Amber Smoke

“Time is a shifty beast. It does not have a set beginning or end, nor does it travel in one simple line as mortals have convinced themselves. Instead, it curves and splits, branching out below the surface like tree roots. A simple glance in the wrong direction, a misstep on the path, an ill choice of companion, and the future is new. Eva’s future is new. Death will reach her soon. I will be left with no choice but to cut her cord and end her life,” Atropos explained.

“Oh, Alek.” Tears flooded Maiden’s eyes. “You must leave now and find her. The Oracle and warrior together is the only hope our home and the Mortal Realm have. You must get to her in time to save her life. Without the two of you united, Tartarus will be lost and all human innocence will be wiped from their realm.”

He wrapped a comforting arm around Maiden. “Atropos, can you lengthen her life? Allow me more time to search for this, Eva.”

Water sloshed back and forth with the shake of her head. “I haven’t the power to influence time. I only react to its commands.”

“How am I to find one person in the billions that reside in the Mortal Realm?”

Mother approached him and placed her palm on the middle of his chest. “Let the new power inside you be your guide. It knows its true place and will search for the new Oracle. You must only trust yourself. You will find her.”

He put his hand over hers and squeezed it gently. “Thank you.”

Mother stepped back to rejoin her sisters. “It is all in you, my son.”

“Now go, Warrior. And remember, I will be looking after you.” Atropos’s smile reappeared before her watery body collapsed into the basin with a splash.

“Gather ’round,” Crone urged the two women. “Alek, where is your talisman? We must recharge it with enough power so you are able to make it to the Mortal Realm and back home.”

He felt around the collar of his shirt before pulling on the thin leather cord around his neck. “Here.” He let go of the leather. The crystal talisman bounced against his chest and glistened in the light from the Galazoneri.

“You must be gentle with this, my son. It is dear to me. It is the only one of Tartarus’s crystals that has not been tainted by the curse.” Maiden’s face remained wet with tears. “We have imbued it with the last of our realm’s magic, beauty, power, and light.”

Alek looked down at the talisman. The soft pink crystal looked like an icicle wrapped in delicate silver thread. “I will keep it close.”

“Remember, the power to find the Oracle and end this curse is within you,” Mother said. “But you must do it before the final pool in the Hall of Echoes drains completely. With so much evil freed, we must not be left blind to the happenings in the Mortal Realm.”

“I am ready,” he assured her. “I will find her and put an end to this.”

Crone covered the talisman with her hand, followed by Mother’s, then Maiden’s. Together, Mother, Maiden, and Crone spoke. “We shall see you soon, my son.”


Eva’s screams were outmatched by the beating of her heart. It ferociously pounded against her ribcage and filled her ears with rhythmic pulsing.

“What do you want? You can have my keys, my wallet.” She tossed her keys, and they landed next to her clutch in the passenger seat. “I don’t have much money. Take it. I won’t tell anyone.” Her voice shook and cracked as she choked back tears.

“I don’t want your money or your car.” He surprised her with his calm and friendly tone. “I just want to spend some time with you, Eva. You know, talk. Get to know you a little bit better.” He slid his hand along the driver’s side door until his fingers found the lock. It clicked into place, and Eva flinched with the sound. “I hear there might be a boy or two at this party that you’re interested in. But I can see why you don’t want to invest too much time in any of them. It’s just like the men of your generation to let you walk to your car alone at night.”

Her breathing became more erratic as she spoke. “H…How do you know my name?”

His pants scraped against the backseat as he brought himself closer to her. “I know your family very well. Intimately, actually.” The interior of her car shrunk with every word he uttered. “You know, a relationship doesn’t need to lead to marriage for it to be successful. I’ve had a lot of very successful relationships. I could give you some advice if you’re interested.”

His voice sounded familiar, but her thoughts raced and she couldn’t place it. Instead, she focused on the image in the rearview mirror. He lunged forward. Eva’s entire body clenched, and she squeezed her eyes shut. “No, then, on the advice? Well, maybe later, after you’ve gotten a bit more comfortable.” His fingers gently combed the ends of her tangled hair. “This a new color?”

Eva sobbed and shook her head side to side. “Please, don’t. I’ll do whatever you want.”

“It’s okay.” His rough finger wiped at the tears streaming down her cheek. “I like it, don’t worry. It looks very natural.”

“Please don’t hurt me. Please don’t hurt me.”

Kristin Cast's books