When the Heart Falls

We also have plans for a historical fantasy romance, an urban fantasy series and eventually an epic fantasy.

16) Are there any genres you haven’t touched yet, but are dying to delve into?

We both started out writing in epic fantasy, but ended up publishing in romance and some urban fantasy/paranormal, so we're looking forward to going back to epic fantasy and writing those stories. We also want to explore mystery and possible psychological thrillers.

At the heart of our goals is to be innovative in our storytelling, to constantly improve our craft, and to tell epic stories that touch the hearts of billions. We don't think in terms of genre as much as the story and the characters, and we have many, many characters in us begging for their voices to be heard.


A huge thank you to Tracy Riva and Josette Schaber for all of your editorial help. You ladies are an instrumental part of our team.

And to our beta readers, (Patricia, Sharon, Helena, Amanda, Marianne, Dalene & Erin), who dropped everything at the last minute to read and give feedback on the original version of When the Heart Falls. Thanks to you, this book is stronger. We hope you enjoy the changes and extra content.

To all of our fans, particularly our street team, who support us and share our work. You've helped us earn a living doing what we love, and we're forever grateful!

Finally, to our children, who will not read this book until they are older, but who give up time with their Mom and Dad so we can write.

~Kimberly & Dmytry



Karpov Kinrade is the pen name for the husband and wife writing duo of bestselling, award-winning authors Kimberly Kinrade and Dmytry Karpov.

Together, they write fantasy, paranormal, mystery, contemporary and romance novels and hook readers into new and exciting worlds with writing that blends side-splitting humor, heart-wrenching drama, spine-tingling twists and sigh-inducing happily ever afters.

Look for more from Karpov Kinrade in the Deveaux series, Seduced Saga, the Forbidden Trilogy and more coming soon.

They live with three little girls who think they're ninja princesses with super powers and who are also showing a propensity for telling tall tales and using the written word to weave stories of wonder and magic.

Find them at KarpovKinrade.com IMAGINATION UNBOUND

Become a member of the Street Team for Kimberly and Dmytry: https://www.facebook.com/groups/455495037808558/

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Website: http://KarpovKinrade.com

Twitter: http://Twitter.com/KarpovKinrade

Facebook: http://Facebook.com/KarpovKinrade

If you like romance, try Karpov Kinrade's paranormal romance, Seduced by Innocence, for FREE wherever ebooks are sold.

Forbidden Passions.

Deadly secrets.

A love that will stand against it all.

Get it now!

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The Seduced Saga (New Adult Paranormal Romance)

Seduced: Rose's Story (Books 1-3) Seduced by Innocence (Book 1, Rose's Story) Seduced by Pain (Book 2, Rose's Story) Seduced by Power (Book 3, Rose's Story) Seduced by Lies (A serial novel) Volume 1 – Elysium

Volume 2 – The Emzara

The Forbidden Trilogy (Young Adult Paranormal/Sci-Fi)

Forbidden Mind (Book 1) Forbidden Fire (Book 2) Forbidden Life (Book 3) The Forbidden Trilogy (Books 1-3 with special content)

The Deveaux Series (Women's Fiction/Lit Fic/Contemporary Romance)

When the Heart Falls (Winter & Cade's Story) When the Heart Loves (Winter & Cade Sequel)

The Three Lost Kids (Children's Fantasy Lower Grade Chapter Books)

Lexie World

Bella World

Maddie World

The Death of the Sugar Fairy

The Christmas Curse

Cupid's Capture

You have reached the end of the HOT edition and can stop reading. (Unless you just loved the book so much, you want to re-read it, but without the sex.)

The next part of the book is the same story without explicit love scenes.




Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le c?ur.

L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.

— Antoine de Saint Exupéry, Le Petit Prince Here is my secret. It is very simple:

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.



LESLIE STICKS HER head out of the pickup truck, and her long hair catches the wind, flying out behind her like a blond wave. "Yeehaw!”