Amber Smoke

Alek hadn’t stopped clenching the talisman in his hand since he fled the campus. He used it as a beacon, centering his thoughts, focusing his energies, guiding him to Eva. A craving burned beneath his ribs, beckoning him to follow its frenzied lead. He surrendered to its pull and let it guide him into an approaching neighborhood.

Picturesque landscaping lined the street behind matching mailboxes. Each house looked like a replica of the one before. The otherworldly force inside of him throbbed, and he chased the pulsing lead to a nearby driveway. He leaned the scooter against its kickstand and squinted into the glow of the setting sun.

The mailbox hung open, so full magazines dotted the dead brown lawn. Remnants of rose bushes lined the walkway, and he followed their thorny, dehydrated sticks to the porch. Every step intensified the sizzling force lying in wait within his lungs. He placed an open palm against the door and his chest shuddered. An amber smoke radiated from his fingertips.


He brought his other hand to the door and shoved violently. It shot backward, splintering against the marble floor. He stepped across the threshold, wood snapped beneath his feet. The pungent odor of rotted food hung thick in the air.

“Eva!” he shouted, rapidly dashing from room to room.

He entered the office, and a sharp pain tore through his chest. “Eva!” he roared, ripping empty bookshelves out of the wall. He pulled at the last shelf, but it clung to the wall like skin. Power tightened his muscles as he crushed the wood into shards. The door it concealed swung open, and Alek descended the dark staircase.

“Come on, Eva! Fight for your life!” a voice growled from up ahead.

Alek clenched his jaw and barreled the rest of the way down the stairs. Wood exploded around him as he crashed through the door and into the basement.

“Eva,” he snarled at the sight of her still body.

The creature looming over her turned toward him, foam bubbling in the corners of his mouth.

“I’m sorry,” he purred. “You just missed her.” A smile slashed his shiny black face as he slid off of the table.

“Sacrifice yourself,” Alek commanded.

“I see you recognize in me, what I recognize in you.” Alastor circled Alek. “We are not of this realm.”

“Return to Tartarus in peace.”

Alastor cackled. “But I haven’t even started carving her body.”

Alek charged the creature. Running into him felt like hitting a boulder, and Alek grunted as he wrapped his arms around Alastor’s waist. He picked him up and slammed him onto the concrete floor. Rage fueled each punch, and black blood oozed from Alastor’s mouth. It seeped into a widening pool forming on the floor around his head. Alastor clawed at Alek, but the immortal’s speed made it hard to get a firm grip. Alastor brought his leg to his chest and thrust it out, hitting Alek in the ribs and launching him backward. Alek smacked the ground and crashed into a metal stool. He scrambled to his feet and grabbed the stool by its legs. Alastor growled wildly behind him, and Alek spun around. The metal collided with Alastor’s face and he took a few wobbly steps back. Alek closed the distance and swung his arm wildly, cracking Alastor in the head again. Alastor dropped to his knees and Alek seized the opportunity to rush to Eva’s side.

Kristin Cast's books