in their entire arsenal. Every centimetre of wall space had a power cable screwed into it or a rifle dangling from a hook. The centaur sat in the centre, fine-tuning a Neutrino handgun. He tossed it to Holly as she entered the van.


Eoin Colfer's books