A Grave Inheritance

Pulling back, the two men disappeared, and again I waited, this time skimming along the surface. It wasn’t long before another image appeared, blurry like the first. My pulse jumped in anticipation as the lines began to darken and take on form.


A woman came into view, her back to me as she stood in front of what looked to be an altar. Stone walls curved to a low ceiling above her and soft lantern light warmed the otherwise cold grayness in the small room. At the first heartbeat, familiarity resonated in the image, from the dark curls that spilled down her back to the simple white sheath that stopped at mid-calf. Or perhaps it was the way she trembled with rage, her hands fisted at either side.


The second heartbeat brought full understanding.


We are at All Hallows. I’ve returned from the Otherworld, and Henry has just rebuffed my attentions.


Through his memory, I caught sight of a pile of clothing on the floor. Then in one swift motion, my other self yanked the sheath over her head and threw it into the basket. Gracious me! There I stood in nothing more than my skin. A blush warmed my cheeks, growing hotter still as Henry traced a slow line with his eyes along my spine, pausing at the small of my back.


My next heartbeat was skipped altogether and the breath hitched in my throat. That is quite far enough.


When his gaze slid farther, I moved so abruptly, the link snapped between us. Pushing up from his lap, I found him watching me with heavily hooded eyes.


“See something of interest?” he asked, clearly amused.


A heated retort prickled my tongue. Grudgingly, I forced it aside, choosing to forgo the reprimand rather than admit to my own illicit behavior. “I...I don’t know what you mean.”


“Save the playacting, Selah. I knew you were in there from the start.”


Indecision tugged between my temples. I could either continue with the ruse, or let him know exactly what I had seen. And then be free to give him the piece of my mind he deserved. The second option won the moment he raised a brow.


Lifting my chin, I returned the challenge. “You watched me undress that night in the crypt.” Somehow my blush managed to deepen.


He gave another contented sigh. “Ahh, yes, a prized memory. You have my eternal gratitude, madam.”


My eyes widened with indignation. “You make it sound as though I did it on purpose.”


His expression turned mischievous. “Didn’t you?”


“Not hardly,” I huffed. “Clearly our argument caused a momentary lapse of judgment. Under the circumstances, a gentleman would have turned away.”


He laughed outright. “And a lady would have given notice before stripping to her skin. Not that I’m complaining. Since then I’ve spent many quiet moments contemplating the perfection of your backside.”


I gave him a stern look that grew somewhat less dignified with a partially stifled giggle. “You’re incorrigible.”


Based on his expression, he completely agreed.


“And a libertine,” I added for good measure.


This earned another snort of laughter. “It’s no more than you deserve for trespassing where you’ve no right.” He folded his arms behind his head. “I forgive you though, but only because you’re even more beautiful when you blush.”


Right as he may be about my trespassing, the man was having too much fun at my expense.


“Is that so?” The neckline of my nightgown slipped over one shoulder as I rose to my knees.


His gaze fastened on the bare skin. “Like an angel,” he said in a voice noticeably deeper.


I arched my back in a stretch, drawing a shower of dark curls over the other shoulder. “Tell me, my lord, do you think angels blush...everywhere?”


His gaze turned to fire as a slow, shuddering breath shook his broad chest. “Most assuredly,” he said after a moment. His smile returned as he closed his eyes, though somewhat tighter than before. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve pleasant thoughts to attend to.”


“Don’t let me stop you.” My own smile turned downright impish. Slowly reaching to his side, I snatched a pillow and gave him a resounding bat to the head. In the midst of a triumphant smirk, two hands gripped my waist. With a squeal of surprise, I found myself pressed against him, his arms like a vise around me.


“Perhaps a fallen angel,” he said, brushing a kiss on my lips.


With only his linen shirt and my nightgown between us, the fire jumped to life inside me. Frowning, I turned my face away before he could kiss me again.


“What is it,” he asked, concerned. “Did I hurt you?”


“No, of course not.” I kept my eyes diverted. “It’s nothing to worry about.”


His grip softened and he ran a gentle hand along my back. “I’ve upset you. Please tell me what’s wrong.”


“It’s not you, Henry. Well, at least not directly. I just...” the words trailed off, and a good half minute passed before I found the courage to resume. “I was just wondering if you ever felt the same thing with Justine as you do with me?” There it was, my insecurity laid bare before him.


He continued to stroke my back. “You mean because she is also goddess born?”


Kari Edgren's books