When the Heart Falls

I almost argue, preferring to be with her, but it does sound like fun. We enter through a tall column of bushes that are sculpted into the facade of a building, and we each choose a different path to begin the maze. It's a labyrinth with secret compartments and dead ends. These gardens made by architects intrigue me. I've never considered using my talents with nature but love how nature and man come together here. It must take a lot of work to keep the gardens maintained. I can't imagine what it looked like when it was neglected for nearly 30 years.

Winter giggles somewhere, and I re-focus to find my own way out, anxious to be with her again. After many dead ends, I turn a corner and run right into her. We've reached the middle together.

I pull her into my arms and taste her mouth, cupping her head with one hand as the other slides up and down her back. She moans and relaxes into me, our bodies melding together. I slide my hand up her shirt, trailing my fingers over her belly, grazing her nipples through her silk bra. "You think anyone will find us?"

She pushes away. "I found you, didn't I?"

"I let you."

"Liar." She unbuttons two pearl buttons on her blouse, exposing the white lace of her bra and soft curve of pale flesh beneath. "How about this. You can have me, if you catch me." She dashes behind a wall of leaves.

I rush after her and turn a corner, but she’s disappeared.

Stomping with exaggerated motions, I look down every turn. "Fee-fi-fo-fum. I smell the blood of—"

"Stop,” she says from somewhere to the left. “It's embarrassing."

I follow her voice. "Dag nab it. I had a good twist to the story."

Her giggle travels through the maze. "The part where you eat me?"

"Yep. And there's a part in there about bread." Another turn, another dead end.


"Bread rhymes with head," Cade says.

"You're disgusting."

"And you love it." Two more turns, this path looking more promising.

"I'm just using you for your body."

"Not right now you aren’t." I’m closer to her voice. She must be around the corner. "I found—" I round the corner, and come to a halt.

She’s discovered one of the secret chambers within the maze and is sitting in the grass, turned away from me, blouse beside her.

Like a dryad from a story.

Her long black hair trails down her back. The curve of her creamy shoulders enticing.

The vision is so unexpected, so beautiful and erotic.

She turns her head to peer over her shoulder at me. “You were saying?”

I take a step closer. “I was saying something?”

Her eyes twinkle with mischief as she bites her lower lip. “I did promise a prize if you found me.”

I walk around her, admiring every angle. “You don’t know what you do to me, Winter.”

“I know what I want you to do to me.” She reaches her hand out, and I kneel in front of her as she rises to her knees.

We face each other, passion ablaze between us. “What do you want me to do to you?” I ask. I can think of so many things I’d like to do.

Her fingers grip my collar as she pulls me closer. “First, kiss me, cowboy.”

My lips hover a breath from hers. “As the lady wishes.” I’m gentle with her at first, my mouth landing on hers lightly, a whisper of a kiss as my knuckles graze her back and shoulders.

Her hands, now flat on my chest, push against me, nails digging into my skin as she deepens the kiss, her breathing coming faster.

My hand tangles in her hair, gripping the back of her head as my other hand strokes her back, moving under her bra strap. “Winter, you’re killing me here. I want you so bad.”

She lets go of me, reaches back and flicks off her bra as only a girl can do. Pulling away from me, she drops the white lace to the side, her breasts free, nipples hard and pink, like roses in full bloom. I drop my mouth to her neck, kissing and licking my way down until I have one nipple in my mouth.

Reaching under her skirt, I use my other hand to rub between her legs, over the thin material that grows damp with her arousal.

With hands buried in my hair, she moans. “More. Please. More.”

My fingers slip under her panties, spreading her as I slip one in and rub at her swollen nub.

“Oh, Cade. My giant. Oh my God, that feels amazing.”

Her hips buck at my fingers, and I push her onto her back, spreading her legs as I hike her skirt to her waist. “I’m a hungry giant. I want to taste you.”

Pulling her panties to the side, I savor her sweetness as my tongue licks her swollen lips, moving up until she shivers as I stroke the most sensitive spot on her body.

Her hips move against me, her fingers digging into my hair as she pushes my face into her. “Your tongue feels so good.”

Her body jerks as I nip and suck and lick. “You like that?”

“Mmmhmmm. But, what if someone sees?”

“Let them.” I slide a finger into her as I continue to stroke her with my tongue. When she tightens, close to letting go, I slide in another.

She screams out, thrusting her hips to force me deeper. I use my other hand, pushing a finger into her mouth. “Shh… not so loud.”

She bites down on it as tension flows out of her body. I run my hands down her legs, massaging her.

Groaning, she sits up. “I want you.”

“I want you too, darling, but I hear other people coming through the maze.”

Blushing, she grabs her blouse and adjusts her skirt, giggling. “I can’t believe we just did that!”

I kiss her, lingering on her mouth. “And we'll do it again later.”