Amber Smoke

“That totally makes sense.” She tried not to sound too impressed by his small act of responsibility.

“Are you staying with Bridget?”

“I hadn’t planned on it,” Eva said, waiting anxiously for his next question. Is he going to ask me to stay with him?

Instead, Spencer looked around the lobby, as if sizing it up. “Yeah, I think your friend Bridget has one too. She was talking to the check-in lady when I was getting my key.”

“She didn’t say anything about it, but we didn’t really get a chance to talk before—”

“Before I stole you away.” Spencer flashed a perfect grin. “I meant it when I said that we should go out sometime. But I have to go up to the room first to grab my phone. Want to come up with me? It’ll just take a second.” He walked to the elevator and Eva followed, hesitantly.

She twirled the loose thread and weighed her options. Either go back downstairs and get groped by guys I don’t even know, or go upstairs and possibly get groped by Spencer. A smile crept across her face. “Yeah, I’ll go up with you.”

“I won’t keep you away from the party for too long.” He leaned over and pushed the up arrow.

“That’s okay. I’d rather be with you.”

He slid his well-toned arm behind her and pulled her close. “I feel the same way.”

She held her breath and waited for his lips to press against hers.

Ding! The elevator blared, interrupting the moment.

Spencer stepped back and gestured toward the open doors. “After you.”

Eva leaned into him and tried not to stare at his sizeable shoes during the short ride up to the fourth floor. As they approached the door to his hotel room, Spencer pulled the key card from his back pocket. Lint speckled the shiny cream card, and he wiped in on his shirt before sliding it into the lock.

“We should have done this sooner.” The door clicked open and he motioned for her to follow him inside. “You and me together just makes sense.”

“You’re right.” Eva laughed softly. “This is totally embarrassing, but I’ve wanted to talk to you, like really talk to you, for over a year.”

“Well, we’re here now.” He gently took her hand and spun her around like a ballerina before pulling her closer. “What do you want to talk about?”

A girlish smile covered her lips and butterflies sprang to life in her stomach.

Spencer gripped her arms in his strong hands. “I can think of a few things. Like how beautiful you looked every day in class.” He lifted her chin and brought their lips together. The rich, pine scent of his body filled the air, and she inhaled deeply. “Or how sexy you look in that dress.”

She relaxed into his kiss, allowing his tongue to explore hers.

“You look so perfect every time I see you.” He pressed his open palm against her back and lifted her off the ground. She wrapped her legs around his thick torso, and felt him step forward until the door was firmly behind her. Body heat radiated through her hands as her fingers outlined the taut muscles of his back. The weight of his body pinned her to the door, and she struggled against him to catch her breath.

“Spencer, I—”

“Shhh. You don’t have to talk. I know what you want.” His hand slithered up her thigh, forcing her dress up over her hips.

She pushed against his chest. “It’s not that.”

He pulled back and shot her a confused look that quickly turned irritated. “What’s the problem?”

“Just slow down. Okay?”

He nodded his head. “Yeah, we have all night.” He pressed his mouth against hers, and Eva once again relaxed. His hands moved around her breasts, then lowered and lifted her dress again. Eva broke the kiss and pushed him away.

“I want to go back to the party.”

“It’s a little too late for that.” His fingers dug deeper into her as he groped around for her panties.

Fear fluttered in her chest. “Stop! You’re hurting me!”

She kicked at the empty air behind him and pushed against his chest with all of her strength.

“Quit being such a fucking tease,” he grunted.

She slid her hands to his face and clawed at the stubble on his cheeks. Skin bunched under her fingernails and he shoved her arms away.

“Ouch! Goddammit! You bitch!” He stepped back, covering his face with his hands. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

Eva grabbed her clutch from where it rested on the floor and burst from the room out into the carpeted hallway.

Before she got any farther, Spencer grabbed her arm and tugged her backward. “Babe, really? C’mon. I didn’t mean to call you a bitch.”

“Let go of me!” She flicked his hand from her wrist and hurried to the elevators.

“Eva, you’re embarrassing yourself. What’s your deal?” Spencer followed her, his tone growing more hostile.

“I don’t have a deal. I just said no. Repeatedly.” She smashed the down arrow and waited impatiently for the elevator to rescue her.

Kristin Cast's books