Amber Smoke

Eva’s chin quivered, and she sucked in air to hold back her tears.

“I learned tattooing from a member of a Mexican cartel. He killed many innocent people, so I slaughtered his family. But I’m sure if I ever left anyone alive, they would say tattooing is a vast improvement over my previous method.” He patted her forearm with the paper towel. “Using a knife to carve such an intricate design gets messy. And, until they lost enough blood and passed out, the screaming was distracting.”

Tears rolled from the corner of her eyes and disappeared into her hairline.

Alastor lifted the tattoo needles from her skin and the buzzing quieted. “Don’t cry now, Eva. Save those tears for me. I just have a little left to go. Then you can cry as much as you want. I promise.” He leaned into her and traced the path of her tears with his tongue. She flinched against the warm stickiness. “I can’t wait to watch you fight for your life.” The stink of his mouth lingered after he pulled away.

The vibrant humming of the tattoo gun began again. The pressure it placed on her tendons made her fingers curl in toward her wrist. Her forearm felt like it was being gnawed by fire.

Eva stared at the fluorescent bulb. No one is coming, Eva. They won’t save you in time. Anxiety filled her body and made her heartbeat quicken. You’re going to die down here. The realization set in. In a basement with a monster. Her heart raced faster, and she sucked in shallow gulps of air. Her chest tightened, and she lay there panting and hopeless.

“That’s what I like to see. Panic. And your timing couldn’t be more perfect. Just finished.” Something heavy clanked against the tray. “Too bad you won’t live to see it.” He sighed heavily. “Have you ever felt so amazing you wanted to trap the feeling and relive it later? I’m having one of those moments. Luckily, I have your mom as a souvenir.”

He laid his head on her chest over her heart and traced her fresh tattoo. The pain overwhelmed her, and she arched her back to try and pull away from the bald, lumpy head resting under her chin.

“It’s intoxicating and arousing. Hope Lori is up for a little fun later.”

Eva’s sob caught in her throat and erupted into a phlegmy cough.

“You’re right. Probably couldn’t get her to go for it.” He lifted his head and rested his chin on her sternum. “But this is going to be even more fun than screwing your mom.”

Every syllable he uttered vibrated through his chin and into her chest. She flexed her legs and fought against the restraints.

“I think we’ve already figured out that’s not going to work. Nothing’s going to work. It didn’t work for the other girl, and it’s not going to work for you. She was rehearsal, though. All the others were rehearsal. You’re the main event.” He traced her windpipe with his thumb and forefinger. “This is going to be so good.”

He opened his mouth and bit into the flesh of his left hand. He shook his head side to side, tearing skin from his hand. Warm fluid dripped from the incision and soaked through Eva’s shirt. A large flap of skin hung from his mouth, and he spit it off to the side. His sharp teeth tugged at the tips of each of his fingers. Deflated flesh sacks danced like empty socks as he shook his true hand free from its covering. He threw the flesh glove over his shoulder and stretched his newly revealed fingers. His oversized, knobby knuckles popped with use, and his hand looked twice the size it had before.

“I know. I’m bigger on the inside, under the skin. And now I’ll be able to feel you struggle. The tension of your muscles as you fight to stay alive.” Slimy wet fingers closed around her neck.

She jerked against the straps holding her limbs and head. “No! Please don’t! I’ll do anything. Just let me go,” she wailed.

“Good Eva!” he shouted above her cries. “Scream for me!”

Through her terror, her grandmother’s words echoed loud within in her.

“A great magic in you. Don’t let anyone steal your power. The power make you unique. Now, you sleep.”

She closed her eyes and let the words wash over her.

Don’t let anyone steal your power.

She fought against her instincts and quieted her screams. Alastor squeezed her neck and Eva opened her eyes. Tears steadily leaked down her face, and she silently wished for her mom.

“Come on, Eva!” His eyes searched her face. “Fight for your life!”

She refused to let him turn her last moments into those of desperation and fear. Black spots floated into her vision and air whistled as it fought its way into her lungs. She gave in to the consuming pressure on her throat and readied herself for eternal sleep.

Don’t let anyone steal your power.

Alastor snarled and squeezed her neck tighter. A sharp crack fractured the still room, and Eva’s body relaxed.


Kristin Cast's books